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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

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The libertard hawks are getting primed for an eventual settlement in Russia's favor. A few press releases at a time to wake them up from fantasy. Condolences to those poor bastard (otaku volunteers) who died foor nothing. They seriously thought they were defending freedom. Lol
Some points:

What was said:
“Regaining FULL sovereignity”
aka taking back all…including crimea/donbass 2014 losses.

“Will be questionable with resources (ukraine has) available”
Which indeed will be hard. Though can also mean a call for more arms delivery.

Crimea even being contested was something unheard of in 2022 till into 2023.

Also…you think this war will be “settled in russias favor”?

So if america would invade mexico…proceed to lose its entire active army, have blackwater march to the capital, lose its major gas customers, having to run from 70% of the territory it initially overran….only managing to stop being completely kicked out by millions of mines…
And then reaches a settlement where the mexicans cede two small cities and SHOCKER…america can keep the territory it already had before the war such as Texas.

please more of those wins for Russia hahahaa.
And its even worse then the mexico analogue…because ukraine used to be firmly in russias pocket. The little russian brothers.
And they just added finland and sweden to nato too.

The current status is already a huge win for ukraine really. Much much better then ever expected cause 95% media predicted a steamroll and loss of kiev
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Some points:

What was said:
“Regaining FULL sovereignity”
aka taking back all…including crimea/donbass 2014 losses.

“Will be questionable with resources (ukraine has) available”
Which indeed will be hard. Though can also mean a call for more arms delivery.

Crimea even being contested was something unheard of in 2022 till into 2023.

Also…you think this war will be “settled in russias favor”?

So if america would invade mexico…proceed to lose its entire active army, have blackwater march to the capital, lose its major gas customers, having to run from 70% of the territory it initially overran….only managing to stop being completely kicked out by millions of mines…
And then reaches a settlement where the mexicans cede two small cities and SHOCKER…america can keep the territory it already had before the war such as Texas.

please more of those wins for Russia hahahaa.
And its even worse then the mexico analogue…because ukraine used to be firmly in russias pocket. The little russian brothers.
And they just added finland and sweden to nato too.

The current status is already a huge win for ukraine really. Much much better then ever expected cause 95% media lredicted a steamroll and loss of kiev

Look, in Russia's favor will mean they keep the 4 areas they annaxed in return for some guarantee. Ukraine defined victory as getting back all their land. This is not possible unless you destroy Russia, and please be logical, you think you can destroy Russia without Armageddon? It is really simple logics, sure Putin can get assasinated, but you think the next guy is gonna cave in? After such big sacrifice, estimated 100k deaths to Ukraine's 400k to 500k deaths, no sane Russian will cave in. It is their national character.

Russian economy is still humming along with growth, the war machine is still producing and US is still sending no troops, if you send some US troops, it will be WW3. Nobody in the US wants that, Ukraine is just a reality show for them. Trust me, the average Joe doesn't give a fck.

Do you know what is more dangerous to US than China? A unified Europe with Russia in it using Euros, with immense resource and industrial might and unrivalled technology. I am Chinese so Russians on our side is a good thing. We get resources to power our industries. Look at Germany now, industries getting fcked upside down. Syrian war, who started it? It destabilised Europe with millions of Muslims. Who gains? USA MATEY
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Look, in Russia's favor will mean they keep the 4 areas they annaxed in return for some guarantee.
None of the 4 provinces claimed as russian are in their control.
even after the rollover of 2014, ukraine did not cede crimea and donbass officialy.

At most i see some sort of Minsk 3.
In reality a frozen conflict based on frontlines as they are on the ground.
Perhaps some land swapping based on guarantees given by either side.
Ukraine defined victory as getting back all their land. This is not possible unless you destroy Russia,
This is very well possible.
What is russia going to do? Nuclear armageddon? They did not do that after the soviet collapse.
Though part of the claim is probably ukraine having a trade “card”.
and please be logical, you think you can destroy Russia without Armageddon? It is really simple logics, sure Putin can get assasinated, but you think the next guy is gonna cave in? After such big sacrifice, estimated 100k deaths to Ukraine's 400k to 500k deaths, no sane Russian will cave in. It is their national character.
russia lost about 25% of the size it had during russian empire. 20% after soviet union.
If putin is ousted and a civil strife starts. It will have its hands full on holding on to russia proper. Let alone contest Crimea.
Russian economy is still humming along with growth,
Based on russian figures…..which were great for soviet union as well…until…
Debt is rising and car sales plummeted.

the war machine is still producing
It is losing 10 times its production capacity.
Even soviet stocks have an end to it.

