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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

If we follow your reasoning, it would suggest that the EMU War was initiated by the EMU itself. When we examine the wars you mentioned, they all involved direct U.S. intervention, leading to the expansion of conflicts and the loss of millions of lives. For example, the Iraq War was justified on the grounds of the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs), which were never found.
The Iraq war was justified in the Congress authorization which You obviously have not read.

This conflict resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people, but it often seemed that the victims, primarily Muslims and people of color, received insufficient attention.
With 90% killed by other Iraqis and islamists.

Then, there's the case of Libya, where the U.S. intervened, resulting not only in the removal of its leader but also in the destabilization of what was once one of Africa's more stable nations.
Destabilization by Islamists and warlords supported by Russia and Turkey.

Regarding the Korean War, it's worth noting that the U.S. became involved despite the fact that Korea shared a border with China.

This was a United Nation action approved by the UNSC.

To maintain control of a strategically important location, the U.S. initiated a war that ultimately divided a nation in two, with both sides willing to inflict harm upon each other.
it was divided when North Korea invaded.

The United States has been involved in numerous wars, and while I can't delve into each one here, I recommend studying history from multiple perspectives. Doing so will enhance your understanding of these conflicts.(NO OFFENCE MY FRIEND)
Having different opinion of thought wont make you my enemy

When You study history, you should avoid propaganda.
Leaving aside the pre war possible preventive actions at the beginning of the conflict Ukraine had to fight back to defend itself but now instead of sacrificing a million more Ukranian soldiers gambling with F16s and ATACMS Ukraine can much easily get 4 provinces back in the negotiation table. An agreement addendum to Minsk 2 that makes both sides do take steps at a required timetable and 4 regions as demilitarized buffer zones. Not creating any more fortifications or similar in nearby regions for future battles and even reducing the fortifications in nearby areas neighboring these 4 regions according to a timetable. Every delay would result in some sanctions for the side that delays the items in the agreement. Although the sanctions would be symbolic both sides can't accept to be the initiator of another conflict so they will comply accordingly. This way one side can't say to the other that the other side didn't comply with the agreement so I delay my items which may have been the case of not implementing the Minsk 2 agreement. Military solution that is pursued today does not involve by any means the minority rights living in those regions subjected to the Minsk agreements. Nato countries like France,Germany,Poland etc. act as guarantors of the agreement so without Nato membership security issue of Ukraine can be handled after the agreement.

There can be a timetable and at least Zaporijia and Kherson would be taken back through negotiations by Ukraine within several years. Later on Donetsk and Luhansk as the minority rights + security issues for both sides are handled accordingly. Even if Donetsk and Luhansk status would result in ceasefire-freeze of conflict after the current agreement, Russian future political leadership would want to repair relations with EU and would again make an agreement to end the freezed conflict in return of Eu lifting of sanctions completely. Donetsk and Luhansk is not strategical in long term for Russia unlike Crimea that hosts their Black Sea fleet (which cannot be included to these 4 regions as Crimea joined Russia with a referandum 9 years ago and without initiating any military conflict.Ukraine signing several agreements with Russia later on about Donetsk and Luhansk defacto accepting the Crimea situation and remembering Crimea after the start of the conflict after 8 years ). Currently it is not much difficult for countries that have economic-security relations with Russia like China, Iran to convince Russia for this kind of an agreement as stake holders. However it is a dead end for Ukraine to pursue the military solution to push back Russian forces militarily trying to destroy them which is unaccaptable for those countries that have security-economic relations with Russia. Especially there is still the possibility of negotiations to end the conflict. Failure of the pursued military solution would also speed up the process of bringing the table back at the end but it will cost Ukraine its future generations. Russia can speed up the process by strategies like in contested areas like Robotyne encirclement-capture instead of total destruction of Ukr manpower by Tos-1-Fab and aiming more for logistics-supply lines-armsdepots to break the fighting capability and limiting the long range strikes unless provoked by direct attacks originating from specific locations. It will show that it is not a battle for survival for Ukraine but Russia has no option but to defend its positions until negotiations take place to settle the issues through negotiations. Negotiations option is much better than rolling the dice several times more with F16s and Atacms for Ukraine and losing its youth in the process.
Russia has the option to realize that it cannot sustain the war.

