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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

This "3rd army corps" is actually composed of poorly trained and mostly unfit volunteers,what could possibly go wrong ?

what air defence doin?

Russian reconnaissance group was sent the way back.

yes volunteers with some from old men, drug addicts, criminals but they are still very dangerous with Russian tanks. hey…Putin needs them. motivation is money not Nazi hunting.
$5,000 per month is not too bad.
Or $166 per day, that’s more than Russia monthly minimum wage
That means every day they survive in Ukraine matters.
UK MOD, lol. Why not the Ukr. MOD directly? Oh wait, it's basically the same without much connection to the reality. Are you really that stupid to give such an answer?

Keep parroting your own propaganda. You obviously need it, because you think wars are won in the propaganda.

But don't forget to larp the "military man".
I don't think I will reply to you anymore.

Right now, you are just ranting, if Russia is doing what you think they are doing, you wouldn't be ranting here, there isn't really a point of discussion here, I will do both of us a favor and save some bandwidth on this forum.

I mean, I could have gone into a name calling match with you, but then why bother??

Also, come back to me when this exact forum appreciates your input and give you some title before you challenge mine, it's made you look foolish, not smart.
Source (War in Ukraine)

Dont mind the date. Its from sept. 3.

Center from the bridgehead. Attack is stalled, mainly because of russian air attacks. Ukraine is widening the bridgehead.

North: special forces brigade encircled and the ukrainians found a weak point in the eastern part of the northern front.
Looks like that, otherwise Russia would have taken most of the East/south and moving towards Odessa, this would have landlocked Ukraine.

They squandered that chance at the beginning of the war. Now it would be considered lucky if Russia did not lose Kerson in the next months. I don't like the timing the Ukrainian launch this offensive, I don't think they have enough force to do what they want to do (Which is take both Kherson and Nova Karkova) but I do understand why they start now, I will say there are 40% change Russia can hold on to Kherson after this.

They should have forgot about the Kyiv and Northern Front and start a war solely on Eastern and Southern Flank of Ukraine. They got beaten back by Ukraine before May and the entire Northern Front collapsed, had they use those troop in the first hour and attack Odessa either thru Mykolaiv or thru a seaborne invasion, that might have been a different story. Now with Moskva sunk and 2 transports ship to go down with the flag ship, they don't have enough ship to launch a seaborne invasion, many people didn't realise Russia cannot replenish Black Sea fleet because to do that Russian military have to transverse thru Bosporus strait, which was blocked by Turkey at the start of this war as per international treaty, and with both Snake Island and Mykolaiv still in Ukrainian hand, there are virtually no chance Russia can take Odessa and landlock Ukraine.
Right now, you are just ranting, if Russia is doing what you think they are doing, you wouldn't be ranting here, there isn't really a point of discussion here, I will do both of us a favor and save some bandwidth on this forum.

I mean, I could have gone into a name calling match with you, but then why bother??

Also, come back to me when this exact forum appreciates your input and give you some title before you challenge mine, it's made you look foolish, not smart.
I asked YOU about the Kherson offensive and YOUR opinion, but you simply copypasted the uk/ukr propaganda like a bot. Why? Because you have no own opinion, like a NPC. So are you really thinking, your replies have any worth for this forum or especially for me? This hubris is so laughable, plus your constant larping the military man, an expert and what not. And no, i do not need any "title".

In the meantime more ukr soldiers will die, because your super nato planners with no understanding of land warfare will f*ck up another offensive. But who gives a crap, they are just cannon fodder for you. Like Lindsey Graham said: We will fight to the last Ukrainian, as long as we send weapons.

I don't think I will reply to you anymore.

What a loss.
I asked YOU about the Kherson offensive and YOUR opinion, but you simply copypasted the uk/ukr propaganda like a bot. Why? Because you have no own opinion, like a NPC. So are you really thinking, your replies have any worth for this forum or especially for me? This hubris is so laughable, plus your constant larping the military man, an expert and what not. And no, i do not need any "title".

In the meantime more ukr soldiers will die, because your super nato planners with no understanding of land warfare will f*ck up another offensive. But who gives a crap, they are just cannon fodder for you. Like Lindsey Graham said: We will fight to the last Ukrainian, as long as we send weapons.

What a loss.
Dude, watch the Post IMMEDIATE before your post if you want to know what I think about the Ukrainian counter offensive......

I am done. Good night.

