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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I've always maintained that the Russians have been reactive instead of being proactive in their defensive approach of this war. I said that many months ago.

The Russians are treating this war as a special military operation and Putin & Lavrov keep reiterating that and they have serious reasons for keeping that narrative as I'm sure you know quite well. Problem is, that's created complacency within the entire command and operations. Lack of combined arms warfare & support in many situations, especially armored attacks without pre-softening of targets with enough air, artillery and armored infantry support. Disorganized attacks and retreats, leaving units stranded in open fields without protection and the list goes on. It has exposed their undisciplined planning and execution, not only in their offensive strategy, but their defensive one also.

To claim it as a special military operation is counter-productive since despite their lack of organized CAS in their offensive attacks, the initial tally of territory they captured was the size of the German offensive in Operation Barbarossa in total length from the north to the south. That's hardly a special operation. If they want to call it that then fine but treat it like a major war because that's what it is. They're failing at that.

Agreed. My issue wasn't with the cost of the missile vs the cost of the platform being destroyed. That's a no-brainer. It was the ability to detect the specific threat of small, cardboard drones carrying bomblets and making absurd claims the S-400 is junk. Why use something you're going to fire blindly? There are many other better & effective choices to use IF they can be tracked. It's not as simple as some here are trying to portray it as just to amp up the anti-Russian bashing without any objectivity.

And which exact Shahed did Ukraine reportedly down with a PAC-3 missile? The kamikaze loitering (aka Gerand-2) or the 129 UCAV? If it was anything like the 129 (which is what I figured you were talking about) then there is no comparison to tiny, bomblet carrying Phantom DJI carboard drones. The 129 is practically a replica of the predator, although smaller and most likely not as capable and probably lights up on radar.

And where is this report of the PAC-3 intercepting a Shahed 136? Can you source it?

According to the Russians, they've launched hundreds of Shahed kamikaze loitering drones quite effectively.

And BTW, I have no issues with the capability of the PAC-3. But saying the S-400 is junk is laughable. Sorry, but can't take comments like that seriously.

If this...

View attachment 951325

... or something similar, then the Russians need to start taking this threat much more seriously because these are very difficult to defend against, especially if they were launched within Russian territory.

Remind me to inform the Chinese, Indian, Turkish, Belarusian and Algerian militaries that they got scammed and to consult with you first from now on.

Still very difficult to detect and target. And when a simple, little bomblet lands on top of a transport AC like the IL-76, it's enough to penetrate the skin of the wings & fuselage and ignite the fuel. They don't have enough shelters for these large aircraft, making them quite vulnerable, exacerbated by the difficulty of spotting these drones.
What happened to that large Russian column that was stuck just outside of Kiev? Were they ordered to retreat?

Russia's actions have been very weird and yes they treat it as a special military operation because that is what NATO tolerates. If it is a total war then Russia would face bombardment 24/7 in its territory.
@Gomig-21 you see how much the Russians believe in their air defenses?


Don't worry, I'll have Xi Jinping and Modi and Erdogan & co. call you from now on to get advice on what they should've done instead of ordering the S-400 and getting scammed. I just texted Erdogan; got him on Samsung visual ID fast dial and gave him your contact info. They're devastated.
What happened to that large Russian column that was stuck just outside of Kiev? Were they ordered to retreat?

Russia's actions have been very weird and yes they treat it as a special military operation because that is what NATO tolerates. If it is a total war then Russia would face bombardment 24/7 in its territory.

The only thing this 40km mile long convoy proved, is that the Ukrainian military missed a golden opportunity to take out a lot of equipment. Allowing the convoy to escape was a fatal flaw…
@Gomig-21 you see how much the Russians believe in their air defenses?


S400 manned with top tier crew would be very formidable, but Russia has shown over the last 6 months that that is highly unlikely. Conversely, during the war in Kosovo it was demonstrated that a highly capable crew could operate to dangerous effect even with older equipment
I've always maintained that the Russians have been reactive instead of being proactive in their defensive approach of this war. I said that many months ago.

The Russians are treating this war as a special military operation and Putin & Lavrov keep reiterating that and they have serious reasons for keeping that narrative as I'm sure you know quite well. Problem is, that's created complacency within the entire command and operations. Lack of combined arms warfare & support in many situations, especially armored attacks without pre-softening of targets with enough air, artillery and armored infantry support. Disorganized attacks and retreats, leaving units stranded in open fields without protection and the list goes on. It has exposed their undisciplined planning and execution, not only in their offensive strategy, but their defensive one also

To claim it as a special military operation is counter-productive since despite their lack of organized CAS in their offensive attacks, the initial tally of territory they captured was the size of the German offensive in Operation Barbarossa in total length from the north to the south. That's hardly a special operation. If they want to call it that then fine but treat it like a major war because that's what it is. They're failing at that.

