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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

More facts:
14 million refugees
100.000+ casualties
Agressor who denies statehood of victim.

Nakba palestine:
700.000 refugees
10.000+ casualties
Agressor who agreed with two state solution.

Think about that before cheerleading russia so much?
is your moral compass still working?
You can tell from the shills on the forum that Putin or Trump is going to get a deal for the Palestinians in payment for siding with Putin.

To give a morale boost to those that want to burn down Europe, it is sick. I doubt real Palestinians such as former Congressman Justin Amash would fall for licking the boots of Putin or Trump.

Though the fake anti-imperialists and tankies fell for it.

"Many Arabs sided with Nazi Germany. Many Arabs did not want to welcome the Jewish migrants fleeing the staged war. After the holocaust, Jews were the official war victims, and could 'do no wrong'. If you did not support the Jews, you were deemed so evil you could be called sub-human because of the suffering of the Jews"

To tankies and fake anti-imperialists - They demand the killing of Ukrainians to punish the Europeans for opposing the perennial victims of the past 75 years - the Palestinians.

"Many Europeans sided with Zionist Israel. Many European did not want to side with the Palestinian plight - not a majority, though many. After the "holocaust of Palestinians", Palestinians are the official victims, and 'can do no wrong'. They support Putin, so you must support Putin. If you did not support the Palestinians, you were deemed so evil you could be called sub-human because of the suffering of the Palestinians"

They don't realize the Palestinians are the new Zionists, support of Palestinians is the new Zionism - for zionism has turned into special victimhood. Because Palestinians were victims: "others MUST die. Punish Ukrainians, kill Ukrainians", this in reality is murderous.

I have supported the Palestinians since I was a youth. I opposed the cia wars for decades. I am really anti-imperialist - anti-imperialism for Russia, UK, US, China, France, Israel.

Watch the anti-Zionists chimp out, being called zionists. Because murdering others because you are the new special victim is the old zionism.

I believe I pissed off anybody on the forum. Truth hurts.
Trump wanted Europe to rearm and get energy security and not rely on the US, he mentioned it multiple times by pointing out the disparity between US contribution to NATO and Europe's contribution, and the stupid Germans deal with the Russian pipeline Nordstream.

Yeah, because Trump was in on it with Putin.

Trump: ‘Used to talk about’ Ukraine invasion with Putin​

Trump did not warn about an planned invasion of Europe. Told Europe to rearm and get energy security for "see I told you so".

Trump’s (and Putin’s) Plan to Dissolve the EU and NATO.​

Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance, according to new book​

In an excerpt published in the Washington Post, Mr Trump is said to have lost the confidence of Defense Secretary Mark Esper.

“In fact, Trump had privately indicated that he would seek to withdraw from Nato and to blow up the US alliance with South Korea, should he win reelection. When those alliances had come up in meetings with Esper and other top aides, some advisers warned Trump that shredding them before the election would be politically dangerous.

“Yeah, the second term,” Trump had said. “We’ll do it in the second term.”

According to the excerpt, episodes recounted in the book are based on interviews with senior Trump administration officials, friends and advisers to the president.

Former National Security Advisor John Bolton says 'Putin was waiting' for Trump to withdraw the United States from NATO in his second term​

A masked bank robber to get an alibi would tell the bank days before robbing it to beef up security. When they don't beef up security, he robs the bank. Later, if asked if he robbed the bank, he says, "No, I warned them they needed more security, I am the hero". Then after robbing the bank, weeks, months later go to the same bank and tell them "see I told you so".

Trump had pre-knowledge of the Putin attack on Europe. Told Europe exactly what to do to save itself, then watched, covertly cheering for Putin with Tucker and Ultra MAGA. Trump knew the entire script, and wanted to be seen as "smart" so told the Europeans the solution knowing the Europeans would probably not listen.


A shill would say, "You believe a criminal (Bolton) squealed on another criminal (Trump). You can't use the words of a criminal against another criminal if you are against crime".

Actually, this is done in the USA:

Trump special advisor and mobster Felix Sater squealed on Italian mobsters.
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Ukraine should knock out the rail and every auto lane on the newly repaired Crimean Bridge.

This video explains the importance:

If they are unable, hit other valuable supply line targets.

