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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Mark this as the biggest lie in this forum posted within the last 12 months… did you ever check a random Ukrainian city before and after Russia liberated them, in fact simply flattened them?

then don't hide weapons in schools and nursery

and US did it all the time in Iraq and Afghanistan

then don't hide weapons in schools and nursery

and US did it all the time in Iraq and Afghanistan

Afghan warlords provided faulty intel to US troops at times, this is how Afghan warlords would get rid of their enemies.
Afghan warlords provided faulty intel to US troops at times, this is how Afghan warlords would get rid of their enemies.

US fault for relying on Afghan warlords for source of information knowing they are bribed
Stop your shameless propaganda.

1000 in 15 months in ukraine.

400 in syria by russia/assad

Iraq? 12.

It is a fact russia has been targeting/hitting healtcare centers at rates 30 to 80 times (!!!) that of the west.

Russia attacks and we have millions dead and plummeting population.
Nato attacks and life expectancy and education greatly improves…
Let that fact sink in…before you go back to cheerleading this russian war of agression.

I am all for painting the west in a shade of grey. We are far from saints…but russias conduct in modern times is a far more heavyhanded, far more brutal. A much much darker shade of grey.

look keep your crocodile tears to yourself

wasn't it your Dutch "peacekeepers" who watched the slaughter of over 8,000 Bosnian men and young boys at the hands of the Serbs

and if your German then the less I say about your support for Israel the better, you killed 6 million Jews and threw the problem on Palestine

you should stay quite
Ukraine kills 49 Elite Russian Paratroopers from the 7th Guards Mountain Airborne Division

Russia reduced to 50pc combat power(!)​

>> very good return on investment for USA/West ...
So i guess global firepower needs to update its figures:

No longer the near peer and second superpower. But a military power on level with japan/south korea.
Number 5/6 now.
Trump has no say in whether Russia invades or not.
Trump would block any attempts to ship arms to Ukraine.
Trump is into loyalty, if you serve Trump, mob boss Trump would say you have protection.

Zelensky had to prove loyalty to Trump in providing dirt on Trump rival Biden. Trump wanted Zelensky to betray the neo-liberal side for Trump protection from Russia. Trump knew the DC Beltway was fully supporting Biden in the Democratic Primary and Trump wanted to destroy that campaign.

Trump offers first the carrot then the stick. Are you a Trump loyalist, if Zelensky kissed the hand of the mob boss Trump, then Ukraine would have been safer. Expect more of the same mob boss Trump policy. When you declare independence from these mob bosses Putin and Trump, then expect the stick. I expect Trump to be conciliatory to Europe. Trump is going to first want to destroy political enemies domestically. If Europe kisses the hand of the mob boss Trump, then Trump offers protection if you pay in loyalty and service to the Trump crime family.

I hope Europe never forgets:

For four years Trump worked to undermine Europe, and Trump wants to paint a new image of Trump as "savior of Europe". If Europe does not rearm/get energy security... and needs mob boss protection, then Europe is prey to Trump ambitions and schemes.
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Trump has no say in whether Russia invades or not.
Trump would block any attempts to ship arms to Ukraine.
You're wrong. Trump addressed this. He said Putin has to be punished harshly. He wouldn't block anything had Putin invaded. But Putin wouldn't have invaded anyway if Trump was president, Putin had respect to Trump but not to the braindead senile Biden and the treacherous democrats.

Trump would have sent troops to Ukraine prior to the invasion to prevent the war or fully stock the Ukrainian army from the get go, if Putin wanted to invade under his rule.

Trump is into loyalty, if you serve Trump, mob boss Trump would say you have protection.

Zelensky had to prove loyalty to Trump in providing dirt on Trump rival Biden. Trump wanted Zelensky to betray the neo-liberal side for Trump protection from Russia. Trump knew the DC Beltway was fully supporting Biden in the Democratic Primary and Trump wanted to destroy that campaign.

Trump offers first the carrot then the stick. Are you a Trump loyalist, if Zelensky kissed the hand of the mob boss Trump, then Ukraine would have been safer. Expect more of the same mob boss Trump policy. When you declare independence from these mob bosses Putin and Trump, then expect the stick. I expect Trump to be conciliatory to Europe. Trump is going to first want to destroy political enemies domestically. If Europe kisses the hand of the mob boss Trump, then Trump offers protection if you pay in loyalty and service to the Trump crime family.

I hope Europe never forgets:

For four years Trump worked to undermine Europe, and Trump wants to paint a new image of Trump as "savior of Europe". If Europe does not rearm/get energy security... and needs mob boss protection, then Europe is prey to Trump ambitions and schemes.
Trump wanted Europe to rearm and get energy security and not rely on the US, he mentioned it multiple times by pointing out the disparity between US contribution to NATO and Europe's contribution, and the stupid Germans deal with the Russian pipeline Nordstream.
You made a failed whataboutism to defend russian warcrimes.

When you got caught. You respond with…

More failed whataboutisms! Hahahaa

Sad stuff.

Also both dutch and german saw the error in their past ways. A level of self-reflection you seem incapable of.
Any self-reflection really. Which explains your chearleading for warcrimes.

who cares what you think? do I care ? No

Europeans have the worst track record when it comes to human rights in history

both between yourselves and to others

so there's no way any European can preach morals and ethnics

and if you do speak to the wall because no ones cares what you say
Mark this as the biggest lie in this forum posted within the last 12 months… did you ever check a random Ukrainian city before and after Russia liberated them, in fact simply flattened them?
If the Israelis (who did and in part, still do crimes but vs who and why/when) would handle their problem with the Arabs/Muslims like the Russians, Christ, no whimpy-whining in this forum except in past-speech, why? Not one Palestinian would be left. ^^
Always funny, if Russians wage wars, the life quality and population numbers are shrinking massively, if "the West™" is waging wars, the countries have all opportunities to get rich, stable etc. don't get me wrong, many wrong-doings by the West in these cases but as a whole?
If they don't get it, it's self-responsibility.
Look at Germany, Japan, (South)Korea, heck, even Vietnam.
I think there are certain reasons why certain countries will never be really productive, except with hard handed dictators, sadly these dictators got more often than not removed from "the West™" which is a mistake. THEY (ordinary people in these countries) NEED this type of government.
More facts:
14 million refugees
100.000+ casualties
Agressor who denies statehood of victim.

Nakba palestine:
700.000 refugees
10.000+ casualties
Agressor who agreed with two state solution.

Think about that before cheerleading russia so much?
is your moral compass still working?
You forget the fact the Arabs were the ones that started the war though lol

They cry about the consequences of what they did
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