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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

What will Putin do now with 90 billion cubic meters gas surplus?

Burn it?

Definitely not sell it to Europe. Maybe they will try to transfer it to China using buckets :)
To be serious I think it`s a leverage to soften the Oil embargo, anyway in a long run it`s a one way ticket for Gazprom.
A Russian PKP (?) gunner vs. american super soldiers like our "military man" @jhungary, @RoadAmerica and all the other Cowboys with their big mouth and spray and pray tactics. Not so super after all. Or at least super dead.

it's a scene from a movie Rats and Dogs. Go sniff on some Putin farts for inspiration and then come back.
@jhungary @RoadAmerica

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Like with the captured ground around kiev and kharkov in march?
can you tell us how those events impacted the war in any consequential ways? it didnt! the kiev move was a lure and distraction, which Ukraine fell for....or Russian military changed its mind/plans/strategy..SO WHAT?
Are you just trolling now?
no that's what you're doing, saying it proves you projecting. smh
Definitely not sell it to Europe. Maybe they will try to transfer it to China using buckets :)
To be serious I think it`s a leverage to soften the Oil embargo, anyway in a long run it`s a one way ticket for Gazprom.
Gazprom is finished.
All the talks Germany will collapse if Putin turns off gas. Nothing happens. Life continues.
Yes inflation is high. Everything is expensive. But not the end of the world.
Don't need it, enough american super soldiers are sniffing on russian projectiles in ukraine. Let's hope, it will be recorded, so we can see it.
I feel sorry for you, hope Putin doesn't throw you out of a hospital window for that propaganda fail. :lol:
I feel sorry for you, hope Putin doesn't throw you out of a hospital window for that propaganda fail. :lol:
You should feel sorry for yourself, giving this NPC answer. Putin, Propaganda, bla bla. How many times i have read this garbage? It's like reading the "The warzone" comment section with all the murica stronk imbeciles.

I do not know every movie, and?

Ok, here is a real example, what happens, if you have angloid imbeciles as a teacher and try to capture the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Is this a movie too in your reality? At the end of the day YOU angloids have killed this men, like many other Ukrainian=Russian men:

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You still huffing and puffing about the russian adjustment in strategy? rural territory is very easy to take in this war. Russia could reoccupy those lands and then some whenver it wants.

Russian offensive at the beginning was a blitz that was semi-succesful. While not breaking the kiev regime, Russia did manage to grab a huge amount of territory, including strategic kherson with barely any fighting.

its now an artillery duel where the Russians outgun the ukies 50 to 1 and are slaughtering the ukie army slow but methodically. while keeping their own casualties low....

The war is going much better for Russia then germany.... dont shower too long my friend, winter is coming. and you will see how useless inflated western brands are when theres no energy...

What a glorious victory for a propaganda rock...

so strategic was this rock, that the ukies were defending it with 10-15 men with AKs... While Russia got a glorious initial victory by capturing those soldiers. Kiev started barking about their glorious fight to the death (LOL)

nothing exemplifies how pathetic the ukies are then snake island. general jhungary, I expected better from you.... you are our resident forum general (the only one as far as im aware) mutli-talented in intel,military, sof, belly dancing, and geopolitics...
Seriously, nothing above is true.
Huge amount of territory- not really
Reoccupy - 🤣
Casualties low - 😂
Outgun 50:1 - sure if you include non combat relics

I mean I can go on but some of us come here for updates and intelligent debate not the opinion of a child
can you tell us how those events impacted the war in any consequential ways? it didnt! the kiev move was a lure and distraction, which Ukraine fell for....or Russian military changed its mind/plans/strategy..SO WHAT?

no that's what you're doing, saying it proves you projecting. smh
Actually the Kiev moved probably defined the outcome of this war.

As long Russia won`t occupy Kiev or install a Pro-Russian goverment there, this whole thing does not make sense for them. Ukraine will still exists as a extremely hostile state for Russia financed from the West.

In this moment: Russia occupies 20% of Ukraine, Zelensky goverment is still in Power, controls the armed Forces, has popular support and is financed from the West. If the Kiev move would work, this would not be the case.
Zelensky sent the young men to die for nothing. It is his agenda.
Actualy you don`t know what is happening here, even if they die, it was not for nothing. For Ukraine the Kherson area is a ideal Trap for the Russian troops. 3 bridges over a big river ? You can just channel the Russian troops there and gradually destroy them with psuedo offensives. The Russians will come, as they don`t want to loose Kherson.
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