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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

After the US okays to long range attack missiles to Ukraine, Olaf Scholz has no more excuses.
Germany 500km long range, high precision missiles will make the difference.
The Russians will have nowhere to hide.

Good for precision kill

Germany delivers Pzh2000 with 155mm guided artillery shells “Vulkan” to Ukraine.

Vulkan can even hit far distant moving enemy targets. Rolling Russian tanks become easy prey.

I just made a math, Russia raw materials of human lives divided daily casualty rate. You are right.

When taking the numbers of CISS Center for Strategic and International Studies and the NATO, Russia suffers 500-700 men dead and wounded per day or about 250,000 men per year.

When Putin announced the decree to partial mobilization, the numbers of men to be called in were kept secret. Shoigu, Russia defense minister said later Russia can call up 25 million men.
So the math: 25,000,000/ 250,000 = 100
Russia can continue this war for hundred years.

However Putin can’t live forever. He now is 70y. I think he will only make to 80y. When the war ends, Russia casualties would be 2.5 million. Still far beliow 8.6 million men USSR suffered in WW2. That’s not what they shock. Russians are hard core.
I'm sure the group who are in power already have somebody to put in his place don't forget the formula of Putin / Medvedev.
They find somebody

Neither side is running out of soldiers. Its pointless having this discussion. Both countries have a large population that can sustain the current losses for years to come. Its all a matter of accepting such losses. The ukrainians are fighting for their existance, the russians are fighting for what exactly?
According to Medvedev their historical capital. :coffee:

That mean a forever war in Europe that is not that bad for the rest of the world
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Ein Soldat hisst die ukrainische Flagge über Andrijiwka

News from the front

After taking Andrijiwka and annihilating 3 Russia brigades, Ukraine army calls on the remaining soldiers of Russian army at Bakhmut sector to surrender.
Ukraine army is advancing towards Tokmak.

Russia invasion army has at Bakhmut sector in total 52,000 men out of 420,000 men.
Why should it do so?
Ukraine is a sovereign country and has the right to join whatever organisations they want.
Russia accepted that in 1997. Now Putin is trying to back off.
Ukraine was a sovereign country until western agencies invaded it with their agents and put a puppet of their own in the government who acted completely against the farewell of Ukrainian people and wanted to give west a lap dance. that threaten Russian Interest.
This was bigger threat to Russia than the so called Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq has...
Ukraine cannot change its location and hence its neighbors, therefore it shouldn't try to become a security risk for its neighbors.
I am not vouching for Russian attack on Ukraine, but Ukraine should do what is best for it and its people, not their lord America.

Why should they? Ukraine is sovereign. It can do what it wants. It doesn’t need permission by anyone.

Being part of EU and NATO brings prosperity and security. Being part of Russia brings what?

Poverty and gulag.
If you are fiend with both Russia and EU, who would attack on you? but if western agencies install a puppet in the office who wants to make enemy of Russia, what do you expect?
I'm sure the group who are in power already have somebody to put in his place don't forget the formula of Putin / Medvedev.
They find somebody

According to Medvedev their historical capital. :coffee:

That mean a forever war in Europe that is not that bad for the rest of the world
Medvedev should address the russians insted of the West with this propaganda. Eventually the poor regions in Russia will start to question why they need to send men to die in Ukraine for the sake of Moscows imperial dreams.

Ukraine was a sovereign country until western agencies invaded it with their agents and put a puppet of their own in the government who acted completely against the farewell of Ukrainian people and wanted to give west a lap dance. that threaten Russian Interest.
This was bigger threat to Russia than the so called Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq has...
Ukraine cannot change its location and hence its neighbors, therefore it shouldn't try to become a security risk for its neighbors.
I am not vouching for Russian attack on Ukraine, but Ukraine should do what is best for it and its people, not their lord America.