It's not reactive, but rather this is the most they can give. Because they are stuck between the keeping with their original battleplan or expanding

It's not hard at all to see the original battleplan for Russia is to try to deal a incapacitated blow and then have the Ukrainian fall into line. Judging by the initial strike and force composition, they are not designed for prolonged period of fight. The only issue here is, that did not happen, part of it because they can't take Hostomel and you can't take Kyiv if you can't take Hostomel, and the other part is the Russian has underestimate both Western Response and Ukrainian resolute to fight, Pretty sure Kremlin thought once they took Kyiv, it would be like Crimea back in 2014 and nothing will be done to them and the entire international community would have to accept Ukraine change over.

The issue here is larger than Russian ill fate attempt, but rather Ukraine is simply too big to swallow, as I pointed out many time before, nobody in the Military Analysis circle believe that Russia is going to invade because the starting lineup is too small for an operation like that. And that also heavily hinged on Ukraine do nothing, which turn out to be false. but when the entire operation goes pear shape, and Russia realise they need more men to at least try to salvage something, the men were not there, it's only as good if you can train your draftee to a level of a regular soldier and then deploy them to war, which is not the case here and that's why they haven't made much of anything post mobilisation.

That was in turn because the Russian can't really order a general mobilisation, and literally commit everything they had in their arsenal into this war, and doing that would mean the Russian government either has to choose to favor their ruling elite or isolate the middle-lower class Russian, because you won't think the elite is going to war, it's always the middle-lower class Russian, and that present a dilemma, remember how Bolsheviks comes into power? If the Russian government do that now. They are playing into the same scenario in WW1, which mean this war, by default, cannot be fought with complete Russian Firepower. Now, setting aside would that make any different had Russian committed into this war, they cannot call it anything but a special military operation.

Agreed. My issue wasn't with the cost of the missile vs the cost of the platform being destroyed. That's a no-brainer. It was the ability to detect the specific threat of small, cardboard drones carrying bomblets and making absurd claims the S-400 is junk. Why use something you're going to fire blindly? There are many other better & effective choices to use IF they can be tracked. It's not as simple as some here are trying to portray it as just to amp up the anti-Russian bashing without any objectivity.

And which exact Shahed did Ukraine reportedly down with a PAC-3 missile? The kamikaze loitering (aka Gerand-2) or the 129 UCAV? If it was anything like the 129 (which is what I figured you were talking about) then there is no comparison to tiny, bomblet carrying Phantom DJI carboard drones. The 129 is practically a replica of the predator, although smaller and most likely not as capable and probably lights up on radar.

And where is this report of the PAC-3 intercepting a Shahed 136? Can you source it?

According to the Russians, they've launched hundreds of Shahed kamikaze loitering drones quite effectively.

And BTW, I have no issues with the capability of the PAC-3. But saying the S-400 is junk is laughable. Sorry, but can't take comments like that seriously.

If this...

View attachment 951325

... or something similar, then the Russians need to start taking this threat much more seriously because these are very difficult to defend against, especially if they were launched within Russian territory.
They are from a few months ago, in fact, I can't tell if that is true or not, I saw hundred if not thousand of intelligence cable on this war, not all of them are correct. That's why I said there were report, not actual interception happened. If so, I would not say "reported" strike, I would just say said strike happened.

Beside, that's just making a point anyway, you have to put everything up to strategic target inside your own country, unless they really do buy Russian Military target inside Russia is not fair game. You would have to defend Russian asset inside your country that can otherwise be use in the operation.

That was not done, first you have Pro-Ukraine Russian group attacking and getting in and out of Russia in the border town between Ukraine and Russia. Then you have sabotage, car bomb (that kill that Dugina bombing) and IED (the Cafe bombing) and drone strike every which way in Moscow (well, take your pick) that's not a mindset of some country in war. It's like when US are in war in the Middle East, you don't see suicide bomber can sneak into US and bomb the shit out of Washington DC. Granted, US is 10000 mile away from the Middle Eastern frontline, and Russia is next to Ukraine, but that still means you need to put up some defence.

As I said, if you can detect them with advance technology, then establish a no fly zone and post sentry every which way to do 24/7 look out, unless the Ukrainian launch those drone from inside their base, they would have to at least pass thru some ground before hitting their target, they don't even do that. That is unacceptable especially for a country at war.
This week is very important for Ukraine

2 corps and 1 brigade spearheading the break through

2 brigades in reserve with Challenger + Abram for the break through once gap opens

However there is many trenches

And western intel was not great on the Russians positions

It’s do or die for Ukraine

If they can’t break out and cut the Russian land bridge to Crimea this war will be over for Ukraine
But no weapons which will allow Ukraine to win the war

More weapons only to PROLONG the war

When Iran says USA= Devil I believe them

It's just protect their own interests.
USA interests are not win Ukraine war, it's a endless war.

And in the Iran Deal they didnt call them Devil, they brought on their knees to Great Satan :enjoy:

There Will Be No Peace. Andriivka Is Taken in Pincers. Military Summary And Analysis For 2023.09.06

Trump will end this war in 24 hours

Biden has totally destroyed itself under creepy Joe

Trump was against wars and the world was more stable

yes he was horrible to reporters who in turn waged war against him but in terms of ending global conflicts even with the hardest ones like North Korea he was successful

the arms manufactures were clearly not happy
We can absolutely agree on this, as trump has said in multiple occasions he just wants the killing to stop. Who can’t agree with that?

