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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Strategic miscalculation: Europe reduced its supplies from Russia by 71%: huge dromp in consumption of gas supplied from Europe.

Fall in EU gas demand set to outweigh flows from Russia in blow for Kremlin​

▸ Bloc beats targets for reducing usage ▸ Mild winter aids measures ▸ Payments to Moscow plunge​


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Brussels has said it expects EU gas demand to fall by more than its total imports from Russia this year as moves in the bloc to cut dependence on the fossil fuel take effect.
Gas-saving measures undertaken by the EU’s 27 member states are estimated to cut consumption in 2023 by 60 bcm (billion cubic metres) compared with the bloc’s average use over the past five years, according to an internal European Commission document seen by the Financial Times.
This represents “more than the gas volumes we still foresee to import from Russia in 2023, both pipeline and [liquefied natural gas]”, the document said. It is also 8 bcm more than the bloc managed to save at the height of its energy crisis last year.
Kadri Simson, the EU’s energy commissioner, told a meeting of peers this week that the fall in demand was not “good luck” but the result of a series of emergency laws passed in 2022 in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Among the laws was an agreement that EU countries would voluntarily reduce gas consumption by 15 per cent, a target that had been surpassed, according to the commission.
One EU official working on energy policy said that “the figures on the reduction are quite striking”, adding that this meant that “Russia has lost its gas leverage on Europe”. But analysts pointed out that the EU experienced a mild winter in 2022 and that high prices had resulted in energy-intensive industry scaling back production.
If the bloc does meet the commission’s expectations of cutting demand by 60 bcm, there could be a supply glut and a “big, big price drop”, Henning Gloystein, director of energy, climate and resources at Eurasia Group, said.
In March EU countries agreed to extend the 15 per cent demand reduction target for another year.
A report published on Wednesday by the European Environmental Bureau found that only 14 of the 27 EU countries had introduced compulsory measures to cut energy consumption and five of those — Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal — made up 60 per cent of the fall in demand.
“The most robust measures on gas savings have been implemented in countries that import large quantities of Russian gas such as Italy and Germany,” the report said.
Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania were the only members not to have implemented energy saving laws, in part possibly because of already low gas demand in those countries, the report noted.
EU imports of Russian gas previously made up around two-fifths of the bloc’s gas but have been steadily cut by Moscow in the run-up to and after last year’s invasion of Ukraine, in an attempt to raise prices and squeeze the EU’s energy supplies. Preliminary data from the commission shows that in March EU imports of Russian gas were 74 per cent lower than they were in March 2021, the document said.
Simson said that the bloc’s gas reductions had resulted in the EU’s total monthly payments to Russia falling from €21.4bn in March 2022 to €2.7bn in March this year.
But efforts to completely end gas flows from Russia on routes where Moscow has already cut supplies foundered at the G7 summit this month after they were blocked by EU delegates.
Strategic miscalculation: Europe reduced its supplies from Russia by 71%: huge dromp in consumption of gas supplied from Europe.

Fall in EU gas demand set to outweigh flows from Russia in blow for Kremlin​

▸ Bloc beats targets for reducing usage ▸ Mild winter aids measures ▸ Payments to Moscow plunge​


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Brussels has said it expects EU gas demand to fall by more than its total imports from Russia this year as moves in the bloc to cut dependence on the fossil fuel take effect.
Gas-saving measures undertaken by the EU’s 27 member states are estimated to cut consumption in 2023 by 60 bcm (billion cubic metres) compared with the bloc’s average use over the past five years, according to an internal European Commission document seen by the Financial Times.
This represents “more than the gas volumes we still foresee to import from Russia in 2023, both pipeline and [liquefied natural gas]”, the document said. It is also 8 bcm more than the bloc managed to save at the height of its energy crisis last year.
Kadri Simson, the EU’s energy commissioner, told a meeting of peers this week that the fall in demand was not “good luck” but the result of a series of emergency laws passed in 2022 in the wake of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
Among the laws was an agreement that EU countries would voluntarily reduce gas consumption by 15 per cent, a target that had been surpassed, according to the commission.
One EU official working on energy policy said that “the figures on the reduction are quite striking”, adding that this meant that “Russia has lost its gas leverage on Europe”. But analysts pointed out that the EU experienced a mild winter in 2022 and that high prices had resulted in energy-intensive industry scaling back production.
If the bloc does meet the commission’s expectations of cutting demand by 60 bcm, there could be a supply glut and a “big, big price drop”, Henning Gloystein, director of energy, climate and resources at Eurasia Group, said.
In March EU countries agreed to extend the 15 per cent demand reduction target for another year.
A report published on Wednesday by the European Environmental Bureau found that only 14 of the 27 EU countries had introduced compulsory measures to cut energy consumption and five of those — Germany, France, Italy, Spain and Portugal — made up 60 per cent of the fall in demand.
“The most robust measures on gas savings have been implemented in countries that import large quantities of Russian gas such as Italy and Germany,” the report said.
Bulgaria, Latvia and Romania were the only members not to have implemented energy saving laws, in part possibly because of already low gas demand in those countries, the report noted.
EU imports of Russian gas previously made up around two-fifths of the bloc’s gas but have been steadily cut by Moscow in the run-up to and after last year’s invasion of Ukraine, in an attempt to raise prices and squeeze the EU’s energy supplies. Preliminary data from the commission shows that in March EU imports of Russian gas were 74 per cent lower than they were in March 2021, the document said.
Simson said that the bloc’s gas reductions had resulted in the EU’s total monthly payments to Russia falling from €21.4bn in March 2022 to €2.7bn in March this year.
But efforts to completely end gas flows from Russia on routes where Moscow has already cut supplies foundered at the G7 summit this month after they were blocked by EU delegates.
Russias windfall of high gas/oil prices are gone….lets see how their economy likes it
And? We know Russia launched them. We know that Russia says they made contact, and we also know that Russia has shown zero evidence of damage caused.