If you are fiend with both Russia and EU, who would attack on you? but if western agencies install a puppet in the office who wants to make enemy of Russia, what do you expect?
A russian puppet in Ukraine is not a threat to its western neighbors?
Ukraine was a sovereign country until western agencies invaded it with their agents and put a puppet of their own in the government who acted completely against the farewell of Ukrainian people and wanted to give west a lap dance. that threaten Russian Interest.
This was bigger threat to Russia than the so called Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq has...
Ukraine cannot change its location and hence its neighbors, therefore it shouldn't try to become a security risk for its neighbors.
I am not vouching for Russian attack on Ukraine, but Ukraine should do what is best for it and its people, not their lord America.

If you are fiend with both Russia and EU, who would attack on you? but if western agencies install a puppet in the office who wants to make enemy of Russia, what do you expect?

There's a certain tact required when you have a seemingly powerful but troublesome neighbor in your backyard like with Ukraine and Russia. I read somewhere about how Canada has historically managed the US from invading or Annexing Canada. The same applies to Saudi Arabia on how it plays both sides (US, RU) with machiavellian finesse. Ideally, Ukraine should have managed Russia in its relationship with NATO, rather than this headbutt approach. But that's assuming Putin is being sincere in his reasons for invading. Which has to do with Russian security interests?
France actually supplies more than both the UK and the US vs GDP.
Most of the support is through EU. It ranks #23 out of 41 countries.

View attachment 955663

Poland, Netherlands and Denmark are also part of the EU - so they are "also" making contributions via the "EU" but they are also making "direct" contributions also which is what the link i posted, is referring to ...

For the type of fighting we are seeing - the A1's are sufficient for now and allows for the addition of combat mass to Ukraine since most of the EU has basically run out of spare T-72/derivative tanks ... Russia has nothing that can compete with the existing M1/Challengers/Leopards that Ukraine already has in it's arsenal.

I am still waiting for the americans to buy the 300 odd T-80UD's from Pakistan for the same cost of a new VT-4 Tank on a 1:1 basis ( unlikely to happen - but hey ..)
When you compare how willing countries are to help, then comparing their help with their GDP is the appropriate way.

France has already developed stealth capability with the nEUROn UCAV.

They are working on
There is very little merit in designing an aircraft on your own if you find good partners.
The problem to me seems to be they’re behind Turkey, South Korea and even japan. Makes me wonder if Europe has lost their way if this is the best their advanced industry can do.
Ukraine was a sovereign country until western agencies invaded it with their agents and put a puppet of their own in the government who acted completely against the farewell of Ukrainian people and wanted to give west a lap dance. that threaten Russian Interest.
This was bigger threat to Russia than the so called Weapons of Mass Destruction Iraq has...
Ukraine cannot change its location and hence its neighbors, therefore it shouldn't try to become a security risk for its neighbors.
I am not vouching for Russian attack on Ukraine, but Ukraine should do what is best for it and its people, not their lord America.

If you are fiend with both Russia and EU, who would attack on you? but if western agencies install a puppet in the office who wants to make enemy of Russia, what do you expect?
Seriously? And Yanukovych wasn’t a puppet of Russia? Please tell me had the people’s best interests in mind, I haven’t laughed today.
When you compare how willing countries are to help, then comparing their help with their GDP is the appropriate way.

France has already developed stealth capability with the nEUROn UCAV.

They are working on
There is very little merit in designing an aircraft on your own if you find good partners.
Your assertions typically have some sound facts behind them. But here your defence of France is falling well short of reason. This is almost the equivalent of saying that a meteor is about to strike the planet, every country is throwing all its resources to build something that deflects the meteor but France decides to do nothing, but we should be happy that France has a GDP that contributes to the rest of the world so should find that acceptable (and it contributes to rest of the world through some the ugliest cars ever built and wine that its own population is reducing how much it drinks).

As for FCAS : yes I am familiar but it will take more than a wiki entry to have confidence in this. Germany is the partner and already with F-35. While it has assured the French (who were upset at Germany for ordering the F-35) that this does not change German participation, once the F35s start to get delivered and perform, I see the Germans going a different direction.

And add to this the fact that France has a bad track record with multi-national fighter programs. It didn’t promote the Jaguar or improved it to favore Mirage 2000 development. ANd then while countries around it went with Tornado and then Typhoon, France has gone it alone. They have no record of being good team players in multi-national fighter programs so FCAS wiki is about all this is ever going to amount to.
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