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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Surprise surprise

Ukraine can’t join the NATO as long as the war is ongoing. But as bonbon, the US wants to give Ukraine security guarantees in the same fashion as it gives to Israel. If Zelinskki agrees, I think he will, the US will massively increase shifting military weapons to Ukraine.

US-Präsident Biden, ukrainischer Amtskollege Selenskyj (beim G7-Gipfel in Hiroshima im Mai): Kein Nato-Beitritt, aber ein erster Schritt dorthin

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US-Präsident Biden, ukrainischer Amtskollege Selenskyj (beim G7-Gipfel in Hiroshima im Mai): Kein Nato-Beitritt, aber ein erster Schritt dorthin

Foto: Susan Walsh / AP

I said this from day one of the conflict, but every time I mentioned it I was shot down for being pro-Russian. Vindicated now!! 😈 Ukraine couldn't join NATO since 2014 when the Russians instigated the war in the Donbas and annexed Crimea because since then Ukraine has been in an ongoing armed conflict and it's territory violated. NATO can't accept states who are in an ongoing conflict. To allow Ukraine to join NATO before the war is over would be suicide. And even if or when the Russians are defeated and there is a settlement, it would be extremely risky to allow a corrupt state like Ukraine to join. Since day one zelensky has been trying to instigate a war between NATO and Russia, and I have no doubt that if Ukraine were to become part of NATO, they would try to provoke the Russians into attacking again and starting a war with NATO. I recently said that the US could adopt a stance where it can provide unconditional support to Ukraine without it being part of NATO, and this is exactly what the Americans are doing, they ain't stupid enough to allow the likes of Ukraine to lead themselves into a direct war with Russia.
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