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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I do not know what they think and with which infromation they calculate but for sure you do not wage war with 200k troops with limited air support against now fully mobilised country and suported both materialy and with OSINT by NATO.

As long as Ukraine does not invade Russia proper I doubt Russians cares what happens in Ukraine as long as there is a civil war to prevent Ukraine joining NATO.
I do not know what they think and with which infromation they calculate but for sure you do not wage war with 200k troops with limited air support against now fully mobilised country and suported both materialy and with OSINT by NATO.
Again, he can't mobilise for a war that is not actually fought in Russian soil. That's the limit Putin has.

He can't pull a lot of troops, Putin still need to put troop to defend his own country. I am actually surprise that he can scrub up 200k troop to pull this off to begin with.

And yes, starting this war, regardless of how much troop he had, is a mistake.

As long as Ukraine does not invade Russia proper I doubt Russians cares what happens in Ukraine as long as there is a civil war to prevent Ukraine joining NATO.

Russia is set to pounce Ukraine into oblivion. For the time being it is a cat and mouse game. This war will last for years and Russia has the longest breath. US/NATO won't be able to provide weapons and support to Ukraine for an eternity. Economic situation in Europe is bad and set to get worse. Already inflation is record high and energy prices are only going up. The appetite of Westerners to continue the war is bound to fade. Russia has the upperhand.

@HorusRa You feeling the pinch? LOL
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Russia is set to pounce Ukraine into oblivion. For the time being it is a cat and mouse game. This war will last for years and Russia has the longest breath. US/NATO won't be able to provide weapons and support to Ukraine for an eternity. Economic situation in Europe is bad and set to get worse. Already inflation is record high and energy prices are only going up. The appetite of Westerners to continue the war is bound to fade. Russia has the upperhand.

"Will last for years". Russian lines are already crumbling,give it a few months,the mighty Russian army no longer looks as so mighty after nearly 7 months of conflict. And don't tell me they'll mobilize,no one will accept to go to die for Putler in Ukraine,majority of Russians aren't like previous generations where they would act as cannon fodder and could live with a single meal of borsch per day.

On the other hand you have Ukrainians fighting for their existance as a people and a nation,they would rather die than live under Putler's imagination of a "Russian world".

As for Europe do not worry,it will be short time pain for long time benefits cutting our dependence to Russia.
"Will last for years". Russian lines are already crumbling,give it a few months,the mighty Russian army no longer looks as so mighty after nearly 7 months of conflict. And don't tell me they'll mobilize,no one will accept to go to die for Putler in Ukraine,majority of Russians aren't like previous generations where they would act as cannon fodder and could live with a single meal of borsch per day.

On the other hand you have Ukrainians fighting for their existance as a people and a nation,they would rather die than live under Putler's imagination of a "Russian world".

As for Europe do not worry,it will be short time pain for long time benefits cutting our dependence to Russia.

Russia has already annexed geostrategic Ukrainian land. Try denying that. The Russians don't care about anything as long as the Ukrainians keep perishing for a European and American cause. In the end Ukrainians are moving out of their country and migrating to European nations. Europeans are also fed up of housing so many war refugees. European economy is already suffering and the common man can't take it anymore. This is only the beginning. Europeans and Americans promised to destroy Russian economy. Has this promise been fulfilled? How much is a European paying for his energy bills? The ordinary Europeans don't give a hoot about Russia Ukraine war. The ordinary Europeans are concerned about their living standard nosediving.
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A "german" who is a wannabe yank, denies obvious historical and political facts. What a surprise. And no, i will not play your teacher here.

Yeah, because the hostile politics against Russia started only after the 24.2.22 and not many years before. In some parallel universe called angloid propaganda.
Ok, you loose the argument in that case have a nice day.
Btw the Russian economy is done for, it won’t recover for decades
EU AKA Germany has said categorically they cannot dip further into their army's stocks to supply Ukraine, so NO, that's a lie that EU and US have "so much equipment left", because we know Ukraine has large but poor and unable military, so EU and US HAD TO BUY everyting for Ukraine, TO FIGHT RUSSIA, a powerful world military.

EU and US are also fatigued from helping Ukraine, and the moment they stop supporting Ukraine, Ukraine will start losing alot quicker on the battlefield, simple.

Ukraine is NATO's Afghanistan war Part II, just Euro twist this time.
Nothing left? Lol
You saw how much was left behind in Afghanistan right?
You don’t leave it behind if you don’t have any more.

Says an American. You couldn't even win in Afghanistan and your generals are weeping till this very day.
Way to change the topic, Russia is done.
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Nothing left? Lol
You saw how much was left behind in Afghanistan right?
You don’t leave it behind if you don’t have any more.

Way to change the topic, Russia is done.
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You lost in Afghanistan. You are losing against Russia. The Russians have already taken control of most important Ukrainian land. I don't know what victory you talk about.
Russia is set to pounce Ukraine into oblivion. For the time being it is a cat and mouse game. This war will last for years and Russia has the longest breath. US/NATO won't be able to provide weapons and support to Ukraine for an eternity. Economic situation in Europe is bad and set to get worse. Already inflation is record high and energy prices are only going up. The appetite of Westerners to continue the war is bound to fade. Russia has the upperhand.

@HorusRa You feeling the pinch? LOL
Have you seen Russians economy?
You talk of western inflation but have you looked at what the war has done to their ability to even run their country?

You lost in Afghanistan. You are losing against Russia. The Russians have already taken control of most important Ukrainian land. I don't know what victory you talk about.
Haha not fighting the Russians or are you a mental midget?
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Have you seen Russians economy?
You talk of western inflation but have you looked at what the war has done to their ability to even run their country?

Haha not fighting the Russians or are you a mental midget?
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Have you seen Western economies? You talk about Russia, but ordinary Europeans cannot pay their energy bills and are cussing their leaders for fuelling Ukraine war. Europeans don't want a war with Russia. Only NATO and America does.

You are a pathetic American mouthpiece. Loser.
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