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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The United Nations' Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine has found continuing evidence that Russian troops are committing war crimes, according to the Commission's latest report on Sept. 25.

The Commission found evidence of illegal explosive attacks, torture, gender-based and sexual assault, and assaults on energy infrastructure.

The Commission documented attacks with explosive weapons in inhabited places that caused significant destruction and civilian casualties. It also recorded attacks on homes, a hospital, a train station, restaurants, stores, and other critical infrastructure, resulting in disruption to vital services and supplies.

The update was a continuation of earlier reportsand reflected the Commission's ongoing investigations on human rights abuses in Ukraine.

According to Commission Chair Erik Mose, the commissioners recently visited Ukraine and held meetings with the government as well as attack victims.

The Commission continues to investigate and document Russian war crimes in part due to worries about the potential for genocide and incitement to genocide. It emphasized the need for accountability and expressed concern about the scope and seriousness of the crimes committed by the Russian armed forces.

Over 100,000 cases of war crimes, including indiscriminate bombardment, purposeful killing, summary execution, torture, and ill-treatment, are still being documented, investigated, and prosecuted by Ukraine.

More than 100K Russian war crimes being documented and investigated
If China got invaded you know he will support sending millions of his own people to their deaths. And probably eaten some of them too. Cause if you know Chinese history that's usually the case.

This is the issue with the "anti-ukrainian" Folk. If their country got invaded they will do exactly the same thing Ukraine does. Probably more so.

Omg, an AGORA talking to me about eating human meat. Did you drink your dose of cowpiss today? Lolololol
I have no issue with Ukrainians fighting, i am just disgusted by the hypocrisy, supporting Nazis while killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Putin asked Ukraine to stop killing Russians and not join NATO, they didn't listen, and the rest as we say is history.

Fun fact: The Chinese supports the Khmer Rouge, North Korea & Sudan during the Darfur Genocide...

So maybe don't take moral cues from the Chinese?
Fun fact, US supported Pinochet, USSR in the 1920s, Japan in the 1930s, dictators around the world, and heck even supported Chinese invasion of Nam. US even supported Nazi Germany before WWII.
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I am not justifying Nazis.
What part of: ”Noone supports real Nazis” do You not understand?
I am saying that there may be good reasons fighting the Soviets without being a Nazi.
Uh huh tell that to the Azov battalion with waffen insignias. Saluting a Nazis is not supporting Nazis? Supporting a regime killing ethnic Russians and indictrinating their population with hyper nationalism while promoting Nazi ideology is not supporting Nazis? The regime in kiev is a neonazis regime using a jew as a figurehead. Fighting the Soviets is one thing, joining the SS is another thing mate.

Were the Soviet soldiers invading Poland, Finland and the Baltic countries heroes?
So were the Americans invading Philipines, Mexico and China heroes? We are talking about WWII. They did die for humanity no matter their ideology. Don't glorify Nazis and forget Soviet contributions.

Russia had signed the Foundation Act in 1997 where it states that a sovereign country can choose their own ways of security.
A sovereign country joining an alliance is not a legal reason to attack.
Yah, what happened to the verbal agreement of not expanding an inch east? A verbal agreement written in memo is still legally binding.

NATO did not kill 500,000 in Iraq. Around 214,000 registred deaths and 90-95% were killed by other Iraqis.
Uh huh, and yet US can know how many got killed im Tiananmen. Lolol. You guesstimated, i also got my numbers from my sources.
So the iraqis shoot their own people witj cruise missiles right? I still remember operation shock and awe, the whole Baghdad was burning, no one got killed of course. The iraqis killed themselves. You retards realky believe the shit uncle Sam fed you? Like little libertard drones.

Feel free to show that the Iraq invasion in 2003 was illegal by debunking all the reasons for terminating the ceasefire here.

Feel free to comment in that thread. This is about the Ukrainan War.
Invading a sovereign country is not illegal? Russia can just pass a law to authorise the invasion of Ukraine too right? Gosh...

The Afghanistan was legally a war of self-defense against Al-Qaeda and its allies aka Afghanistan.

Hete is the reason why it was legal.