In other words, the only conclusion one can come to is that they were all either successfully intercepted, or Russia missed.
and we knew ukraine never show any evidence of debries and we knew they blur the serial number on 1 in 100 interception claim that they actually show the debries and we also have twitter video of burning here and there in Ukraine and well we can put 2 and 2 t together and reach 4
In other words, the only conclusion one can come to is that they were hit the target and Ukraine try to hide it.

Also, the boat exploded right next to the Russian ship, the proof is in the video shown. Even if Russia somehow intercepted the boat RIGHT NEXT TO THE RUSSIAN SHIP, the resulting explosion would still be catastrophic.
here come another guy that can't understand what this mean , look at this post and think harder maybe this time you get the meaning of what i said and stop arguing for the sake of arguing.
as i said intercepted by ship itself not any countermeasure applied by the ship
congratulation you have just joined another 1 or 2 who taught i said the boat didn't explode by the ship, but guess what unlike some people who can't seethe failure of certain comedian and their supporter , I'm always the first to mention failure of both party of the conflict .
and I'm glad for these failure it means more and longer war there and more peace here
simple Russia doesn't want to waste PGM's on targets on home soil. It's obvious the Russians don't have much training on dropping unguided munitions.

you really think this happened? it's fake, from DCS world a game... Mr SC.

What amaze me is he think Admiral Kuznetsov is a fully functioning carrier and not a dud with a broken boiler......
Russias windfall of high gas/oil prices are gone….lets see how their economy likes it
Russia is a gas station. It’s economy relies on selling oil, gas, minerals, grains, fertilizer, weapons, nuclear fuels. Now US, EU as biggest customers gone, Putin relies on China, India and some few. Russia has no future. Putin can choose be a slave to India or China.

Interesting to note, Medwedew, Putin’s mad dog, says the war can continue for decades. Medwedew doesn’t believe to Russia victory he apparently bets on Putin’s death so he can seize the power.
This is the equivalent of telling children certain fairy tales are not real. What you did was cruel. He was happy that Russian pilots are the best, now you ruined him.

Actually, no.

In a war, the defense does not have to 'prove' anything. As long as they continue to defend, that is proof enough. If Russia claimed 10 out of 10 hits at 10 targets, if 10 Ukrainian targets remains viable, Russia lost all ten attempts. Ukraine does not have to convince Russia or even the world for that matter.
and attackers are not actually need to prove anything as long as a certain percentage of a certain country power grid is offline

Russias windfall of high gas/oil prices are gone….lets see how their economy likes it
my guess is as always the demand in warmer weather are less , they wait for winter to come back

What amaze me is he think Admiral Kuznetsov is a fully functioning carrier and not a dud with a broken boiler......
more precisely the ship is some times working and many more time being tugged around , it all depend on time.
in short if you want to destroy its fighting capabilities there is no need to go to the trouble and attack the carrier with the hardship that inherently come for disabling them , just destroy the tug , mission accomplished.
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Russia is a gas station. It’s economy relies on selling oil, gas, minerals, grains, fertilizer, weapons, nuclear fuels. Now US, EU as biggest customers gone, Putin relies on China, India and some few. Russia has no future. Putin can choose be a slave to India or China.

Interesting to note, Medwedew, Putin’s mad dog, says the war can continue for decades. Medwedew doesn’t believe to Russia victory he apparently bets on Putin’s death so he can seize the power.
as long as china get cheaper energy and grain from Russia , i say there is no difference about their future , money is money , who care its yuan or euro
and yes it can continue for a long time as it benefit certain countries outside Ukraine and Russia , namely china and USA . Europe economy is in recession Russia is in trouble and each day rely more on china .these two are the facts that USA and China love . they come unscathed from this war while Europe and Russia ......
my guess is as always the demand in warmer weather are less , they wait for winter to come back
But europe will have 20% reduced demand globally going saving/alternatives.

They have also set up alternative routes now, disruption of market on that front has stopped.

Global economy slowed down and is at risk of recession (which would collapse prices further)

Finally the reserves are well filled. They will not have to buy top price to refill them.

Russias price spike profit was a one time thing.
But europe will have 20% reduced demand globally going saving/alternatives.

They have also set up alternative routes now, disruption of market on that front has stopped.

Global economy slowed down and is at risk of recession (which would collapse prices further)

Finally the reserves are well filled. They will not have to buy top price to refill them.

Russias price spike profit was a one time thing.
and Russia don't sell that much to Europe , the supply was limited after Europe stop buying from Russia and got its need from other places , the country that usually get their fuel from those areas now have to get it from somewhere else and guess whose gas is out there to buy ?
as i said its not important the money is white , yellow or black as long as it flow
as long as china get cheaper energy and grain from Russia , i say there is no difference about their future , money is money , who care its yuan or euro
and yes it can continue for a long time as it benefit certain countries outside Ukraine and Russia , namely china and USA . Europe economy is in recession Russia is in trouble and each day rely more on china .these two are the facts that USA and China love . they come unscathed from this war while Europe and Russia ......
Yes money is money. money doesn’t stink. The problem with that argument is China buys less than China + Europe combined. Don’t forget the Chinese buy cheaper than used to be because Russia lost leverage. You can see that when Russia PM visits China. The Chinese refused to conclude a long term energy deal.

Chinese know the longer they wait the cheaper they can buy from Russia. Same for India. They wait until Putin gets desperate and sells oil and gas at every price.
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