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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The Kremlin is likely seeking to capitalize on the significance of seizing areas around Donetsk City that have been contested since 2014 to boost the morale of Russian and proxy forces. Russian forces have not been successful in advancing toward Siversk or capturing the E40 highway to Slovyansk-Bakhmut since the fall of Lysychansk and are likely experiencing challenges incentivizing Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) elements to continue fighting to reach the Donetsk Oblast administrative borders.[15] Russian forces had minor territorial gains around Avdiivka, which generated positive chatter among the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) fighters in early August after which the advances stalled west of Donetsk City.[16]

Russian offensive capability has been essentially destroyed.
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LOL! WTF? Have you been a clueless all you life or something? You are posting some movie scene.
I will quote myself, Frito Pendejo:

You should feel sorry for yourself, giving this NPC answer. Putin, Propaganda, bla bla. How many times i have read this garbage? It's like reading the "The warzone" comment section with all the murica stronk imbeciles.

I do not know every movie, and?

Ok, here is a real example, what happens, if you have angloid imbeciles as a teacher and try to capture the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant. Is this a movie too in your reality? At the end of the day YOU angloids have killed this men, like many other Ukrainian=Russian men:

Is this a movie too?
The only thing you are showing PDF is that Russian's are still bumbling oafs who think movie footage is real life.
So i guess all the dead ukr. special need (because trained by nato) forces near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant are from some kind of a movie.

I will post the link again: https://****/intelslava/36343

But you can milk my mistake as long as you want. Maybe 6 months, like you are milking the fake story about the russian plan to capture Kiev. You don't even have the guts to quote me, you must delete like 90%. :D
So i guess all the dead ukr. special need (because trained by nato) forces near the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant are from some kind of a movie.

I will post the link again: https://****/intelslava/36343

But you can milk my mistake as long as you want. Maybe 6 months, like you are milking the fake story about the russian plan to capture Kiev. You don't even have the guts to quote me, you must delete like 90%. :D
Of course there no Russia forces attacking Kiev in March. There were just tourists from the VDV.
Anyway a complete **** up.
Of course there no Russia forces attacking Kiev in March. There just turist from the VDV.
Anyway a complete **** up.
Auf der Oder-Neiße schwamm ein Stückchen Scheiße, kam der kleine Nowak, dachte es wär Tobak. Steckt es in die Pfeife. Ach das war ja Scheiße.

Nope, Polacke, your reply has no topic relevant content.

By the way: Heute gestohlen, morgen schon in Polen. :D
Letztens hier: Heute gestohlen, morgen schon in Russland ;)

Polacke :D... lol ach diese Wasserdeutche... wie komisch die sind...

RU / DE - das ist mehr als ein Witz
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