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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That just show how incompetent Russian force offensive power is.

This 10 days counter offensive already took more land than Russian 150 days winter offensive. The gain is now 8 village and 2 about to be captured. And they are facing a competent Russian defence, which is what they are good at because it does not involve complex maneuver. Even so Ukraine still able to crawl back more land than the Russian facing a degraded Ukrainian defence. That in itself is saying something.

It's quite obvious what Ukraine is doing now is to apply pressure in 3 points and forcing the Russian to commit their reserve. Once they do, the Ukrainian will commit their own reserve and into fray. Let's see if Russia is able to withstand this onslaught.
That just show how incompetent Russian force offensive power is.

This 10 days counter offensive already took more land than Russian 150 days winter offensive. The gain is now 8 village and 2 about to be captured. And they are facing a competent Russian defence, which is what they are good at because it does not involve complex maneuver. Even so Ukraine still able to crawl back more land than the Russian facing a degraded Ukrainian defence. That in itself is saying something.

It's quite obvious what Ukraine is doing now is to apply pressure in 3 points and forcing the Russian to commit their reserve. Once they do, the Ukrainian will commit their own reserve and into fray. Let's see if Russia is able to withstand this onslaught.

Its hard fighting, but Ukraine is definitely making steady progress.
Like wasting my taxpayer money to cut my basic civil rights?

Ah, i forgot: Western Values(R).
Values you certainly hold dear while praising the midget responsible for turning an entire country into indifferent zombies out of fear of retaliation if they speak their mind.

Russian Spring | Fierce Battles Are Going All Over The Front Line. Military Summary For 2023.06.17

Ah, you don't like the message, so you attacked the messenger! Who knows what skeletons you have in your closet? Scott Ritter was intervened by Judge Napolitano who served as a New Jersey Superior Court judge from 1987 to 1995. He is an American syndicated columnist whose work appears in numerous publications, including The Washington Times and Reason. He was an analyst for Fox News, commenting on legal news and trials.

Now, if someone like Judge Napolitano asked for the professional opinion of Scott Ritter, a former marine and the UN's Weapons Inspector, who are you to question his credentials? You're just a nobody in his mom's basement who probably can't manage to pay for an apartment of his own. Stop thinking so highly of yourself when you're basically just a character behind a screen, chatting shit as usual.
So I did address the message, I said it's a dumbass comparison and preceeded to point out how.


You can attack me all you want, but it won't change the fact that your heros are a criminal, and a convicted rapist.

Good luck with your shitty takes.

Its hard fighting, but Ukraine is definitely making steady progress.
The first line is always the toughest to crack. Plus the Ukrainians are no doubt taking things slow deliberately like they did when taking Kherson (even when it was clear that the Russians had left, the Ukrainians made sure they weren't just rushing into a trap).

The second and third line will likely be easier as the Russians won't have as much time to take up positions while they're being chased. Russian reserves will also likely suffer a heavy toll just trying to defend the first line. Mind you, it should be easy for the Russians, but they've shown just how incompetent anf panicked they are once they have to break contact. If the first line collapses, I have a feeling that we may see a partial or complete rout of Russian forces in the region.


What do you think?
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Summary from Colonel Cassad at 17.52 Moscow time — 17th of June (about 5 hours ago)

By evening, the enemy continued intensive attacks in the area of the village of Pyatikhatki. At the cost of significant losses, the enemy was able to cling to the outskirts of the village, and fierce battles continued there in the morning.
To the north of Pyatikhatki, forces were regrouped and reserves were brought up to increase pressure.
The enemy seeks to capture Pyatikhatki at any cost, while incurring significant losses.

During the day, the enemy carried out attacks in the area of Novodonetsky and Urozhaynoye, trying to advance between these settlements and create a threat of access to Staromlynovka.
During the day there were fierce battles near Novodonetsky.
Enemy activity in the Rovnopol region had no significant results.

There have been no significant changes in the Donetsk direction over the past day. After unsuccessful enemy attacks in the area of Avdeevka and Maryinka, the situation is stable.
The RF Armed Forces are fixed in new positions in the Pobeda area, which were taken this week.
There is no significant progress in Marinka itself. In the Ugledar region, the enemy is probing our line of defense.

In the Artemovsk direction, the enemy continued sporadic attacks to the northwest and southwest of the city.
Fighting continued in forest plantations.
Kleshcheevka, Yagodnoye and Berkhovka are under the confident control of the RF Armed Forces. The attempt of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to "semi-encircle Artemovsk", as in the spring, did not produce significant results.
On the Seversky ledge, the enemy had the initiative at Razdolovka and Vasyukovka, but, as in previous days, there was no progress.
Our troops continued to try to advance at Spornoe and Belogorovka.

In the Kupyansk direction, our troops repelled enemy attacks west of Kremennaya and continued to consolidate in positions occupied during the advance to the village of Terny, west of the Svatovo-Kremennaya highway.
The transfer of additional enemy forces to the Svatov direction is noted.

Russian soldiers are surrendring in droves.

Putin's end is nearing and Russia will be balkanized shortly.

Africa peace mission has failed. Same to previous China peace tour. Putin only accepts peace on his terms e.i. Ukraine must accept loss of territory. Worthless to talk. This war will get uglier. Russia 5y from now will become a desert, military destroyed, economy in ruined, money, prestige all gone. Once Putin is gone too, will be interesting whether Russia will remain in one piece. Russia is too large, has many ethnics they won’t stay together if not bound together by iron fist and suppression. When people in Russia go hungry to bed they will question why.
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