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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Have you seen Western economies? You talk about Russia, but ordinary Europeans cannot pay their energy bills and are cussing their leaders for fuelling Ukraine war.

You are a pathetic American mouthpiece. Loser.
And how are the Russians living?
Here’s a hint watch something called joe blogs pretty impartial analysis daily.
Or don’t you’ve already proven to be a moron.
Once again get sad
And how are the Russians living?
Here’s a hint watch something called joe blogs pretty impartial analysis daily.
Or don’t you’ve already proven to be a moron.
Once again get sad

Spoken like a true American. Deceitful, hateful and above all arrogant.

Monday it is China hate day.
Tuesday it is Russia hate day.
Wednesday it is Moslem hate day.
Thursday it is Mexican hate day.
Friday it is Iran hate day.
Saturday it is Pakistan hate day.
Sunday it is gun day.
Spoken like a true American. Deceitful, hateful and above all arrogant.

Monday it is China hate day.
Tuesday it is Russia hate day.
Wednesday it is Moslem hate day.
Thursday it is Mexican hate day.
Friday it is Iran hate day.
Saturday it is Pakistan hate day.
Sunday it is gun day.
Ha change the topic once more I see, trying to attack me for telling you the truth.
It’s just sad or as I like to say get sad

Spoken like a true American. Deceitful, hateful and above all arrogant.

Monday it is China hate day.
Tuesday it is Russia hate day.
Wednesday it is Moslem hate day.
Thursday it is Mexican hate day.
Friday it is Iran hate day.
Saturday it is Pakistan hate day.
Sunday it is gun day.
And I see you didn’t read anything I wrote, once again how are the Russians living?
Lol... Butthurt. You are the one spamming the thread... I just stated a fact. I must have hit a nerve?
Spamming? The only spamming is the minute by minute bs of Russia has taken Ukraine, Russia is selling all their oil to China
Get sad

Lol... Butthurt. You are the one spamming the thread... I just stated a fact. I must have hit a nerve?
Oh and the US didn’t loose the WAR in Afghanistan.
Take your time and read the word in caps then please try to comprehend
Spamming? The only spamming is the minute by minute bs of Russia has taken Ukraine, Russia is selling all their oil to China
Get sad

Oh and the US didn’t loose the WAR in Afghanistan.
Take your time and read the word in caps then please try to comprehend
Keep them tears coming boy. 20 years to replace the Taliban with the.... Taliban...


:omghaha: :omghaha: :omghaha:
I wouldnt pay too much attention to this guy. He has mostly been parotting russian propaganda. Now he is calling the offensive a NATO operation and talking about imaginary russian counter offensives from various directions involving 1.000 russian tanks. He doesnt know anything.
Land has value. Ukraine used to be part of Russia for thousands of years. Many Russians do not see it as non Russian land even though Ukraine declared independence from Russia in 1991.
Thousand year history is not a justification. Under that pretext the Turks have authority from Iraq to Bulgaria because they ruled that for 100s of years. The world evolves. Or we would all be living under the Roman Empire (which by now would have included China too)
Kid, i don't have arguments with real and intellectual infants per se.

And as a german you should worry for the german economy. I do, as a "Russlanddeutscher", living here in germany.

But you?
1 I’m not a kid.
2 Germany has been a sleep at the wheel for decades so no I could care less.
3. You just like to jump from subject to subject when you loose the debate.
4. I’ll buy you a coupe cage if that will help, the sanctions are having little effect on me
Russia is set to pounce Ukraine into oblivion. For the time being it is a cat and mouse game. This war will last for years and Russia has the longest breath. US/NATO won't be able to provide weapons and support to Ukraine for an eternity. Economic situation in Europe is bad and set to get worse. Already inflation is record high and energy prices are only going up. The appetite of Westerners to continue the war is bound to fade. Russia has the upperhand.

@HorusRa You feeling the pinch? LOL
I don't know where you are getting information on situation on Europe is bad: Germany started producing 50% power back from coal to where its to 30% production. Its amped up nuclear by 25%

This summer airports in Europe had to tell airlines to cut flights because too many europeans were going on vacation. I don't think economies where situation is 'bad' as you to say, have their population mobilized to go on vacation.

Russia's upper hand was to play the phantom superpower that would never expose its weakness pre-war and should have projected an image of strength vs. act on something that woudl expose and humliate it.

The situation in Europe is not good, but its not bad. Russian middle class (about 400,000) has left. Nobody has left Europe
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