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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

you do realise that the Russian gas and oil which is being refined in China is making its way back into the EU?

Russia is making money the middle man China is making money and Russian economy is anything but declining

actually since the war its gone up !

US just made Russia the most important nation on earth by end for his winter

US has a history making gigantic blunders like taking out Taliban and Saddam giving free rain to Iran to open up proxies then trying to contain Iran and failing

then fighting Russia and its back fired

US is the most stupid nation on plant earth and the Russians are total experts
You do realise Russia sold EU 150 billion of oil and gas every year before the war, after the war, India and China combine bought around 60 billion, even if China and India keep buying the rate they do, at the end of the year we won't see them buying over 100 billion (The war is 6 months old) So Russia net loss is 50 billion on Oil and Gas. That is why Russia is flaring the excessive gas and burning 10 million worth a day, that would have been the low end of the estimation because Russia is selling China and India at a discount rate. Which mean there are no way Russia is earning close to before they sell to EU than China and India.

The Winner? India, China and US, US sell more oil and petroleum product after EU wean on Russian oil, and India and China resell cheap Russian gas to EU. Russia? They are the biggest loser in this deal.

And lol, as I said, US at most loses money, which is not really a big deal, but Russia have all the things to play here, money, resource, economy, security and national pride, all of those now gone down in drain. Have you seen how much things are cost in Russia lately? If you think EU is bad, try living in Russia at the moment.

On the other hand, this is a no sum game the US is playing, betting the wrong horse? Big F'king deal, again, all they lose is money and we would have lost it somehow when Biden is in charge, in fact, burning those money to F with the Russia is more welcome than burning those money on social agenda and woke issue, don't need to ask me, even the trumpiest hardline Republican welcome Biden spending all those money on Ukraine, you want to know how I know? 95 to 1 approve the bill in a 100-member senate. Go F the Russian I would say, this is probably the best my tax money spend during Biden Presidency...LOL :rofl: :lol:
Threaten them with WHAT?

Russia is a spent military force. They have very limited resources left to conduct offensive operations inside Ukraine, let alone carry out simultaneous offensives inside Moldova. The myth of Russian Armed Forces and their superiority has been broken. NATO is essentially forcing the Russians to expend its best troops and best equipment in NATO, essentially leaving Russia with a devastated military when the dust settles.

We have witnessed clearly during the Russian/Ukrainian war that although Russia does have a powerful army but they're not exactly as powerful as we thought them to be. Both Russia and Ukraine have been getting ready for war since 2014 but Russia still got themselves stuck in this war, at first they sent the army to Kiev but found it difficult to take the city, then withdrew and started to concentrate on taking territory in the south east but even that is a stalemate. We must also understand its not Russia v Ukraine but Russia v Ukraine backed and funded by Nato.
This is very difficult for Russia and it doesn't look they will overtake half of Ukraine.
Where are Russian allies? Nato is openly supporting Ukraine but Russian allies are scared to support Russia. It shows who is the ruling power of the world

Yeah, there are no way Russia can win this war in a strategic point of view. What it had done is to make sure one of Russia neighbour is going to be armed to the teeth and hated the Russian for the next 100 or so years. Not a very good prospect for Russian if you ask me.

Looks like that, otherwise Russia would have taken most of the East/south and moving towards Odessa, this would have landlocked Ukraine.
you do realise that the Russian gas and oil which is being refined in China is making its way back into the EU?

Russia is making money the middle man China is making money and Russian economy is anything but declining

actually since the war its gone up !

US just made Russia the most important nation on earth by end for his winter

US has a history making gigantic blunders like taking out Taliban and Saddam giving free rain to Iran to open up proxies then trying to contain Iran and failing

then fighting Russia and its back fired

US is the most stupid nation on plant earth and the Russians are total experts
Russia sells oil to China. China refines, sell it to EU. That makes US, EU poor while Russia to superstar? Is that what you want to tell?
Man, wake up! Putin makes Russia to a failed state. He humiliates his country. A gas station, that’s all. Putin by every assessment is a thief.
He steals Russia resources to make him and his comrades rich. Now he trying to steal Ukraine.
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