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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Americans only care about what is shoved into their minds by the likes of Fox News, CNN etc.
Well Fox and CNN pander to their base and the base doesn’t care about Palestine.
Patriots should NEVER get a bad rep after their performance in Kyiv. Patriot has made it so inefficient for the Russians to attack Kyiv they’ve essentially given up and moved on to other Ukrainian cities.

Exactly, and furthermore

One thing we do know is the S-300, -400, and S-500 can't shoot down the Kinzhal, because Putin has told us so himself. The Ukrainians have told us that even with inexperienced operators they can routinely shoot down Kinzhals. So yes the Patriot is demonstrably better than any Russian SAMs.
Every country is going to spin their defensive capabilities as the best. For all of Putin's talk. we actually have data for the Patriot system.
We have seen how they function in a wide range of sceneries. Russia has claimed their S series defensive system is "vastly superior" to the Patriot. It has been a recurring theme that Russia's claims and Russia's abilities aren't exactly matching up.
Exactly, and furthermore

One thing we do know is the S-300, -400, and S-500 can't shoot down the Kinzhal, because Putin has told us so himself.
thats true, but why would Russia actually need to shoot down its own missiles like Kinzhals?
The Ukrainians have told us that even with inexperienced operators they can routinely shoot down Kinzhals.
ha ha ...dont believe everything you're told about this war, at least believe evidence- can you show us a real picture of a shot down Kinzhal? NOOOOO
So yes the Patriot is demonstrably better than any Russian SAMs.
lmao...not on a dollar per air defense spending basis- if this was true why even say it? cuz you know Patriot sales will never be the same after this war. Even Germany went and bought David's sling- why didnt Germany go for Patriot again? cuz its an overpriced piece of crap.
Patriots have always been superior, as proven in there defense of Kyiv



Most strange when Murica demonstrated so clearly their prowess in shooting down a handful of subsonic slow poke missiles in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia not so long ago.

USA vaunted defense cannot even defend Saudi Arabia against a handful of slow poke sub mach drones and missiles


How then your touted defense systems all failed in Saudi Arabia?

And that against only puny sub sonic slow poke drones and missiles

Murica touted ability with their super duper missiles of Thaad and Patriot and Aegis to defend KSA that Murica so clearly and explicitly demonstrated to te entire world

:omghaha: :omghaha::omghaha:



The world see many overlapping safe covered zones of defenses.

Yet the launching and hits were made by several missiles.

To date, records could not even find the tracks where the missiles came from , and if the installations not hit, might not even have existed.



So you think you be doing much much better against supersonics and hypersonics missiles by the hundreds and thousands?

Tell us again of the LAYERED DEFENSE SYSTEM that Saudi Arabia bought from USA

On March 25 or so.



Saudi Aramco storage facility targeted by Houthi attack, causing fire - Our Today


Saudi Aramco storage facility targeted by Houthi attack, causing fire - Our Today

RIYADH (Reuters) Yemen's Houthis said they launched attacks on Saudi energy facilities on Friday (March 25) and the Saudi-led coalition said oil giant Aramco's petroleum products distribution station in Jeddah was hit, causing a fire in two storage tanks but no casualties. A huge plume of black...


No wonder Saudi Arabia lost all respect for USA and not only refused to accept call from Sleepy Joe.

But created a parody of Sleepy Joe and his Kamala as a sign of the esteem Saudi got for USA now and the failure of USA defensive systems that cannot even stop slow poke attacks from slow poke drones and slow poke missiles.

And now shooting hypersonic a piece of cake for mighty muricans
thats true, but why would Russia actually need to shoot down its own missiles like Kinzhals?

ha ha ...dont believe everything you're told about this war, at least believe evidence- can you show us a real picture of a shot down Kinzhal? NOOOOO

lmao...not on a dollar per air defense spending basis- if this was true why even say it? cuz you know Patriot sales will never be the same after this war. Even Germany went and bought David's sling- why didnt Germany go for Patriot again? cuz its an overpriced piece of crap.

interesting. Who would have thought that the decedents of concentration camp victims would be protecting their perpetrators 80 years later.… lol

To answer your question

The Arrow-3 is developed and made jointly by Israel and the US. Thats why the US had to approve of the sale. …. Hahaha

Bottom line bro … Israel is like mini China a vandal ripping stealing copying US stuff.

Basically a patriot revamped in Israeli colours
For defense against low flying kamikaze drones Russia can introduce a balloon based radar early warning in areas like Moscow SPetersburg and similar where are directly threatened by such systems. These would alert low level aa gun-sam systems to scan specific directions before the kamikaze drones arrive. Russia can experiment the defenses by using its Geran drones which have similar signature with Ukranian drones. There needs to be a high altitude sensor component for detecting low flyers no matter how advanced the ground radars are because of Earth curvature. Maybe Ukraine is already using such a system for detecting Geran attacks.

For anti ship suicide drones it has very low detectability and jamming is a temporary second best solution but drones have limiting parameters such as they are slow and would hit the ship from its sides probabilitywise when it sees the ship the direct target without moving much and revealing its location are the sides of the ship with highest probability. Since it is a surface vessel the protected ship can use two small boats next to it with a floating trip wire attached between them sideways of the ship can block the pass of kamikaze sea drone. Trip wire can be made with an air inflated floating component that is large enough to block the pass of kamikaze sea drone. That would be similar to nets protecting vehicles from flying kamikaze drones. If sea drone is made submersible it can evade the trip wire but a net under the wire can stop it as well. At least when ships are stationary or slow moving this measure can be used in my opinion.
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Funny only that still so many Muslim countries gave such a shitty standard of living especially for the lower social groups while other Muslim countries can be rated the epitome of decadence … and would the Muslim countries work together and truly help the poor Palestinian people, this issue would sure be no longer that severe.

But yes for sure the evil West ist responsible …

Do I really need to posts of the rich and poor divide especially in US ? I think the Chinese trolls are doing enough of that

In US some areas are very affluent

And homeless around the corner with city of tents

Europeans back stab each other all the time

Even Swiss refuse to send the 96 leopards stored in Italy to Ukraine

There is a reason why you have killed 100 million of each other in the past century

You are simply evil
"a shitty standard of living"

Again and again they repeat the same classist message of the 19th century: the rich can kill the poor, the organized must subdue the disorganized, the superior must dominate the inferior.

The Russians are inferior, the Adolf has already eloquently explained it to us. And the Ukrainians are even more inferior, because the tremendous thing about this colossal cruelty is that our cynical Chiefs despise the Ukrainians more than the Russians.

The funny thing is that these Darwinists are Hypocrites who hide behind a smile while they look at themselves in the Mirror saying: -how handsome I am.

It is the mixture of crude Darwinism, gigantic Hypocrisy and Narcissism that makes "The West Empire" (AngloEmpire 2.0 and the latest version of the Roman Empire) make even an Afghan goat vomit.
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