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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Libya : started by Nato and Eu
Gadaffi started massacring Libyans during the Arab Spring, and the UNSC asked all nations to put a stop to the atrocities.
Syria : Started by USA and their support for cannibals and Head choppers
The US got involved only after two years. Started by the Assad regime killing demonstrators.
Iraq: started by USA and its lie about WMD
Started by Saddam Hussein in 1991. The US terminated the ceasefire and did not start a new war.
Afghanistan : Started by usa as Al-Qaeda was not rulling Afghanistan and Taliban
Afganistan was legally an ally of Al Qaeda before 9/11.
Asked usa to provide the evidence that al-qaeda commit the attacks and usa instead attacked afghanistan
Of no importance as Al Qaeda had bases in Afghanistan and was at war with the US before 9/11.

Yes It is up to Ukraine to decide which is better for them not Nato Hq either. Either Zelensky continues obeying Nato HQ orders to concentrate troops on areas without air cover to get bombed by Ruaf and Tos-1 to gain several more kms of land to satisfy their war investors degrading Russia with thousands of more casualties of their own or better ask the Ukranians themselves if they prefer the solution of negotiations instead of the so called counter offensive. I bet a referandum on Ukranians would prefer negotiations with the option to get their lands back with a Minsk derivative agreement over this war.
NATO does not give orders to Ukraine.
It provides recommendations, and sometimes attach conditions to weapons deliveries.
If Russia offers all the land of the Russian Federation west of the Ural, including Crimea, I am sure everyone would accept the offer.
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How is the Ukraine Counteroffensive going?

Since three month i look at maps from both sides and all looks similar. I can look at a map from July what looks the same as a map from August or September. Are Ukraine and Russia already in the negotiation phase? All combat operations stopped?

The trouble being is that the West delayed for so long that it gave the Russians a year or so to build all the fortifications that the Ukrainians are now trying to traverse in record time, or by a time acceptable to Western standards. Still no Atacms. Tanks only recently. The Ukrainian efforts to date have been exceptional with what they have been able to muster from the West and build on their own.
🇷🇺🇺🇦🔎Why is SMO progressing slowly?

Part I. Objective reasons

A Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine has been ongoing for a year and a half already. More and more people start expressing their dissatisfaction with a slow progress of the campaign. There are a number of both objective and subjective reasons for that. Let's address some of them.

Objective reasons

First of all, Russia is fighting not against Ukraine, but against NATO with its entire military, financial and industrial potential, which many times surpass the Russian one (see a table below). Only fear of the Russian nuclear power prevents the conflict from its escalation into a direct military confrontation. As of today, forces fighting on a line of combat contact are basically equal, which excludes a quick win for either side.
Second is a limited mobilization. It makes no sense to mobilize larger number of Russians at the moment. Mobilized ones must be equipped and armed, and in addition to people heavy machinery, artillery and aviation also should be present. Russia's military industry is working at its full capacity, constantly ramping up production, but this is still not enough to achieve significant superiority in machinery and weapons.
Third, a crucial problem is a longer range of NATO artillery, compared to a Russian one; and consequently, the enemy’s successful counter-battery warfare. Currently the country is working on the problem of the long-range artillery and the counter-battery warfare, but fixing the problem takes time.
Cluster shells supplies to Ukraine have solved a problem of ammunition shortages, and for a long time to come. There are 3 million pieces in stock in the USA alone. Defensive use of these munitions in the event of massive attacks by Russian troops will lead to huge casualties among the military. Presently they are not much efficient for offensive actions, except for minefield clearance.
Fourth, intelligence that NATO provides to a Ukrainian army is a serious problem. NATO's extensive spy satellite network, manned and unmanned aircraft provide the AFU with the necessary information in real time.

🖋Original InfoDefense material

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense
Gadaffi started massacring Libyans during the Arab Spring, and the UNSC asked all nations to put a stop to the atrocities.
We already discussed it and you very well knew that unsc resolution only allowed protecting civilian not attacking Gaddafi forces in middle of desert whenever they fought the rebels.

The US got involved only after two years. Started by the Assad regime killing demonstrators.
And the statistic show in first month of uprising for each 2 so called civilian died onj SAA personnel died and to me that's not consistent with your tale of peacefull demonstrators.
Also we still recall USA worked as airforce for isis and Al-nusra front

Started by Saddam Hussein in 1991. The US terminated the ceasefire and did not start a new war.
And you again forget it start in 2003 by lies fabricated by USA and it's so called free media and there was no justification for that.

Of no importance as Al Qaeda had bases in Afghanistan and was at war with the US before 9/11.
Sent by USA there and USA failed to provide any evidence of their involvement in the wtc attacks to afghan government.
Giving the Storm Shadows to Ukraine was a fantastic idea - amazing return on investment - they are working very well. Hopefully we can give lots more to them !!!!

Yes well done
That’s a massive attack on the Russian naval fleet.
Reportedly 17 cruise missiles were launched. 10 hits. The Russians are now totally paralyzed.
From "we'll take kyiv in three days" to "if it takes 3 millions to defeat Ukraine so be it". :lol:
What he meant is 'even if it takes 3 million men to make sure whoever is left Central Asia not yet part of NATO, will become part of NATO, we will get the 3 million'

That backstory is something that western media and politicians conveniently forget. For most lame people, as you said, this all started when Putin woke up one day and decided to invade Ukraine or even to recreate the USSR, and most people bought that line.
Not lame people. People that know more about history than recent Russian propaganda.

Finland in 1940, invaded/attacked but Russia pushed out
Hungary 1956, Czechoslavakia 1968.

You see a pattern of Russia constantly attacking and killing its neighbors. This time its *** has been handed to them.