Do you know what is more dangerous to US than China? A unified Europe with Russia in it using Euros, with immense resource and industrial might and unrivalled technology. I am Chinese so Russians on our side is a good thing. We get resources to power our industries. Look at Germany now, industries getting fcked upside down. Syrian war, who started it? It destabilised Europe with millions of Muslims. Who gains? USA MATEY

I agree with this and was always a proponent of russian integration.
That would have created a third power well matching the USA/China axes.

Russia is having at most a massive pyrrhic victory while europe is getting a massive economic hit.

However world is not black and white.

Russia has been acting like a greater imperialist then america.
Europe went heavy on diplomacy and trade for peace…despite american pressure. Putin threw that all away because it wanted to control its former “colony”.
It also chose to heavily sabotage the EU and manipulate/fund extreme right european parties for 15 years already.

Putin cannot get away with that.
Ukraine needs to get a “win” (perhaps with crimea concession), and russia needs to pay reperations. Then we can repair ties.
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Footage of the combat work of the crew of the Russian Buk-M1 air defense system has been published. The SAM crew reportedly shot down a British-made Storm Shadow cruise missile of the Ukrainian army.

None of the 4 provinces claimed as russian are in their control.
even after the rollover of 2014, ukraine did not cede crimea and donbass officialy.

At most i see some sort of Minsk 3.
In reality a frozen conflict based on frontlines as they are on the ground.
Perhaps some land swapping based on guarantees given by either side.
There won't be a Minsk anything okay. Russia will keep the 4 provinces they took. That's my bet and to my surprise even NATO's assessment.

This is very well possible.
What is russia going to do? Nuclear armageddon? They did not do that after the soviet collapse.
Though part of the claim is probably ukraine having a trade “card”.
Soviet Union collapsed on it's own accord. If you attack Russia, it is WW3. Please don't gamble with my life asshole. What is Russia gonna do? 500k dead Ukrainians and you ask me this question? It is precisely because of ppl like you, unable to respect boundaries and red lines, instigating shit and expanding NATO,Ukraine is now destroyed and with half a mil dead. You still want to test Russian resolve! I remembered fckers here saying Rusdia will not attack and will back down. US until today has no balls to send troops, you know why?

russia lost about 25% of the size it had during russian empire. 20% after soviet union.
If putin is ousted and a civil strife starts. It will have its hands full on holding on to russia proper. Let alone contest Crimea.
For God's sake, Russian Empire had no nukes. Soviet Union under Gorbachev willingly gave them independence. Attacking Russia directly is different. A wounded bear will destroy the world.

Based on russian figures…..which were great for soviet union as well…until…
Debt is rising and car sales plummeted.

It is losing 10 times its production capacity.
Even soviet stocks have an end to it.
Russia is not Soviet Union and China is not living in the 60s. With Chinese backing, this war can go on for a long time. Suits me just fine, we are buying discounted resources anyway, it is not us dying, it's those Slavs. Russia initially just demanded neutrality and Crimea which they gave away in 1950s but nooo, you Natards just think you are Gods. You chewed the wrong bear matey.

I agree with this and was always a proponent of russian integration.
That would have created a third power well matching the USA/China axes.

Russia is having at most a massive pyrrhic victory while europe is getting a massive economic hit.
This is a saner assessment but a united Europe bordering China is dangerous.

However world is not black and white.

Russia has been acting like a greater imperialist then america.
Europe went heavy on diplomacy and trade for peace…despite american pressure. Putin threw that all away because it wanted to control its former “colony”.
It also chose to heavily sabotage the EU and manipulate/fund extreme right european parties for 15 years already.

Putin cannot get away with that.
Ukraine needs to get a “win” (perhaps with crimea concession), and russia needs to pay reperations. Then we can repair ties.