Crimea did not join Russia in 2014, so that needs to be handed back.
It is up to Ukraine to decide its negotiation position, not you.
Libya - Started by Gaddafi
Syria - started by Assad
Iraq - started by Saddam
Afghanistan - started by Al Qaeda
Libya : started by Nato and Eu
Syria : Started by USA and their support for cannibals and Head choppers
Iraq: started by USA and its lie about WMD
Afghanistan : Started by usa as Al-Qaeda was not rulling Afghanistan and Taliban Asked usa to provide the evidence that al-qaeda commit the attacks and usa instead attacked afghanistan

Giving the Storm Shadows to Ukraine was a fantastic idea - amazing return on investment - they are working very well. Hopefully we can give lots more to them !!!!

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Russia has the option to realize that it cannot sustain the war.

Crimea did not join Russia in 2014, so that needs to be handed back.
It is up to Ukraine to decide its negotiation position, not you.

Yes It is up to Ukraine to decide which is better for them not Nato Hq either. Either Zelensky continues obeying Nato HQ orders to concentrate troops on areas without air cover to get bombed by Ruaf and Tos-1 to gain several more kms of land to satisfy their war investors degrading Russia with thousands of more casualties of their own or better ask the Ukranians themselves if they prefer the solution of negotiations instead of the so called counter offensive. I bet a referandum on Ukranians would prefer negotiations with the option to get their lands back with a Minsk derivative agreement over this war.
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The Ukrainian army published footage of a Ukrainian FPV drone chasing a Russian Ka-52 helicopter. At the moment, an FPV drone does not pose a threat to a helicopter, since the speed of FPV drones reaches 250 km/h, and the Ka-52 helicopter reaches a speed of 350 km/h. But if the drone and the helicopter are on opposite flight paths, or when approaching the helicopter at an angle, the drone can hit the helicopter. With the further development of FPV drones, they will become a real threat to helicopters.

Fpv can be used in the offensive to complicate the issue for low flying Ka-52. Helicopter also has much higher climb rate when it detects the fpv drone it can climb high and reposition itself somewhere else. If it has sufficient horizontal distance like 8 - 10km from the frontline it will still be protected from manpads and mobile sams while maneuvering away. The problem is detection of these drones. This one below was interesting about catching the nearby gps signals. Some warning sensor can be added to helicopters and tanks to take evasive action and possibly locate-attack the incoming drone after evasion

How is the Ukraine Counteroffensive going?

Since three month i look at maps from both sides and all looks similar. I can look at a map from July what looks the same as a map from August or September. Are Ukraine and Russia already in the negotiation phase? All combat operations stopped?
Giving the Storm Shadows to Ukraine was a fantastic idea - amazing return on investment - they are working very well. Hopefully we can give lots more to them !!!!

I thought russian air defences already figured out storm shadow and made them obsolete? Hahaha 🤣

How is the Ukraine Counteroffensive going?

Since three month i look at maps from both sides and all looks similar. I can look at a map from July what looks the same as a map from August or September. Are Ukraine and Russia already in the negotiation phase? All combat operations stopped?
Slow. Millions of mines and lack of air cover dulled ukranian offensive ambitions.

Though tokmak, or getting tokmak in artillery range would already be nice.
Then lets go in the next year!

In meantime ukraine does seem to be winning the artillery counter-battery fight.
This time winter will not be peaceful for russia.
How is the Ukraine Counteroffensive going?

Since three month i look at maps from both sides and all looks similar. I can look at a map from July what looks the same as a map from August or September. Are Ukraine and Russia already in the negotiation phase? All combat operations stopped?

In case you missed it! :smitten:


Russia is not allowed to bring new warships into the black sea. Whatever they started the war with, is what they are left with as Turkey wont let new russian warships enter the black sea, and slowly and surely, Ukraine is sending them all to the bottom.

This is gonna hurt them for sure, both their pride and also their military capability.
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