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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If you thought the Russian invasion of Ukraine was to "fight nazis and NATO", you are truly mistaken.

That’s fantasy on landing in Odesa. Russia blacksea fleet is finished. Flagship Moswa is sunk, the rest from landing ship, to transport ship to submarine destroyed or decimated. Ukraine has retaken snake island, oil rig, destroyed air defense, radar installations in Crimea. There is not much left. The Russians can land bare feet on Odesa beach. Good luck.

Meanwhile F35 stealth fighter jets land on Finland highways, not too far to Russia border. The jets can refill and carry nukes in minutes.

Maybe Republicans and Democrats can join the boycott of the U17 Euros because of Russia participation while cutting or limiting funding for Ukraine.

Five European countries boycott UEFA football tournament over Russian participation​

To show support for Ukraine, of course.


Is Ukraine going to have to sue for peace because of lack of ample support from the US.?

Switzerland: The Olympics are based in Switzerland, and we are proud the Olympics are banning the Russian flag from the Olympics, Russian athletes must compete as neutrals.

What happens if Russia invades the Baltic States.

Switzerland: We will support the Olympics banning the Russian flag from the Olympics.

What happens if Russia invades Finland and Poland.

Switzerland: We will support the Olympics banning the Russian flag from the Olympics.

Why not send weapons to Ukraine.

Switzerland: We in Switzerland have a neutrality policy. We won't send weapons to nations involved in wars.

Why did Switzerland send arms to the Saudis and UAE that were involved in the war in Yemen.

Last year some 30% of Swiss weapons exports, worth around CHF140 million ($141 million), were bound for countries involved in either internal or international wars, according to a report in the Neue Zürcher Zeitung External link (NZZ) on Thursday.

Authorized arms exports also went to countries such as (...) Israel(; ) and Middle Eastern countries involved in the Yemen war, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Saudi Arabia, a key partner for Switzerland in the Middle East is a particularly controversial case. When it launched a nine-country coalition to intervene in the Yemen war in 2015, Switzerland stopped its arms exports to Riyadh, but the moratorium was partially lifted in 2016, even though Saudi Arabia was still involved in the Yemen war. The Swiss authorities make an exception for spare parts for air defence systems, which Saudi Arabia has already procured from Switzerland from the 1980s onwards.

Switzerland: No rapier air defenses to Ukraine, we Swiss would rather destroy the air defense missiles than save Ukrainian civilian lives.

Swiss "neutrality" standards are to sell weapons to potential aggressors and when the war happens, keep supplying those aggressors involved in wars to perhaps previous fulfill contracts. Then send no help to attacked nations - victims of murder, rape, ethnic cleansing and genocide. That is Swiss hypocrisy controlled by international bankers.

When you hear shills say International bankers support Ukrainians. Know that Swiss International bankers highly influential in Swiss politics would rather destroy their own weapons than defend the civilian lives of Ukrainians. When you hear shills say the deepstate supports Ukraine winning. The deepest of the deepstate in the US: Kissinger wants Ukraine to lose (give away territory) and not humiliate Putin.

The entire anti-imperialist resistance is fraudulent, led by disinfo shills, getting the fake resistance to support Putin and Trump. The fake resistance are fifth columnists, not anti-war populists.

If the deepstate wanted Ukraine to really win, you would have the Republican warmongers fully supporting Ukraine to win. You would have a new cold war and the calling of Russia as the new Evil Empire to destroy and defeat. Patriotism in America would be supporting Ukraine and Europe. You would have International bankers using Switzerland to protect the civilians of Ukraine. You would have Kissinger calling for the crushing defeat of Russia and Putin.

Except they are against Ukraine winning and against humiliating Putin. Patriotism for Republicans is opposing Ukraine. "We have budget trouble" is the warmonger PNAC Republican response.

Europe has to be self-sufficient in terms of geo-politics and to get there needs to rearm and get nukes.
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perhaps Sokolov is still alive because he has 7 lives. Who knows. Interesting, he sits on the chair or on a bed or something but what is that, he rests on a pillow?

A Russia high rank military general rests on pillow in a war meeting. Wow. Seems the war is like picnic.

No Pillow here mate. Any more copium excuses? Maybe this is his body double?

No Pillow here mate. Any more copium excuses? Maybe this is his body double?

so the guy with no fleet whose HQ got blown away is alive. Is that what you are debating here?

Because the Israeli courts are using Ottoman law for any court case on the West Bank.
According to that law, you do not own land in the modern sense. You have rights to land that you traditionally used. You can sell it. If you move and do not use the land, the ownership reverts to the state, and You lose your right.
According to the Ottoman law, anyone leaving Israel in 1948, legally lost their property in 1950/51.

This has allowed Israel ownership to deserted barren hills in the West Bank, which is where their legal settlements are built.

Maybe Muslims should not have created laws simplifying Ethnical Cleansing, using it to grab land after the Armenian genocide.

Israel and the PLO negotiated a deal in Oslo which assigns West Bank lands to category A,B and C. Israel can according to the deal evict people that build stuff in Category C territory.

You may want to explain what on earth this has to do with Ukraine…

That has already been provided earlier in the thread,
You are spewing garbage again on this morality issue. If it makes you feel better that somehow this battle is more just compared to other similar situations then do so with your compatriots who are equally ignorant, but stop coming to a military forum with your ignorance.

First of all, much of Palestinian land being taken over is expulsion of people living there NOW, not people that lived there in 67 and never came back.

And stop blaming the Ottomans for something they may have done 100s of years ago as justification that Israel is okay and you can feel good about it.

What the Israelis are doing is what the Catholics in Spain did to Jews and Muslims in the 1300s and 1400s with forced expulsions (and conversions though thats not something taking place now). It is a shameful part of European history that nobody in Europe will say should happen again. It’s the catholics under the Pope that authorized it and Israelis are repeating that scenario. But you show up here with your ignorance and come try to justify it in a way.

So stick to military facts because anything else makes you look like uninformed fool that has no knowledge of history.
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