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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia has been trying to systematically destroy ukrainian infrastructure including schools, hospitals and healthcare. It had nothing to do with ukrainian forces hiding.

Russia wouldnt need to do anything at all if they had not chosen to invade Ukraine. Trying to blame Ukraine is simply plain stupid.​

Russia wouldn't need to do anything if Ukrainian leadership respected Minsk 2 agreements and stop ethnically cleansing the Russian-speaking Ukrainians with the urging and backing of Victoria Nuland and others. You're the typical brainwashed NAFO shills. Go and study the full history of what happened here.
I care because such munitions cause collateral damage and innocents suffer whether that be on the Ukrainian side or Russian side.
Yes I agree that Russia has used they in civilian areas, however only because Ukrainian military targets embed themselves within civilian infrastructure like cowards. Again condemable because innocent civilians get caught up in the middle.

Thank you for the link.

There is evidence that Ukraine has used chemical weapons on Russian troops. As soon as I find the link, I'll post it and tag your name.
Before crying crocodile tears. Russia invasion army uses cluster bombs, phosphorus bombs, glide bombs, thermobaric bombs. The only thing they don’t use yet is nuclear bombs. They go on killing, raping, abducting, destroying. Really funny that Putin’s propaganda crying over Ukraine using cluster bombs.
Russia wouldn't need to do anything if Ukrainian leadership respected Minsk 2 agreements and stop ethnically cleansing the Russian-speaking Ukrainians with the urging and backing of Victoria Nuland and others. You're the typical brainwashed NAFO shills. Go and study the full history of what happened here.

Even Prigozhin recognized Russia's reasons to invade Ukraine were BS,why are you even trying to give it a justification ?


Gerasimov is shown in public for the first time since mutiny following rumours he'd been fired​

>> He is back - guess news reports were wrong.
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