The western powers are more colonial and are interfering fighting battles, but at least not at their door step.

Russia just goes after its neghbors
🇷🇺🇺🇦🔎Why is SMO progressing slowly?

Part I. Objective reasons

A Special Military Operation (SMO) in Ukraine has been ongoing for a year and a half already. More and more people start expressing their dissatisfaction with a slow progress of the campaign. There are a number of both objective and subjective reasons for that. Let's address some of them.

Objective reasons

First of all, Russia is fighting not against Ukraine, but against NATO with its entire military, financial and industrial potential, which many times surpass the Russian one (see a table below). Only fear of the Russian nuclear power prevents the conflict from its escalation into a direct military confrontation. As of today, forces fighting on a line of combat contact are basically equal, which excludes a quick win for either side.
Second is a limited mobilization. It makes no sense to mobilize larger number of Russians at the moment. Mobilized ones must be equipped and armed, and in addition to people heavy machinery, artillery and aviation also should be present. Russia's military industry is working at its full capacity, constantly ramping up production, but this is still not enough to achieve significant superiority in machinery and weapons.
Third, a crucial problem is a longer range of NATO artillery, compared to a Russian one; and consequently, the enemy’s successful counter-battery warfare. Currently the country is working on the problem of the long-range artillery and the counter-battery warfare, but fixing the problem takes time.
Cluster shells supplies to Ukraine have solved a problem of ammunition shortages, and for a long time to come. There are 3 million pieces in stock in the USA alone. Defensive use of these munitions in the event of massive attacks by Russian troops will lead to huge casualties among the military. Presently they are not much efficient for offensive actions, except for minefield clearance.
Fourth, intelligence that NATO provides to a Ukrainian army is a serious problem. NATO's extensive spy satellite network, manned and unmanned aircraft provide the AFU with the necessary information in real time.

🖋Original InfoDefense material

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
📱 InfoDefense
Easy to understand. Putin designs this war as “SMO” special military operations because he wants his KGB gangs to lead the military campaign.
Putin is a ex spy. What people can expect from a spy? He is eine dummbacke. Putin believes too much to his own propaganda. Not going well as planned obviously. If the war is called as war, Russia military leads the operations then the war would probably over in 4 weeks.
What he meant is 'even if it takes 3 million men to make sure whoever is left Central Asia not yet part of NATO, will become part of NATO, we will get the 3 million'

Not lame people. People that know more about history than recent Russian propaganda.

Finland in 1940, invaded/attacked but Russia pushed out
Hungary 1956, Czechoslavakia 1968.

You see a pattern of Russia constantly attacking and killing its neighbors. This time its *** has been handed to them.

The western powers are more colonial and are interfering fighting battles, but at least not at their door step.

Russia just goes after its neghbors
Europe learned from ww1 and ww2 (and the countless wars before that) that landgrab inside europe is a very bad idea.

Russia is still stuck in a ww1 mindset
The Iraq war was justified in the Congress authorization which You obviously have not read.
How can you rationalize a war that began under false pretenses? Are you genuinely this trusting, or is this an attempt at cleverness? The media outlets like CNN and BBC in 2003 often discussed the pretext of weapons of mass destruction and their implications, but the actual motivations behind the war were different.
With 90% killed by other Iraqis and islamists.
If you approach this situation logically, you'd wonder why it occurred in the first place. When a country is destabilized or destroyed, it often leads to internal conflicts and purges. This situation unfolded right under the watch of the United States and its allies. The Iraqis you're mentioning were actually supported and armed by those who claimed to be champions of humanity, all in the name of countering Iran. A puppet govt was made to achieve their goals.
Destabilization by Islamists and warlords supported by Russia and Turkey.
Which Islamist group are you referencing? Libya's population is predominantly Muslim. Gaddafi was steadfast and never capitulated. Your favored entities orchestrated the entire campaign against him, and in the quest to oust one man, they devastated an entire nation.

This was a United Nation action approved by the UNSC.

it was divided when North Korea invaded.
The Korean War was fundamentally a clash between communism and other global ideologies. This conflict led to the loss of numerous lives and deepened the divide between two parts of a nation that remain in a near-constant state of tension. Both Russia and China hold responsibility, but so do the U.S. and its allies.
When You study history, you should avoid propaganda.
Short TikTok videos and brief clips don't constitute historical knowledge, my friend. When a Muslim country defends itself against an invading force, they're often labeled as terrorists. In contrast, if a predominantly white nation defends itself, they're often called freedom fighters. This, my friend, exemplifies hypocrisy.
And History is full of hypocrites....
Twisted history coming from Putins desk.
Former Warsaw Pact members and Soviet states slipping out of Russia control took the wise decision to join NATO. That is their right, and NATO welcomes any European country sharing its values. That is their right. Russia has no right to prevent them joining. Russia has acknowledged this in the 1997 Founding Act. NATO refused to allow Ukraine to join (France and Germany said no) because Ukraine has a long way to go to meet the qualification requirement.

So You are severely misguided.
Russia expressed concerns about former Soviet states joining NATO, but NATO didn't positively address those concerns. It's NATO that's expanding close to Russia, not the opposite.
While I might be misinformed, your stance, my friend, seems to be tinged with hypocrisy.
The encirclement of Bakhmut by Ukraine army at northern and southern flanks is nearly complete. The Russians soon sit like rats in the trap.

Ukraine 3rd brigade

Ein Soldat der 3. Separatistenbrigade der Ukraine blickt auf einen Schützenpanzer bei Bachmut.

Ein Soldat der 3. Separatistenbrigade der Ukraine blickt auf einen Schützenpanzer bei Bachmut. Bild: DPA
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