The US better prepare it self for another Trump term too. This would likely lead to another 4 years of the transatlantic security pact being severely damaged by a Trump administration filled with eurosceptic populists ignorant of basic facts and the atlantic trade. I think there are limits to what is considered acceptable.
The americans chose the leaders they want, but it effects large parts of the world. Another Trump term would definitely tell Europe not to bet on the US as a reliable partner in the future. In my opinion, thats a shame, but the europeans are not going to weather a Trump presidency like they did in 2016-2020.
As an American it’s been decades since the Europeans acted like Allies, simply using the American taxpayers money.
The majority of Americans could care less about how Europe feels. Maybe they should tackle their own problems, they’ve got enough on their own.

The news cycle is crafted to promote the return of Trump and the growth of the AfD/fake populists.

Riots helped elect Nixon in 1968. Can Trump benefit from fear and loathing too?
Tue 16 Jun 2020

You have to active oppose the spread of movements that promote the licking of Putins boots/russo-ification of Europe by countering it and combating Russian propaganda and making Europe strong. Militarily, economical, resource stockpiling of 5 years, politically, and energy independence. This is one of Europe's greatest tasks, and Europe has wasted 1 1/2 years and counting.

Where Putin wants to exploit weakness, Europe has to get stronger.

If Trump is not barred from running, which Democrats won't do, Trump could return in 2025. (cia controlled NBC News says not to bar trump from running in 2024. This is the morality of the cia controlled US media in 2016 - CBS Chief Les Moonves Says Trump's 'Damn Good' For Business):

Two Constitutional scholars say Trump disqualified in 2024 race

Michael Luttig, interviewed on the above video, is an old time conservative, before the Q-tards took over the base of the Republican Party. I followed his career closely more than most and am pleased he supports the old constitution, not the new fake populist "wave a flag" constitution. Traditionalists can save America by refusing to fall for the cia pro-Russia psy-ops. The main Russian psy-op is trans LGBTQ are after your kids, to make them gay or worse. This is why the media is flooded with the new LGBTQ terror. It is the new scare tactic used by the deepstate to get out the vote and get the moderates to support Trump and the other fake populists.

Republicans backed by Russia tried this scare tactic before the 2020 election.

Putin and Republicans used Muslim terror to consolidate power, fake conservatives need an enemy to make Putin, Republicans and other frauds the protector from that threat.

Tom Ridge: I Was Pressured To Raise Terror Alert To Help Bush Win​

How The Bush Administration Exploited Terror Threats For Political Gain, 2002-2008​

"If you vote them out, bad things are going to happen to you", when in fact these frauds are responsible for the bad things.

FSB attacks Russia in the Apartment Bombings, kills civilians in a false flag to get the public to run to Putin as defender and protector of Russia blamed on Chechen Muslims:

Standard Operating Procedure.

Michael Luttig appears to be a traditionalist, not a new conservative "wave the flag" Republican - the neo-populists. Christian Zionists, the base of the cia Republican Party were losers in 2008 and 2012, the Christian Zionist brand of the Republican Party was abandoned after losing in 2008 and 2012, so Trump was chosen to be the new brand of the cia Republican Party and it turned into a cult. I have heard Trump supporters say Trump is the same as Jesus.


If Trump runs and is convicted, then Democrats would have a better chance. The safest thing to do is simply bar Trump from running. What is DeSantis going to do, side with Putin, as Trump does.? Europe has to prepare as though Trump returns and Europe is invaded and encircled. That is if Europe does not ideologically fall to lick the boots of Russians before then. AfD wants this for Germany. This is yet another front by Russia on Europe. The AfD in Germany and Lega in Italy are Putin 5th columnists. Totally fake populists, being promoted by players that want to weaken Europe. How is handing over Europe to Russian influence "populism"? It is not. It is the same populism of Russia - fake.


Conservative Republicans are not isolationists. From this survey you would falsely believe Republicans/conservative Republicans are isolationists:


Yet take a look at this massively non-isolationism among conservative Republicans, of supporting conflict with China to limit China's power and influence, these "isolationists" don't want to leave China alone, these fake isolationists and fake populists want to stop the rise of China:


The fake populists, fake isolationists (polled here in the category of "conservative Republican") hate/dislike NATO, the very organization that keeps Europe free from Russian occupation:


While they hide their support for Russia, you can tell of Russian support from their opposition to Ukraine and t-shirts such as this:


While these Trumpers don't like to advertise their pro-Russia support, these Trumpers sure welcome those with pro-Russia support, welcome them as their own.

And to the core base of the Republican cia conservative Party, this IS patriotism. Opposing Ukraine is patriotism. Opposing NATO is patriotism. Stopping the rise of China is Patriotism. They have moved on from NATO to QUAD. The EU is their enemy. The only thing wrong with Russia is it supports China.

Expect Trump to try to be conciliatory toward Europe in 2025, to then blame Europe if Europe wants no part of it. Or to make Europe more like Trump.

Disinformation is strong with you. I mean you’re using the most liberal drivel to back up your propaganda
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