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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yes, you can use 1 CLU to fire many missiles, one at a time.
That's the same as single use missile.......It depends on the missile being expanded first. If you have 10 AT4 launcher lying in front of you, you can fire 10 AT4 missile one by one, that does not make AT-4 launcher capable of firing multiple missile.....
He has been saying that like every week Bakhmut and Adviiaka would fall. Yet, today the Armed Force of Ukraine posted a picture of soldier patrolling Pisky, Bakhmut......Russia is close (Last Update was 4 miles away from Bakhmut Town center), but still unable to take either. And he has been saying that since a month ago...
Yep, or like hassan al somali with his incessant claims of encirclements and pockets just around the corner!

It does seem the ukranians are meeting heavy resistance from the russians in Kherson. I do wonder how long the russians can keep this intensity of fire support going considering their degraded supply lines and how often their ammo depots are being hit.
Strategically, kherson looks tricky for them to defend.
Like with the captured ground around kiev and kharkov in march?

Are you just trolling now?

You still huffing and puffing about the russian adjustment in strategy? rural territory is very easy to take in this war. Russia could reoccupy those lands and then some whenver it wants.

Russian offensive at the beginning was a blitz that was semi-succesful. While not breaking the kiev regime, Russia did manage to grab a huge amount of territory, including strategic kherson with barely any fighting.

its now an artillery duel where the Russians outgun the ukies 50 to 1 and are slaughtering the ukie army slow but methodically. while keeping their own casualties low....

The war is going much better for Russia then germany.... dont shower too long my friend, winter is coming. and you will see how useless inflated western brands are when theres no energy...

Don't forget Snake Island..........They probably need to write a book detailing how to lose an island to an enemy without a Navy............

What a glorious victory for a propaganda rock...

so strategic was this rock, that the ukies were defending it with 10-15 men with AKs... While Russia got a glorious initial victory by capturing those soldiers. Kiev started barking about their glorious fight to the death (LOL)

nothing exemplifies how pathetic the ukies are then snake island. general jhungary, I expected better from you.... you are our resident forum general (the only one as far as im aware) mutli-talented in intel,military, sof, belly dancing, and geopolitics...
That's the same as single use missile.......It depends on the missile being expanded first. If you have 10 AT4 launcher lying in front of you, you can fire 10 AT4 missile one by one, that does not make AT-4 launcher capable of firing multiple missile.....
My point was that one Javelin launcher doesn't mean 1 missile, one launcher can have many missiles.
Yep, or like hassan al somali with his incessant claims of encirclements and pockets just around the corner!

It does seem the ukranians are meeting heavy resistance from the russians in Kherson. I do wonder how long the russians can keep this intensity of fire support going considering their degraded supply lines and how often their ammo depots are being hit.
Strategically, kherson looks tricky for them to defend.
From the look of it, Ukraine does not want to flatten Kherson, which is what the Russian did to almost every city they captured.

From the limited information I got, the planning for Ukrainian Armed Forces seems like try to encircle Kherson from 3 routes, T1501 from the West, M14 from the North and E58 from the East. The force converge in Kherson.

Russian 3rd Army already being pin as all of the bridge behind them are destroyed or damaged. Which mean if Ukraine want, they can just keep firing HIMARS into Kherson and take out as many Russian position they want, but judging from the language both Zelenskyy uses and High Command of AFU, it seems like Ukraine wanted to encircle the Russian force and make them retreat. There is pretty much no way for the Russian to hold indefinitely, to do that, they will need to have at least 1 of the bridge functioning. And once the 3 pronged met and converge in Kherson, that's pretty much game over for the Russian.

The problem is, to pull that off, Ukraine would need at least 2 times the Russian force, Russia has around 20k troop in the area, Ukraine is very tight lip about their formation, but general estimate usually put Ukrainian force at 5 to 6 Brigade, which is roughly 30,000 men. That is not enough to take on the defender. Unless Russia willingly retreats, this counter offensive is going to take a long time to complete. But all in all, unless Russia somehow manages to fix one of the bridges, I don't see how Russia can hold on indefinitely, they may be able to hold until winter came, but once fighting season start again next year, it will still be the same, their position is going to get pounded by HIMARS. And they would have problem bringing in reinforcement.

My point was that one Javelin launcher doesn't mean 1 missile, one launcher can have many missiles.
CLU is not a launcher......CLU is like the trigger of a firearms. The launcher is the tube that hold the missile.
Yep, or like hassan al somali with his incessant claims of encirclements and pockets just around the corner!

