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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

We have witnessed clearly during the Russian/Ukrainian war that although Russia does have a powerful army but they're not exactly as powerful as we thought them to be. Both Russia and Ukraine have been getting ready for war since 2014 but Russia still got themselves stuck in this war, at first they sent the army to Kiev but found it difficult to take the city, then withdrew and started to concentrate on taking territory in the south east but even that is a stalemate. We must also understand its not Russia v Ukraine but Russia v Ukraine backed and funded by Nato.
This is very difficult for Russia and it doesn't look they will overtake half of Ukraine.
Where are Russian allies? Nato is openly supporting Ukraine but Russian allies are scared to support Russia. It shows who is the ruling power of the world
You're giving the Russians too much leeway here. Lets look at a few things and dissect this issue:

1. Russians invaded Ukraine, Europe's second largest country with a population of 44 million with an Army of 200K. Russian leadership assumed that the Ukrainian leadership would fall and the country would fall like a house of cards. MISTAKE. Neither did the Russians deploy enough troops and neither had they told their troops that they will be fighting in Ukraine. Majority of the troops were told that they were going for an exercise.
2. Russian Army was slow to adapt. Ukrainians rightly so avoided fighting the Russian Army head on and instead fought them in smaller mobile battles where their smaller independent groups would attack Russian advancing columns with ATGM's and Small Fire. Russians were fighting the war like they were fighting a peer level enemy, with lots of Armor and Artillery. MISTAKE
3. Russian Air Force has been severely exposed and no where to be seen. It has been exposed as a force that has not modernized itself with Electronic Warfare, and neither has it exercised to fight as a cohesive force with the Army. MISTAKE
4. Russian Logistics have been severely exposed. When corruption runs deep in the country, its bound to infest the Armed Forces as well. Russian Logistics were not prepared, the tires used on their heavy vehicles were cheap Chinese ones. This a lesson for us Pakistanis, when corruption runs deep inside the country, its bound to manifest itself on the Armed Forces. MISTAKE
5. Ukraine didn't fully start receiving Western Weapons atleast 3 months into the war. The Russians have every weapon in the book to overwhelm the Ukrainians, but its their incompetence that's not allowing them to fully utilize their overwhelming firepower.
6. Russians still haven't learnt. While the Ukrainians delegated the decision making to its lower officers, the Russians still hold a rigid command where everything has to go through their commander meaning their lower level officers cannot make on the spot decisions. This is why so many Russian Generals have been lost because they are going to the front lines.

I could keep going on and on about the Russian failures, but the fact of the matter is Russian incompetence is here for everyone to see. This is what happens when an institution is corrupted from within, this is a lesson we Pakistanis should learn.

He posted the ypr captured 3 times as well and kees repeating his “forever war” “russia 4 time population” nonsense as well.

Is his job to crash this thread like the last?

Russia 147 million people. Ukraine 36 million people not counting Crimea and rebel parts of Ukraine. Fact.

This war lasts hundreds if not thousands of years. While not technically not forever, it is forever for all intents and purposes. Again. Fact.
Russia is never taking Odessa. The Russian bootlickers should forget that nonsense.
Well, chances were always there, the question is how high or low, and with the Black Sea Fleet depleted, the chances Russia can take Odessa now is probably snowball in hell.
I agree - a bit early to launch this offensive, but i think there is some internal pressure within Ukraine to do this but i think it is more to do with external pressure - ie the need to demonstrate that Ukraine can launch and execute offensive operations to reclaim land and liberate cities. If Ukraine can reclaim Kherson then they can make the pitch for more funding/weapons to liberate other areas, If Ukraine cannot reclaim Kherson - then Ukraines partners may force Ukraine to politically accept the status quo or negiotate their land away etc. Russia understands this also, and that is why it has turned off the gas permanently, hoping the likes of France/Germany not being able to withstand their internal pressure and force them to reduce weapons supplies and financial support so that this offensive fails.

The only ones with real backbone to support Ukraine are the UK and the USA...

The dimensions of this war at a tactical military level, but also strategic level politically.

Ukraine has a lot riding on this offensive being successful and seen as being successful.
The problem for Ukraine is that if they don't launch it now, it would be too late to do anything during winter. And after the first winter, NATO may not be as willing to supply Ukraine with state-of-the-art weaponry come next year, they would have to do something now, because offensive takes time.

In a conventional term, an attacking force have to be have 3 to 1 advantage, or at very least 2 to 1, Ukraine did not have even close to that number, western intelligence believe Ukraine have at most 6 Brigade in this counter offensive, with 1 Brigade in reserve which mean you are looking at around 20k troop committed to this fight. If this was me, I would wait til I have 7 or 8 Brigade, tactically, Ukraine would try to encircle Russian troop in Kherson to try to win this without a fight, but if Russia did not budge, then I can probably foresee a Russian style take over, which is using artillery and rocket launcher to level everything and walks in and take the rubble. A frontal strike is all but ruled out.

I will say with a degree of certainty that Russia is going to lose Kherson, that's because there are literally nowhere the Russian can go, with all the bridges destroyed, there are no way Russian can be supplied, not to mention the logistic had not been well for the Russian throughout the entire war. The question is whether Ukrainian can do this with this counter offensive or buckle the Russian will to fight by constantly bombard Russian position over the winter if this counter offensive failed. That is the question to ask. But if it was latter, then the chances of Ukrainian having Western Support to pull another offensive is slim, Kherson may be the last counter offensive Ukrainian can mount, and they would have to settle with Russia in Negotiation in a long term.
Mission accomplished?

Ramsan Kadyrow, his Chechen troop famous for brutality, nick name Putin’s bloodhound, announcing on telegram, the chapter Ukraine is finished for him, he is no longer interested.

He will take infinite long holiday.

His next goal is Poland.

Rasman Kadyrow bei einer Ansprache: Auf Telegram sprach er jetzt von einem wohlverdienten unbefristeten Urlaub.
Mission accomplished?

Ramsan Kadyrow, his Chechen troop famous for brutality, nick name Putin’s bloodhound, announcing on telegram, the chapter Ukraine is finished for him, he is no longer interested.

He will take infinite long holiday.

His next goal is Poland.

Rasman Kadyrow bei einer Ansprache: Auf Telegram sprach er jetzt von einem wohlverdienten unbefristeten Urlaub.
Rumour has it Putin cannot pay him for his service anymore.....
Too expensive,
Or Kadyrow disappoints his master Putin?
probably both, and Russia probably can't pay both Wagner and him at the same time...

Either one or both willing to work for free, otherwise no dice.....

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