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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

What do Putin and the Russia invasion army in Ukraine! It’s not their country.

They can “abhauen” piss off as Zelinskki says it.

Under UN Charter, it is legal to invade a country to defend oppressed civilians from authoritarian regime who bully them based on their ethnic or religious background. The US did that in 1999 in Kosovo war.

The US invade China to protect Uyghurs from Chinese government if they have the power to do that so so far not enough power to do that.
Under UN Charter, it is legal to invade a country to defend oppressed civilians from authoritarian regime who bully them based on their ethnic or religious background. The US did that in 1999 in Kosovo war.

The US invade China to protect Uyghurs from Chinese government if they have the power to do that so so far not enough power to do that.
What UN charta? Self cooked in Putin’s kitchen?

This war doesn’t concern China they should stay neutral, not supporting the separatists.
Ukraine partisans issue ultimatum to Russians at Cherson: either piss off or face Himars missiles!


Ein Plakat in Cherson: Untergrundgruppen drohen den russischen Besatzern, sie sollten sich zurückziehen – anderenfalls würden bald die Raketenwerfer vom Himars nachhelfen.
© Quelle: Ukraine Defense Ministry
We literally spent billions and 20 years arming and training ANA and look at their combat performance.
No wonder, if the teacher is an imbecile with no understanding of land warfare.
Russians are now in the centre of Bakhmut and Avdiivka

The Soviet Steamroller has broke through the Bakhmut-Soldar-Seversk defensive lines which was fortified for 8 years since 2014 with deep tunnels, trenches and heavy concrete interlocking pill boxes

it also had high ground which was very hard to take, Russian took it

the Soviets are Soviets, no one knows how to take land better than them which is why they are the largest nation on earth for 500 years

they are masters of diversion and encirclement of armies

they also have a huge stomach to take punishment and casualties and can absorb anything you through at them

next line is the Kramastrosk-Sloviansk and actually this line is more heavily defended than previous one

but no doubt Russians will crush all opposition
People make jokes on “lack of progress” of ukraine counteroffensive.

But how is Russias steamroller going?
Balhmut/soledor were set to fall and then it was just blitzing over the flat terrain after that right?
Javelin can fire multiple missiles from one launcher.
Javelin CANNOT fire multiple missiles from one launcher at once.........

Dude, have you ever used a Javelin before?

A Javelin missile system were made up of 2 parts. A CLU (Control Launch Unit) and a Missile Housing. Missile housing house 1 single missile and it is disposable. which mean once that missile is expanded, the housing is to be discarded. CLU have to plug into a housing before you can launch a Javelin missile, without either, you can't launch anything.

1 CLU can only be plug in 1 housing at any time, you can take the CLU off and plug it in another Missile Housing and fire that housing, CLU can be reused, Missile Housing cannot.

And no, you cannot port a CLU in 2 missiles. You have to fire the one you plug in, and then take it off and put it on another and fire it.
People make jokes on “lack of progress” of ukraine counteroffensive.

But how is Russias steamroller going?
Balhmut/soledor were set to fall and then it was just blitzing over the flat terrain after that right?

And Ukrainians were claiming they would take Moscow within a week. How that working out for them? So much for Europe's strongest army.
Looks like another twitter offensive from the Ukies has been slaughtered. The Ukies had to sacrifice another few hundred of their best men for a couple of pictures.

people need to realize that when faced with a strong attack, The Russian tactic is not to hold ground at all costs. Thats stupid. They have an elastic defense that cedes some territory, while grinding the ukies and luring them into artilery death zones..

It is amazing what Russia is achieving with a 100k expeditionary army

Every single inch of territory captured is land ukraine will never ever see again. These lands were given to "ukraine" as an internal soviet administration decision. There is nothing "ukranian" about these Russian speaking regions. Historically they have been Russian, Russia is literally getting bigger by the day, while the twitter army continues to bark about some fantasy "victory"

Ukraine didnt like the USSR and wanted to remove everything about it? well Putin rightfully said why go halfway? give back everything you got from soviet times, especially the prime real estate given to ukraine for free as an internal soviet decision.
People make jokes on “lack of progress” of ukraine counteroffensive.

But how is Russias steamroller going?
Balhmut/soledor were set to fall and then it was just blitzing over the flat terrain after that right?
He has been saying that like every week Bakhmut and Adviiaka would fall. Yet, today the Armed Force of Ukraine posted a picture of soldier patrolling Pisky, Bakhmut......Russia is close (Last Update was 4 miles away from Bakhmut Town center), but still unable to take either. And he has been saying that since a month ago...
Looks like another twitter offensive from the Ukies has been slaughtered. The Ukies had to sacrifice another few hundred of their best men for a couple of pictures.

people need to realize that when faced with a strong attack, The Russian tactic is not to hold ground at all costs. Thats stupid. They have an elastic defense that cedes some territory, while grinding the ukies and luring them into artilery death zones..

It is amazing what Russia is achieving with a 100k expeditionary army

Every single inch of territory captured is land ukraine will never ever see again. These lands were given to "ukraine" as an internal soviet administration decision. There is nothing "ukranian" about these Russian speaking regions. Historically they have been Russian, Russia is literally getting bigger by the day, while the twitter army continues to bark about some fantasy "victory"

Ukraine didnt like the USSR and wanted to remove everything about it? well Putin rightfully said why go halfway? give back everything you got from soviet times, especially the prime real estate given to ukraine for free as an internal soviet decision.
Like with the captured ground around kiev and kharkov in march?

Are you just trolling now?
Why are you debating your own nonsense delusions as if this was a valid point?

They were not.

Ukraine is Kievan Rus. Kievan Rus is by far the most powerful Slavic country. Russia is only a backwater nobody in the Slavic world. Ukrainians claimed they can take back Moscow within a week. Major fail for Europe's most powerful army.
Like with the captured ground around kiev and kharkov in march?

Are you just trolling now?
Don't forget Snake Island..........They probably need to write a book detailing how to lose an island to an enemy without a Navy............
Javelin CANNOT fire multiple missiles from one launcher at once.........

Dude, have you ever used a Javelin before?

A Javelin missile system were made up of 2 parts. A CLU (Control Launch Unit) and a Missile Housing. Missile housing house 1 single missile and it is disposable. which mean once that missile is expanded, the housing is to be discarded. CLU have to plug into a housing before you can launch a Javelin missile, without either, you can't launch anything.

1 CLU can only be plug in 1 housing at any time, you can take the CLU off and plug it in another Missile Housing and fire that housing, CLU can be reused, Missile Housing cannot.

And no, you cannot port a CLU in 2 missiles. You have to fire the one you plug in, and then take it off and put it on another and fire it.
Yes, you can use 1 CLU to fire many missiles, one at a time.
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