Feel free to comment in that thread. This is about the Ukrainan War.

You do not know who blew up the pipeline.

Your country is an authoritarian dictatorship.
Yes US can invade any country based on their own justification, and Russia can't. You see the double standard here?
Omg, an AGORA talking to me about eating human meat. Did you drink your dose of cowpiss today? Lolololol
I have no issue with Ukrainians fighting, i am just disgusted by the hypocrisy, supporting Nazis while killing ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Putin asked Ukraine to stop killing Russians and not join NATO, they didn't listen, and the rest as we say is history.

Fun fact, US supported Pinochet, USSR in the 1920s, Japan in the 1930s, dictators around the world, and heck even supported Chinese invasion of Nam. US even supported Nazi Germany before WWII.
Ukraine kills native Russians? LOL you might as well accuse the Ukrainian of eating them too while you at it. Even wikipedia called BS on that one.
The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), which has been monitoring the conflict in Ukraine since 2014, said it had not found any evidence to support Russia's allegations.[10][11]

Meanwhile Ukrainians successfully file a case for Ukrainian Genocide by the Russian at the Hague.

Also don't accuse someone of Genocide while your country is being investigated for one.

Also the last time I check the Ukrainian wanted to join after the Russian invaded in 2014. So maybe don't invade your neighbors so they don't have to join a military alliance?

Fun Fact: The US also supported China during ww2. No US, no modern China.

While China still supported Kim Jong un, Junta in Myanmar & Assad that butcher his own citizens.
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The Fall | The Russians Plan To End The SMO By 2025. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.09.26

Are you for real?! Under "international law" which you constantly pull out to justify the invasion of Iraq, isn't Israel's occupation of the west bank illegal? Are the settlements not illegal? And now you're going to jump through hoops and rings of fire to show that it's legal?! You are a joke, as are thr very laws which you proclaim to have the moral high ground. Have your day.

Open a thread and show what international law is broken by occupying a country in a war of self-defense.
The rest of the questions will be answered in the thread.
I doubt that You will do it as I suspect Your purpose is to deflect from Russia by producing rubbish that you cannot back up by sources.
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Uh huh tell that to the Azov battalion with waffen insignias.
So does Wagner mercenaries. The Azov batallion Nazi elements have been purged.
It is now not a factor.
Nazis regularily get around 1% of the votes in Ukraine. That does not make Ukraine a Nazi nation.

Saluting a Nazis is not supporting Nazis?
Saluting someone without knowing their Waffen-SS past and apologizing afterwards when it becomes known is exactly the opposite of supporting Nazis.

Supporting a regime killing ethnic Russians
The UN has investigated Russian claims and found them largely bogus.

and indictrinating their population with hyper nationalism while promoting Nazi ideology is not supporting Nazis?
A Free Ukraine is not a Nazi philosophy.

The regime in kiev is a neonazis regime using a jew as a figurehead. Fighting the Soviets is one thing, joining the SS is another thing mate.


It is not obvious in 1943 to Ukraine that Nazi Germany is the worst of two alternatives compared to the Soviet Union which recently commited both genocide and ethnical cleansing. Today, Nazi Germany is shown to have levels of evil that even the Soviet Union could not match.

So were the Americans invading Philipines, Mexico and China heroes? We are talking about WWII. They did die for humanity no matter their ideology. Don't glorify Nazis and forget Soviet contributions.
Noone glorifies Nazism.
Noone forgets that the Soviet Union started WWII together with Nazi Germany by invading many of its neighbours.
The Soviet Union was the most important Nazi supporter - until it was attacked.
Yah, what happened to the verbal agreement of not expanding an inch east? A verbal agreement written in memo is still legally binding.
The alledged verbal agreement, which Gorbachev has denied happened, and is documented not to have happened between Yeltsin and Clinton (in the Clinton library) is superceeded.
If it happened (which it didn’t) it was invalidated by the Foundation Act which was signed after the alledged verbal agreement,
Uh huh, and yet US can know how many got killed im Tiananmen. Lolol. You guesstimated, i also got my numbers from my sources.
Your behind is not a valid source.
So the iraqis shoot their own people witj cruise missiles right? I still remember operation shock and awe, the whole Baghdad was burning, no one got killed of course. The iraqis killed themselves. You retards realky believe the shit uncle Sam fed you? Like little libertard drones.
Keep Your strawman to yourself. Noone claimed that no civilians were killed.
The Iraqi body count is the most comprehensive source available.

