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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Don’t recall the West accepting that argument when the Palestinians and Kashmiris fought back against Israeli and Indian occupation and atrocities, so spare this thread the moral bullshit and try to stick to objective commentary.
Ah nice, a whataboutism on less black and white conflicts from 75 years ago!
That sure justifies the current atrocities….?

Or You mean the west that is the biggest donor of financial aid to the palestinian authorities and aims for a two state solution?

This war isn’t about ‘freedom, democracy’ and all that jazz - its global power politics with millions of innocent lives gambled and neither the West nor Russia have clean hands here.

Ukranians voted vast majority for independance. Went through the holodomir. Had their territorial integrity vowed protected for giving up nukes.

And are now attacked worse then india/israel ever did.

And here we have tons of muslims trying to justify and excuse the agressor.

As far of russia vs ukraine its pretty black and white….
No Europeans have been killing each other for 1000s of years

When not killing each other you turn to Africa or Middle East

Muslim have had Jerusalem for 95% of history the Europeans divided the Muslim world with flag for each nation + installed a dictator to ensure unity doesn’t happen

It lasted from end of Ottomans till now which is why Muslim world was weak and Israel even existed with US backing it

But now unity is back and nations like Turkey Pakistan and Malaysia and many others are close nit

Also a multi polar world means US cannot solely back israel so their time is coming too

Don’t worry keep fighting each other Islam has entered Europe too much we are going nowhere now

You took Spain we came back and took the entire continent

Don’t worry everything will be in order soon enough
I am very familiar with the history of Europe and I have gone to Andalusia in Spain to first hand see the legacy the Muslims in Spain. But thats not the discussion here. You were surprised that a jewish country is not supporting one jew. I was pointing out that religions don't support each other with muslim examples of last 30 years.

And by highlighting European examples from earlier 20th century, you just made your own point. Israel not supporting a Jewish person is not out of the ordinary. At least they are not in open war against Ukraine.

And above discussion is if Ukraine were predominantly a jewish nation, you should expect outright support. THe fact that the leader is jewish is definitely even less of a reason for Israel to support. Nobody makes a foreign policy based on religion of the leader. Jewish make up of Ukraine is only 3-4%.

Well, the Russian military can move their asset ahead of time, SAM, especially mobile SAM like Buk or S-300/S-400 is not statics, especially so if it was the military is behind this and brought the plane down.
Yes of course. Seems a lot of work to move an entire deployment to shoot down a plane when a bomb would do just fine. Why do all this work. Heck, they should have just shot him by firing squad. I still think a bomb would have been the next best thing

when BBC starts reporting the Ukrainian dead as their top story as casualties mount it means the situation must be very serious

Dying by the dozens every day' - Ukraine losses climb​

When Russia makes it illegal to talk about anything against the 'special operation' with threat to go to jail, we also know it really really must be bad (when the generals and the warriors start disappearing, we know its much worse than that)
I am very familiar with the history of Europe and I have gone to Andalusia in Spain to first hand see the legacy the Muslims in Spain. But thats not the discussion here. You were surprised that a jewish country is not supporting one jew. I was pointing out that religions don't support each other with muslim examples of last 30 years.

And by highlighting European examples from earlier 20th century, you just made your own point. Israel not supporting a Jewish person is not out of the ordinary. At least they are not in open war against Ukraine.

And above discussion is if Ukraine were predominantly a jewish nation, you should expect outright support. THe fact that the leader is jewish is definitely even less of a reason for Israel to support. Nobody makes a foreign policy based on religion of the leader. Jewish make up of Ukraine is only 3-4%.

Yes of course. Seems a lot of work to move an entire deployment to shoot down a plane when a bomb would do just fine. Why do all this work. Heck, they should have just shot him by firing squad. I still think a bomb would have been the next best thing

many Israeli are fighting on the side of Ukraine and a dead Israeli is a good Israeli

Israeli break into peoples homes at 3am and kill people thats ok

but when Russia does it everyone is up in arms crying preaching morals and ethics , its called hypocrisy , keep crying because Russians have no mercy and no one in history has beaten then in open warfare especially on the Steppe

many Israeli are fighting on the side of Ukraine and a dead Israeli is a good Israeli

Israeli break into peoples homes at 3am and kill people thats ok

but when Russia does it everyone is up in arms crying preaching morals and ethics , its called hypocrisy , keep crying because Russians have no mercy and no one in history has beaten then in open warfare especially on the Steppe

View attachment 949615

Russia killed more civilians in 1 year then the last 40 years of palestine conflict combined.

palestine conflict pales in comparison…
yet it seems if you guys are not defending the agressor ethnically cleansing worse then the naqba…you are spending your time squeeling “what about palestine”.

the level of hypocrisy in the west PALES compared to the massive hypocritism what i see with most muslims.
You hardly even try to hide that a palestinian life counts a thousand times that of a white Christian do you?
Ah nice, a whataboutism on less black and white conflicts from 75 years ago!
That sure justifies the current atrocities….?