They squandered that chance at the beginning of the war. Now it would be considered lucky if Russia did not lose Kerson in the next months. I don't like the timing the Ukrainian launch this offensive, I don't think they have enough force to do what they want to do (Which is take both Kherson and Nova Karkova) but I do understand why they start now, I will say there are 40% change Russia can hold on to Kherson after this.

They should have forgot about the Kyiv and Northern Front and start a war solely on Eastern and Southern Flank of Ukraine. They got beaten back by Ukraine before May and the entire Northern Front collapsed, had they use those troop in the first hour and attack Odessa either thru Mykolaiv or thru a seaborne invasion, that might have been a different story. Now with Moskva sunk and 2 transports ship to go down with the flag ship, they don't have enough ship to launch a seaborne invasion, many people didn't realise Russia cannot replenish Black Sea fleet because to do that Russian military have to transverse thru Bosporus strait, which was blocked by Turkey at the start of this war as per international treaty, and with both Snake Island and Mykolaiv still in Ukrainian hand, there are virtually no chance Russia can take Odessa and landlock Ukraine.

Another one in this very thread 2 days ago.

From the look of it, Ukraine does not want to flatten Kherson, which is what the Russian did to almost every city they captured.

From the limited information I got, the planning for Ukrainian Armed Forces seems like try to encircle Kherson from 3 routes, T1501 from the West, M14 from the North and E58 from the East. The force converge in Kherson.

Russian 3rd Army already being pin as all of the bridge behind them are destroyed or damaged. Which mean if Ukraine want, they can just keep firing HIMARS into Kherson and take out as many Russian position they want, but judging from the language both Zelenskyy uses and High Command of AFU, it seems like Ukraine wanted to encircle the Russian force and make them retreat. There is pretty much no way for the Russian to hold indefinitely, to do that, they will need to have at least 1 of the bridge functioning. And once the 3 pronged met and converge in Kherson, that's pretty much game over for the Russian.

The problem is, to pull that off, Ukraine would need at least 2 times the Russian force, Russia has around 20k troop in the area, Ukraine is very tight lip about their formation, but general estimate usually put Ukrainian force at 5 to 6 Brigade, which is roughly 30,000 men. That is not enough to take on the defender. Unless Russia willingly retreats, this counter offensive is going to take a long time to complete. But all in all, unless Russia somehow manages to fix one of the bridges, I don't see how Russia can hold on indefinitely, they may be able to hold until winter came, but once fighting season start again next year, it will still be the same, their position is going to get pounded by HIMARS. And they would have problem bringing in reinforcement.

And this is from another thread talking about Kherson Offensive. I can excuse you for not finding it, but it would be easy AF to look it up on my profile and posting history.

First of all, if anyone tell you they have eliminate 200 tanks and 3000 soldier in 4 days, you probably need to treat this news with a serious grain of salt. This is NOT world war 2. If Ukraine did lose 200 tanks and 3000 soldiers in just 4 days, Russian should have, and would have counter attacked and taken more Ukrainian land considering the entire offensive probably would not have 500 tanks and 20,000 soldier with 5 to 6 Brigade, Russia should be at Mykolaiv by now if the Ukrainian had taken those loss.

Second of all, it does not really take a military genius to see Ukraine is playing the long game, and from a Trained Military Officer perspective, the way Ukrainian attack along the line of Russian Ground Line of Communication (The Bridges, The Ammo dumps and HQ/Communication), it shows Ukraine DO NOT want a frontal attack on Kherson, instead the Ukrainian wanted to cut off Russian line of retreat and threaten Russian rear, not saying the Ukrainian will be able to do that or not, that's depends on whether or not the Ukrainian can take E58 and cut off Russian Position in Kherson from Crimea, if they can do that, then it's game over or Russia, but that did show Ukraine is not going to have a fixed assault on a static front, which mean the 200 tanks and 3000 soldiers loss highly likely a myth.

Thirdly, Russian media themselves had admitted that they had lose several positions, albeit they said they loss those position in exchange with the aforementioned Ukrainian Casualty. Amongst those Russian admitted losing are 2 very important cities are Tomyna Balka and Velyka Kostromka, both are essential for Russia to hold Kherson. Tomyna Balka overlook T-1501 highway, it basically the entrant of Kherson City from the West, losing Tomyna Balka means they have lost the front door and the next step on Ukrainian agenda would be Bilozerka, which literally on the outskirt of Kherson City. Losing Velyka Kostromka means losing access to P47 Highway, which basically serve 2 purposes for Ukraine. 1. It gives them a clear run to Nova Karkova, where the hydroelectric dam was and where it feed Crimea fresh water. 2. It P47 continue with M14, which is the other axis of Ukrainian advance, IF the Ukrainian can come down from P47 and E58 and link up with M14, that basically serve as Blocking Position to Kherson. Which mean Russia access to the rear will be blocked off.

