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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ah nice, a whataboutism on less black and white conflicts from 75 years ago!
That sure justifies the current atrocities….?

Or You mean the west that is the biggest donor of financial aid to the palestinian authorities and aims for a two state solution?

Ukranians voted vast majority for independance. Went through the holodomir. Had their territorial integrity vowed protected for giving up nukes.

And are now attacked worse then india/israel ever did.

And here we have tons of muslims trying to justify and excuse the agressor.

As far of russia vs ukraine its pretty black and white….
That's why it's better to ignore a lot of this concern trolling nonsense from this anti-western crowds,

In truth a lot of this folks has no moral at all. Ask them about the Kashmiri muslims and they'll starts writing 500 pages manifesto why they should be given independence. But ask them about the Uyghurs or even the Rohingya they'll deny everything that ever happened.

They hate the ukrainian because they're against papa putin or something like that.


There was no “palestinian nation” in 1946.
So using 95% as a baseline is ridiculous.
Which nation of Palestine do the UNSC Resolutions refer to then? Did Ukraine not get independence in 1991?

Why should my taxes pay for Ukraine’s hubris and arrogance and antagonize Putin? The US has its own myriad domestic issues - increasing healthcare and education costs, homelessness, a retirement system about to collapse due to being poorly funded, a lack of labor protections etc etc.

I would rather see my tax dollars go to funding domestic priorities than fueling yet another endless war over a geo-political ‘my dick is bigger than yours’.

You ignore the part of my post explaining how arabs lost multiple wars of agression?
Since Arab land was handed over to the Israelis without Arab agreement, and you consider Arab attempts to get that land back as ‘wars of aggression’, so to is this Ukrainian attempt to keep Russia from controlling more of its land a ‘war of aggression’.

So why should Ukraine be shown any sympathy since you (STILL) can’t show Palestine or Kashmir any sympathy?

Why aren’t Ukrainians fighting Russia considered just as much terrorists as Palestinians and Kashmiris fighting Israeli and Indian occupation?
Now back to you. Why do ukranians have to suffer for american perceived hypocrisy on palestine?
How come your a nakba supporter/justifier in this scenario…yet squeeling so hard about a more minor and moral grey situation? ?
See, you’re such a hypocrite that you STILL can’t unequivocally condemn what has happened to the Palestinians and Israelis - so no, I will show Ukraine the same ‘sympathy’ you have shown towards the Palestinians and Kashmiris, you ‘Ukrainian terrorist supporter/justifier’.
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Also only reason Europe prosper is because after WW2 Muslims came to Europe and built the nations

Funny only that still so many Muslim countries gave such a shitty standard of living especially for the lower social groups while other Muslim countries can be rated the epitome of decadence … and would the Muslim countries work together and truly help the poor Palestinian people, this issue would sure be no longer that severe.

But yes for sure the evil West ist responsible …
75 years ago? Those occupations remain unresolved with UNSC Resolutions still un-implemented and the populations subjected to atrocities, discrimination and massacres.

Or maybe just let the Russians do what the Israelis did to the Palestinians and then we can all show the same level of concern for Ukraine that the international community shows for Palestine and Kashmir,
View attachment 949618

So again, keep your moral BS to yourselves


Just let the Russians take the same percentage of Ukrainian land that the Israelis took from the Palestinians since 1948, and since ‘Palestine pales in comparison’ Ukraine will still be ahead and so much happier and grateful compared to the Palestinians!

Are you really that stupid, arrogant and in fact I miss the perfect matching word in English that you justify one illegal aggression against the Palestinian with the even worse aggression by the Russians against Ukraine?

since when can one justify one wrong with another wrong? but as said, as long as one can comfortably blame the west, one need not do anything oneself, can shift the responsibility to muslim brothers and continue to use palestina as an excuse for doing nothing. and you're advisor here, what a shame.
Ukraine launching drone swarm at target 700 km away. Every russian Black Sea port must be considered a potential target. Novorossiysk oil terminal only some 500 km from ukrainian held territory, handles 400.000 barrels of russian oil per day. Make that a target, and Kazakhstan and Georgia are the only crude exporting countries via the Black Sea.

Ukraine become independent from the USSR in 1991, so you’re even younger than the Palestinians.

Yes, but the Soviet Union is not Russia as such, Ukraine was never part of Russia .. and even more the very first Ukrainian independent state was older then the Moscow Rus, the predecessor of Russia.

And just to complete the wrong comparison: while there was a guaranteed border accepted by Russia in several treaties any comparison to Palestinia is wrong, or was there ever a true internationally accepted state called Palestinia? You surely know the answer …
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