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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Africa peace mission has failed. Same to previous China peace tour. Putin only accepts peace on his terms e.i. Ukraine must accept loss of territory. Worthless to talk. This war will get uglier. Russia 5y from now will become a desert, military destroyed, economy in ruined, money, prestige all gone. Once Putin is gone too, will be interesting whether Russia will remain in one piece. Russia has too many ethnics they won’t stay together if not bound together by iron fist and suppression.

Once Putin is gone, Alexei Navalny will take over the power.
Once Putin is gone, Alexei Navalny will take over the power.
Very possible
Or Prigozhin, Medwedew, Gerassimov or Shoigu or his KGB gangs, other in Putin’s inner circle.
Or some of private armies in Russia
Even Gazprom has an own army. the boss of a gas company will become war lord. Who knows.
Shoigu has own army, the army of youths. A copy of Hitler’s Jugend.
Russia is much a resemblance of a mafia state.

"During the battle in the Orekhov region, ours captured the intelligence of the Armed Forces of Ukraine"
Ramzan Kadyrov:

"During the clashes, the fighters of the Vostok-Akhmat battalion of the RF Ministry of Defense captured scouts from the 65th brigade of the 3rd mechanized battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thereby saving their lives. The Nazi platoon commander was injured, he was provided with the necessary medical assistance. According to the prisoners, the command of the brigade was fraudulent by throwing them into our positions, saying that we only have 2-3 fighters left.

So I did address the message, I said it's a dumbass comparison and preceeded to point out how.


You can attack me all you want, but it won't change the fact that your heros are a criminal, and a convicted rapist.

Good luck with your shitty takes.

The first line is always the toughest to crack. Plus the Ukrainians are no doubt taking things slow deliberately like they did when taking Kherson (even when it was clear that the Russians had left, the Ukrainians made sure they weren't just rushing into a trap).

The second and third line will likely be easier as the Russians won't have as much time to take up positions while they're being chased. Russian reserves will also likely suffer a heavy toll just trying to defend the first line. Mind you, it should be easy for the Russians, but they've shown just how incompetent anf panicked they are once they have to break contact. If the first line collapses, I have a feeling that we may see a partial or complete rout of Russian forces in the region.


What do you think?
The Ukrainian is quite obviously waiting on 1 of 2 things happens

Either they are waiting on the Russia to commit their reserve to stabilise the frontline, when they do, the Ukrainian would pour their own reserve in another part of the line to upset that balance. Or the Ukrainian is waiting on the Russian to make any strategic or tactical mistake and then they put in their own reserve to exploit those gain..

Russian line is currently being corroded in 3 places. So, sooner or later, the Russian is going to put their reserve in the line to stabilise it, maybe they will put it in 1 spot (so either in Orikhiv or Velyka Novosilka or Bakhmut) or they would have to put it equally in all 3. If so, the Ukrainian may exploit the line elsewhere, that's why I said if I were the Russian, I would probably look at Kreminna front, because that is the only area the Ukrainian had not probe the line. But strategically that spot is really important to basically hold the entire Donbass. If it was me who is in charge of the Russian defence, I would most likely keep a close watch in Kreminna front.

What the Russia can do at this point is last as long as they can and before showing their hand to the Ukrainian, because that would be what the Ukrainian wanted as they are now attacking, they have the initiative, so it's relatively important for the Russian to hold their line as is and DO NOT commit reserve before the Ukrainian did. But that remain to be seen.

I will predict the next 2 to 3 weeks we will see up and down Ukrainian attack and try to make the Russian do what they want them to do, which is to commit their strategic reserve, a lot more artillery, a lot more HIMARS and a lot of indirect fire supporting smaller scale action, designed to put pressure on Russian troop, and then if that happened, Ukraine wills strike somewhere else. Before that, we will not see any large scale attack or large area regain. Ukrainian force will keep it small before that.
Russia already lost 50% of its conquered territory and we are at start of new ukranian counter-attack.

The dam break on other hand will have effects lasting decades.
You know this. You are just being deliberately obtuse
cashing on credit
Almost all analysts expect some territory gains this counter offensive.
Zelenski especially wants to push to regain territory.

Now How much sense it then make to destroy this agriculture for 10-20 years at the start of the offensive? The same land you hope to regain?

Again. When its convenient for you you are extremely critical about logic, motives….when not…you lose all that critical thought and its back to robotically finding excuses to defend the agressor.
again assuming
Finger pointing again.
West is one of the most self critical of all the mayor geopolitical blocs.

Giving me this hot air on a thread about russia (east) invading ukraine (westwards).
yeah sure when i saw bush and obama on trial and us soldiers gave meaningful punishment for war crimes
Russian news anchors were openly calling for freezing the ukranians into submission?
What dual purpose?

Keep on cheering for that.

Also Somehow ukranians have to pay for USA and Israels deeds (dual purpose use targets)??
electricity used to ran workshop which fix ukraine war equipment and fuel used to run its war machine
Irrelevant? It shows everyone why you side with the agressor russia.

It is because you do not even blink when iranian women get murdered by the religious police.
And why you are at ease with bucha and russia flattening ukranian cities.
As long as it is inconvenient for USA all is well.
first more Iranian men died , second go to relevant thread and there will be more than one person willing to answer you
Ukraine making advances, but at a VERY heavy price. 400+ Killed & 900+ wounded, just for a small village that Russia will re-capture anyway. The clown of Kiev has well and truly clowned Ukraine whilst making millions from our taxes. Slava Cocaini.

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