I mean again, if you rather watch p0rn and didn't even know I have made several comment on the current counter offensive, that's not my problem dude. I said this like 4 posts ago.
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They squandered that chance at the beginning of the war. Now it would be considered lucky if Russia did not lose Kerson in the next months. I don't like the timing the Ukrainian launch this offensive, I don't think they have enough force to do what they want to do (Which is take both Kherson and Nova Karkova) but I do understand why they start now, I will say there are 40% change Russia can hold on to Kherson after this.

They should have forgot about the Kyiv and Northern Front and start a war solely on Eastern and Southern Flank of Ukraine. They got beaten back by Ukraine before May and the entire Northern Front collapsed, had they use those troop in the first hour and attack Odessa either thru Mykolaiv or thru a seaborne invasion, that might have been a different story. Now with Moskva sunk and 2 transports ship to go down with the flag ship, they don't have enough ship to launch a seaborne invasion, many people didn't realise Russia cannot replenish Black Sea fleet because to do that Russian military have to transverse thru Bosporus strait, which was blocked by Turkey at the start of this war as per international treaty, and with both Snake Island and Mykolaiv still in Ukrainian hand, there are virtually no chance Russia can take Odessa and landlock Ukraine.

Russia is never taking Odessa. The Russian bootlickers should forget that nonsense.
They squandered that chance at the beginning of the war. Now it would be considered lucky if Russia did not lose Kerson in the next months. I don't like the timing the Ukrainian launch this offensive, I don't think they have enough force to do what they want to do (Which is take both Kherson and Nova Karkova) but I do understand why they start now, I will say there are 40% change Russia can hold on to Kherson after this.

They should have forgot about the Kyiv and Northern Front and start a war solely on Eastern and Southern Flank of Ukraine. They got beaten back by Ukraine before May and the entire Northern Front collapsed, had they use those troop in the first hour and attack Odessa either thru Mykolaiv or thru a seaborne invasion, that might have been a different story. Now with Moskva sunk and 2 transports ship to go down with the flag ship, they don't have enough ship to launch a seaborne invasion, many people didn't realise Russia cannot replenish Black Sea fleet because to do that Russian military have to transverse thru Bosporus strait, which was blocked by Turkey at the start of this war as per international treaty, and with both Snake Island and Mykolaiv still in Ukrainian hand, there are virtually no chance Russia can take Odessa and landlock Ukraine.

I agree - a bit early to launch this offensive, but i think there is some internal pressure within Ukraine to do this but i think it is more to do with external pressure - ie the need to demonstrate that Ukraine can launch and execute offensive operations to reclaim land and liberate cities. If Ukraine can reclaim Kherson then they can make the pitch for more funding/weapons to liberate other areas, If Ukraine cannot reclaim Kherson - then Ukraines partners may force Ukraine to politically accept the status quo or negiotate their land away etc. Russia understands this also, and that is why it has turned off the gas permanently, hoping the likes of France/Germany not being able to withstand their internal pressure and force them to reduce weapons supplies and financial support so that this offensive fails.

The only ones with real backbone to support Ukraine are the UK and the USA...

The dimensions of this war at a tactical military level, but also strategic level politically.

Ukraine has a lot riding on this offensive being successful and seen as being successful.
I asked YOU about the Kherson offensive and YOUR opinion, but you simply copypasted the uk/ukr propaganda like a bot. Why? Because you have no own opinion, like a NPC. So are you really thinking, your replies have any worth for this forum or especially for me? This hubris is so laughable, plus your constant larping the military man, an expert and what not. And no, i do not need any "title".

In the meantime more ukr soldiers will die, because your super nato planners with no understanding of land warfare will f*ck up another offensive. But who gives a crap, they are just cannon fodder for you. Like Lindsey Graham said: We will fight to the last Ukrainian, as long as we send weapons.

What a loss.

Give him hell bro!
Russian VDV at the forefront of Ukrainian counter offensive are paying a large price over the recent days.






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