It does seem the ukranians are meeting heavy resistance from the russians in Kherson. I do wonder how long the russians can keep this intensity of fire support going considering their degraded supply lines and how often their ammo depots are being hit.
Strategically, kherson looks tricky for them to defend.

Dudes like the ones you cited are everydays telling us how the Russian army is killing 500K Ukrainian soldiers/hour and capturing 500km everydays while the reality is in August despite still amassing huge firepower and superior forces (+add LNR/DNR cannon fodders,volunteers and tiktok kadyrovites although they are quite discret recently,wonder why...) only managed to advance something like few hundred meters and capturing half of the village of Pisky despite turning it into rubbles.
What a glorious victory for a propaganda rock...

so strategic was this rock, that the ukies were defending it with 10-15 men with AKs... While Russia got a glorious initial victory by capturing those soldiers. Kiev started barking about their glorious fight to the death (LOL)

nothing exemplifies how pathetic the ukies are then snake island. general jhungary, I expected better from you.... you are our resident forum general (the only one as far as im aware) mutli-talented in intel,military, sof, belly dancing, and geopolitics...
You have no idea how important Snake Island is to Russia haven't you?

There are no way Russia can fly aircraft into Odessa without refuelling, which mean whatever and whenever they decided to attack Odessa, Russian Aircraft can only have low on station time, you need long loitering time to support a seaborne invasion.

On the other hand, if Ukraine control Snake Island, they can (and did) position Anti Air Battery and now also Anti-Ship battery to further push Russian Air and Sea support out. Which mean if Ukraine have snake island, there are probably no way Russia can get close enough to launch an invasion anyway.

And finally, if Snake Island is all unimportant and only defended by 15 dudes with AK, then why Russia take it from day 1? Using their own Black Sea fleet flagship to do the job no less? In fact, if that "Rock" as you put it is extremely unimportant, why take it at all and try to reinforce the garrison for months. It's not like Russian took it and do nothing with it....Russian lost 2 transport, 1 tug boat, 1 cruiser, 3 aircrafts and unknown number of Ground Hardware and soldier try to defend Snake Island, dude, if it is nothing, they won't try to take it from the Ukrainian and try to defend it.

Dude, I know you are delusional, but it pays to use your brain once in a while. Or maybe I am asking you people too much to try to think on a strategic level.
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You still huffing and puffing about the russian adjustment in strategy? rural territory is very easy to take in this war. Russia could reoccupy those lands and then some whenver it wants.
Nonsense. They barely have enough to hold onto kherson or seize more then 100 meter land in donbass lately
Russian offensive at the beginning was a blitz that was semi-succesful. While not breaking the kiev regime, Russia did manage to grab a huge amount of territory, including strategic kherson with barely any fighting.
More nonsence. With how unprepared ukraine was in south that would have fell regardless. And did in the first week.

The north and east offensive were complete shitshows costing the russians immensely. This was no “diversion”

its now an artillery duel where the Russians outgun the ukies 50 to 1 and are slaughtering the ukie army slow but methodically. while keeping their own casualties low....
Every day i see blown up russians on videos. Their casualties are not low, and fire intensity has reduced from a 10vs1 advantage to less.

Alot of that number advantage is also used on leveling infrastructure and towns to the ground. Not high on kill efficiency.

But lets just see how their 3 day special operation is continuing.
Real comedy

Kirill Stremousow, the Gouverneur of Cherson installed by Moscow, announcing Ukraine offensive failing. The victory is near.
Meanwhile he escaped to Russia.
His post revealed he is hiding in a Marriott hotel in Woronesch. 800 km from Cherson.

The president has the right to not join EU. Now Ukrainians will pay with the first forever war in human history. Is it worth it? Ukraine will never join EU anyway.
It’s not a forever war, never will be.
The paper bear is hallow and already has a broken economy that won’t be fixed.

Sure. But do you think America can out supply China? I don't think so. America may be able to supply 1500 Abrams tanks to Ukraine, but guess what? China can supply 10 times as many anti tank missiles to Russia. It will be America that loses the war.

China won’t supply squat, stop with the what if’s
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It’s not a forever war, never will be.
The paper bear is hallow and already has a broken economy that won’t be fixed.

It is the first war in human history to the last man or woman or child. It takes hundreds if not thousands of years. For all intents and purposes it is forever.
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