Invading a sovereign country is not illegal? Russia can just pass a law to authorise the invasion of Ukraine too right? Gosh...
You claim that the Soviet Union invasion of Germany in 1945 was illegal?
Think again…

Yes US can invade any country based on their own justification, and Russia can't. You see the double standard here?
The US can invade any country when it has a legal reason to do so.
Russia cannot invade any country without a legal reason to do so.
Russia is just producing laughable reasons for invasion.
Even if the WMD reason is dismissed by many, the US had multiple reasons to terminate the ceasefire.

You can try to show that the US invasion of Iraq was illegal by debunking every reason the US gave for terminating the ceasefire in 2003.

Here is the thread:

You can argue the reasons for the Afghanistan War here
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Open a thread and show what international law is broken by occupying a country in a war of self-defense.
The rest of the questions will be answered in the thread.
I doubt that You will do it as I suspect Your purpose is to deflect from Russia by producing rubbish that you cannot back up by sources.

Hypocrite. Who is Israel "defending itself" against? It has been decades since it signed peace treaties with Jordan and Egypt. Why hasn't it gone back its borders before 1967? Why does it continue to occupy the west bank and build settlements that are illegal under international law? The very same international law that you pull out from where the sun don't shine to justify the invasion of Iraq?

Would you prefer if we just bow down to the Arian master race? Yes, you blue eyed blond haired master race are the rulers of the world and everyone else are just undesirables, maybe you should conduct the final plan and get rid of us, that would solve your problem and then you wouldn't need to come up with ridiculous excuses and be a hypocrite. Happy now? Now STFU.
Ukraine kills native Russians? LOL you might as well accuse the Ukrainian of eating them too while you at it. Even wikipedia called BS on that one.

Meanwhile Ukrainians successfully file a case for Ukrainian Genocide by the Russian at the Hague.

Also don't accuse someone of Genocide while your country is being investigated for one.

Also the last time I check the Ukrainian wanted to join after the Russian invaded in 2014. So maybe don't invade your neighbors so they don't have to join a military alliance?

Fun Fact: The US also supported China during ww2. No US, no modern China.

While China still supported Kim Jong un, Junta in Myanmar & Assad that butcher his own citizens.
If people cut the propaganda scrap then even idiots realize the Chinese support the Russians out of egoistic interests.

Russia military is decimated into the dust. The entire Russia land armies in the far east is gone. Putin army won’t pose any conventional threat more to China.

Ccp buys cheap Russia assets, cheap oil, cheap gas. In return Russians buy overpriced Chinese goods and services.

The west is militarily weakened. That’s the best opportunity for Chinese that only comes once in 100 years.

The Russians are finished no matter how long this war will be, how this war will end.
Generally other blacks and Muslims. They sold many of the slaves to Europeans and Muslim countries, until the Europeans put a stop to the slave trade.

That is a fantasy figure. Many massacres of native Americans have been documented. Only one stand out, and that is the siege of Tenochtitlan where it is estimated that 40,000 Aztecs died. This was a battle where the Aztecs attacked the Spaniards. There is nothing else that comes even close to such casualty figures.
Yet you claim that 65 million were killed without anyone noticing this.

The Ottoman Empire and Russia participated in WWI, and they killed plenty.
The only genocide during WWI was committed by Muslims.
25-30 million Asians were killed by other Asians during WWII. Some of them were Muslims.
Russia killed 4-5 million during WWII.
A lot of Russians simply starved to death, even though millions of tons of food was shipped by the West. The Muslims did nothing to help starving Russians.

I guess according to your twisted history and knowledge it was Nazi who liberated Jews from Auschwitz done by Russia ?

Who cares what you think who cares what the West thinks

Europeans will always be at war

Turkey and Iran should make more profit if they don’t someone else will
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