Or You mean the west that is the biggest donor of financial aid to the palestinian authorities and aims for a two state solution?

Ukranians voted vast majority for independance. Went through the holodomir. Had their territorial integrity vowed protected for giving up nukes.

And are now attacked worse then india/israel ever did.

And here we have tons of muslims trying to justify and excuse the agressor.

As far of russia vs ukraine its pretty black and white….
75 years ago? Those occupations remain unresolved with UNSC Resolutions still un-implemented and the populations subjected to atrocities, discrimination and massacres.

Or maybe just let the Russians do what the Israelis did to the Palestinians and then we can all show the same level of concern for Ukraine that the international community shows for Palestine and Kashmir,

So again, keep your moral BS to yourselves

palestine conflict pales in comparison…

Just let the Russians take the same percentage of Ukrainian land that the Israelis took from the Palestinians since 1948, and since ‘Palestine pales in comparison’ Ukraine will still be ahead and so much happier and grateful compared to the Palestinians!


Summer Operations | Nothing Can Hide From Krasnopol And Orlan-10. Military Summary For 2023.8.29

American Imperialist soldier who is suffering 4 amputations: These imperialist bastards got their punishment.
75 years ago? Those occupations remain unresolved with UNSC Resolutions still un-implemented and the populations subjected to atrocities, discrimination and massacres.
1 year ukraine saw more civilian deaths then last 40 years palestine conflict.

To put things in perspective.

Compare the palestinians to the prussian germans instead. You know…how the arabs kept starting and losing their wars of agression…which has consequences.

And stop using that propaganda picture:

So again, keep your moral BS to yourselves
Keep your BS to yourself.

I support a two state solution, and EU being the largest aid donator of palestine.

You defend russia committing a FAR worse campaign of ethnic cleansing and annexation then Israel ever did.
based on perceived hypocrisy from a third party on a conflict that is a fraction of ukraines severity and black/white situation.

Just utter trash morality.

Just let the Russians take the same percentage of Ukrainian land that the Israelis took from the Palestinians since 1948, and since ‘Palestine pales in comparison’ Ukraine will still be ahead and so much happier and grateful compared to the Palestinians!

View attachment 949619

hmm did the ukranians also try to eradicate russia and drive them into the sea like arabs rejecting UN plan?

Do ukranians also attack russian civilians hundred of times a year and did ukranians vote a terrorist organization into power?

how much of the arab world is palestine (which was no nation at 1946)?
0,1%?? Ukraine lost 20%.

Its not so easy directly comparing different things huh?
Your tears for palestine are much more similar to german neo nazis crying over lost Prussian lands.
how much of the arab world is palestine (which was no nation at 1946)?
How much of the White Christian world is Ukraine?

Ukraine become independent from the USSR in 1991, so you’re even younger than the Palestinians.

And go ahead, you provide me with a credible map from impartial sources that compares Palestine in 1948 vs what the Palestinians actually control today.

And once you provide a credible map from impartial sources, let the Russians the same percentage of Ukrainian land that the Israelis have aince 1948 and then be happy since ‘the Palestinians have it so much better’.

And you know what you could do instead of trying to justify US and EU hypocrisy over Palestine and Kashmir and make excuses for Israeli and Indian occupation and barbarities?

Admit that the US and EU fucked up with them. That they should have stood up for them. Convince your fellow American and Europeans funding and supporting Ukraine to match that effort and anger when it comes to Palestine and Kashmir - or is there an expiration date for your morality and empathy?
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How much of the White Christian world is Ukraine?

Ukraine become independent from the USSR in 1991, so you’re even younger than the Palestinians.
There was no “palestinian nation” in 1946.
So using 95% as a baseline is ridiculous.

And go ahead, you provide me with a credible map from impartial sources that compares Palestine in 1948 vs what the Palestinians actually control today.

And once you provide a credible map from impartial sources, let the Russians the same percentage of Ukrainian land that the Israelis have aince 1948 and then be happy since ‘the Palestinians have it so much better’.

You ignore the part of my post explaining how arabs lost multiple wars of agression?

How much land do the Prussians still own?
Poor prussians.
Poor palestinians.

hence you are comparing an apple and an orange.
Palestine conflict is much more different shades of grey then here.
Apart from paling in comparison on scale ofcourse.
Even despite this…https://arabcenterdc.org/resource/i...nians-between-politicization-and-development/

The bulk of the aid—nearly 72 percent—came from ten donors: the European Union (18.9), the United States (14.2), Saudi Arabia (9.9), Germany (5.8), the United Arab Emirates (5.2), Norway (4.8), United Kingdom (4.3), the World Bank (3.2), Japan (2.9), and France (2.7).

“Evil west” ofcourse.

Now back to you. Why do ukranians have to suffer for american perceived hypocrisy on palestine?
How come your a nakba supporter/justifier in this scenario…yet squeeling so hard about a more minor and moral grey situation? ?
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