Nobody is angel here okay but even gangsters respect boundaries.
There won't be a Minsk anything okay. Russia will keep the 4 provinces they took. That's my bet and to my surprise even NATO's assessment.

Russia already backtracked.
“Borders to be decided by consultation civilians.”
This was after losing Cherson capital.

Russia has like 70% control of the 4 provinces. It is unable to conquer more and struggles to keep what it currently invaded.

Soviet Union collapsed on it's own accord. If you attack Russia, it is WW3. Please don't gamble with my life asshole. What is Russia gonna do?
Who is attacking russia proper??
Russia vowed to respect ukranian territorial integrity after ukraine gave up its nukes and mass majority (even majority crimea) voted independance in the 90s

Russia is the agressor here. Invading sovereign countries and lands like its “risk the game”. Ukraine is pushing back. Is Russia going to nuke the world because ukraine did not lay down and surrender its territory?

gorbachev gave ukraine independance. That shows how even many russians do not fully see that territory as “russia proper”.
500k dead Ukrainians and you ask me this question? It is precisely because of ppl like you, unable to respect boundaries and red lines, instigating shit and expanding NATO,
Blame the victim?
Half eastern europe came RUNNING to Nato for protection against its former colonial master. That has mostly shown them violence and repression. Including horrors such as the katyn massacre and holodomor.

Maybe russia should respect Eastern europes sovereignity and borders?

Look at ukranian public opinion. Its massively dropped every time russia tried to manipulate and control by brute force…which is almost the only thing they know…

This is how you sound:
Maybe china should sit back down and bow…it is pushing WAAAY to much against the red lines of the GREAT british EMPIRE!
Ukraine is now destroyed and with half a mil dead. You still want to test Russian resolve! I remembered fckers here saying Rusdia will not attack and will back down. US until today has no balls to send troops, you know why?
Ukraine kept independance in 75% of the nation like 90% majority wished.
No torture rooms and dissapearing opposition under russian boot.
We helped achieve that.

It is the ukranians that decide if it is worth fighting on.

For God's sake, Russian Empire had no nukes. Soviet Union under Gorbachev willingly gave them independence. Attacking Russia directly is different. A wounded bear will destroy the world.
Afghanistan and arms race broke soviet back.

This is very much the same situation.
Russia is not Soviet Union and China is not living in the 60s. With Chinese backing, this war can go on for a long time. Suits me just fine, we are buying discounted resources anyway, it is not us dying, it's those Slavs. Russia initially just demanded neutrality and Crimea which they gave away in 1950s but nooo, you Natards just think you are Gods. You chewed the wrong bear matey.
Russia thinks it is god demanding sovereign nations to remain subservient to it. Even EU connections was deemed as “too far” and it started stirring shit.

Russia is one of the few remaining colonial empires that chooses to remain oblivious to all its previous genocides and wrongs.

Nobody is angel here okay but even gangsters respect boundaries.
well adress russia that cares not for a thing called borders, independance and sovereignity
The Armed Forces of Ukraine are populating the frontline with mock-ups of military equipment to neutralize enemy lancets and high-precision shells.
They are made at Ukrainian metallurgical plants. Externally, they are identical to real combat units.
Factories have already made and given 250 such mock-ups to the army free of charge. Most often they imitate artillery guns, radars and REB stations, the highest priority targets for enemy lancets.
The presence of such mock-ups at the front leads to a significant reduction in the loss of our equipment.




The Battle For Robotyne Has Entered Its Final Phase. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.08.25


So Potin decided to murder 10 of his own people in cold blood.

He could have easily arrested Prigozhin , but thought it better to murder him and 9 other Russians.

I can understand Russians accepting their regime operates in a Mafia , Casa nostra like fassion. After all they are used to not being free since the days of the Tsars.

But maybe people on this forum should reconsider their moral support of this leader , that murders his own people without scrutiny.

The strange thing is wait two months and kill him in a plane "accident".

When they could have killed him 2 months ago with a shot head.

if they do this way is because there are enough retarded people to believe that it was an accident among Putin fans.
Not confirmed by the AFU General Staff - Russian sources claim Novoprokopivka just south of Robotyne, is under AFU control.

>> waiting for more official confirmation, but if true, Ukraine made quick work of it and it is starting to feel like russian defence lines are starting to collapse..

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