Russia repairs span on Crimean bridge that collapsed after drone attack​

The Russian occupying authorities have replaced a span on the Crimean bridge which had collapsed after an attack by uncrewed surface vessels (USVs) during a special operation by the Ukrainian Navy and security services.

You're wrong. Trump addressed this. He said Putin has to be punished harshly. He wouldn't block anything had Putin invaded. But Putin wouldn't have invaded anyway if Trump was president, Putin had respect to Trump but not to the braindead senile Biden and the treacherous democrats.
Noone sane has any respect for Trump.
He is clearly a Putin puppet.

Trump would have sent troops to Ukraine prior to the invasion to prevent the war or fully stock the Ukrainian army from the get go, if Putin wanted to invade under his rule.
You mean the Trump that blocked sending arms to Ukraine approved by Congress?

Trump wanted Europe to rearm and get energy security and not rely on the US, he mentioned it multiple times by pointing out the disparity between US contribution to NATO and Europe's contribution, and the stupid Germans deal with the Russian pipeline Nordstream.
Trump wanted Europeans to increase their budget and spend the fresh money on buying US arms. When Europeans indicated increased budgets would be used to buy European arms he had a fit of rage.

He also wanted Europe to buy US LNG.

He showed total lack of understanding of how NATO economics work, and what was agreed.
Trump wouldn't have let this war start. Stopping it is another story.

Trump won't agree to Ukrainian territories being occupied by Russia
Trump approved the delivery of Javelins to Ukraine after he met Putin in person. Trump realized Putin is a hooligan. A man he can’t trust. The former president Obama refused the weapon out of fear of Russian anger. That just proves again any appeasement towards aggression will bear terrible outcome. Without Javelins Ukraine could never stop Russia tank assault on Kiev.

Wishing Trump return to power is like wishing a nuclear war.
Trump approved the delivery of Javelins to Ukraine after he met Putin in person. Trump realized Putin is a hooligan. A man he can’t trust. The former president Obama refused the weapon out of fear of Russian anger. That just proves again any appeasement towards aggression will bear terrible outcome. Without Javelins Ukraine could never stop Russia tank assault on Kiev.

Wishing Trump return to power is like wishing a nuclear war.
It isn't even right, Ukraine didn't have Javelins before Biden gave it to them around March 2022
Noone sane has any respect for Trump.
He is clearly a Putin puppet.

You mean the Trump that blocked sending arms to Ukraine approved by Congress?

Trump wanted Europeans to increase their budget and spend the fresh money on buying US arms. When Europeans indicated increased budgets would be used to buy European arms he had a fit of rage.

He also wanted Europe to buy US LNG.

He showed total lack of understanding of how NATO economics work, and what was agreed.
Just a nonsensical lie by the democrats, Trump being a "Russian puppet" and "Russian election meddling" my ***.

He's not a Putin puppet. If anyone was stupid enough to be Russia's puppet, it would have been the Europeans for being dependent on Russian gas.

During Trump administration, war was not forseeable, giving Ukraine weapons without an indication for war would be considered an act of aggression.
Giving them weapons with an indication for war would be a smart thing to do.

Biden took his time, the only western weapons available to Ukraine initially were a few Carl Gustaffs and NLAWs while America had indications about the war months before it started.

During the stupid Democrats administration, everything went to shit. Ukraine-Russia war, inflation, North Korea started launching rockets again, China is acting aggressive on Taiwan, and generally people think the US is a joke.

Europeans didn't increase budgets, that's what he was angry about, and it took the Ukraine war, well after his presidency, to start increasing their budget seriously.

About the gas, Europeans made an absolutely foolish decision and they mocked Trump for thinking correctly, had they bought gas from the US you wouldn't have paid 1000 dollars for turning on a LED lightbulb for 5 seconds during 2022 winter.

Buying Russian gas for tens of billions of dollars while having the US spend tens of billions of dollars annually simply on the deployment of soldiers in Europe to defend against Russia.

Remember it was Europe that funded Russia even throughout the war by buying Russian gas at stupidly high prices.
It isn't even right, Ukraine didn't have Javelins before Biden gave it to them around March 2022
Ukraine received the first batch in 2018. Ukraine wants ultimately the weapon. Poroshenko met Trump in the Washington. Trump made the decision after he met Putin in Hamburg in 2017.

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