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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

That is also my source, and article 47 says that if Russia is a belligerent in an armed conflict (which it is here), then Russian citizens are never mercenaries in that conflict. They fail condition ”d”.

View attachment 929639

does this international law apply to Israel or only nations that oppose the West?

these rules are not worth the paper then are written on
does this international law apply to Israel or only nations that oppose the West?

these rules are not worth the paper then are written on
It matters for Russia to pretend it is a rules based society. Pointing out they do not follow international law does undermine the russian narrative.
I dont think any modern armed forces plan for a static war like the one Ukraine and Russia are fighting. If Ukraine is able to grind down russian forces using trench lines, ATGMs and Manpads, Russia conventionally attacking any NATO member would be complete madness.
Ukraine has the largest land forces of any European nation (xRussia).

Russia has EW that can defeat the high tech weapons of NATO Europe. Therefore the fight to defend Europe must be similar to Ukraine. Frontline attacks to frontline attacks. USA has the ECM and defenses against Russian EW. Europe does not.

Ukraine is able to halt the Russians because of artillery. Because of shoulder fired weapons. And protect the skies with limited air defenses.

A baseline insurance must be to have EU nations individually as powerful as Ukraine. That is for starters. You build from there, with enough ammo for 5 years.
Kennst du noch den Satz von einem früheren deutschen Politiker? „Ah ein bisschen Inflation.“
No worry, war is pain but for some people it’s a great business. Rheinmetall just signs a contract with Ukraine state weapons manufacturer to mass produce tanks, ammo and other stuffs in Ukraine.

Rheinmetall-Chef Armin Papperger und ein Soldat vor dem Kampfpanzer Panther KF51 – den Rheinmetall gerne in der Ukraine bauen will.

Rheinmetall-Chef Armin Papperger und ein Soldat vor dem Kampfpanzer Panther KF51 – den Rheinmetall gerne in der Ukraine bauen will. Bild: DPA

Rheinmetall is a US-company, look at the shareholders. And these shareholders then get the money of the german people. The money what the german gov give after taken on dept. And due to taking on dept, its printing money, but never get it back through inflation cause the money goes outside the country to the US shareholders. And this makes german people poorer.
Rheinmetall is a US-company, look at the shareholders. And these shareholders then get the money of the german people. The money what the german gov give after taken on dept. And due to taking on dept, its printing money, but never get it back through inflation cause the money goes outside the country to the US shareholders. And this makes german people poorer.
thats how a publicly traded company works: any organization with capital and wants to invest it can. Sometimes its US, sometimes its Gulf sovereign funds. And Germany GDP per capita has been growing up every year outside of the 2 years in pandemic, so your fellow Germans are doing just fine with this external capital infusion. You can also buy shares in Rheinmetall
Legally, if Russia is a belligerent in an armed conflict, a Russian citizen participating in the conflict will not be considered a mercenary.
Such Wagner employees meet a,b,c,e and f, but does not meet ”d”.
You must meet all six conditions.
The Flying Tigers met all six, but this definition did not exist during WWII.

View attachment 929636
Actually, Wagner employees met...

2a. recruited
2b. fight
2c. motivated by private gain
2e. not a member of any armed forces
2f. was not sent by a State

Now for 2d...

You can bypass the legality requirement of 'nationality' by simply giving citizenship to the person.

The 1977 agreement.

1. A mercenary shall not have the right to be a combatant or a prisoner of war.​
2. A mercenary is any person who:​
(a) is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;​
(b) does, in fact, take a direct part in the hostilities;​
(c) is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the armed forces of that Party;​
(d) is neither a national of a Party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a Party to the conflict;
(e) is not a member of the armed forces of a Party to the conflict; and​
(f) has not been sent by a State which is not a Party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.​

The 1989 agreement.

Article 1 of the 1989 UN Mercenary Convention defines a mercenary as:
1. Any person who:​
(a) is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;​
(b) is motivated to take part in the hostility essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;​
(c) is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;
(d) is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and​
(e) has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.​
2. A mercenary is also any person who, in any other situation:​
(a) is specially recruited locally or abroad for the purpose of participating in a concerted act of violence aimed at:​
(i) overthrowing a Government or otherwise undermining the constitutional order of a State; or​
(ii) undermining the territorial integrity of a State;​
(b) is motivated to take part therein essentially by the desire for significant private gain and is prompted by the promise or payment of material compensation;​
(c) is neither a national nor a resident of the State against which such an act is directed;​
(d) has not been sent by a State on official duty; and​
(e) is not a member of the armed forces of the State on whose territory the act is undertaken​
When a Russian citizen who is a prisoner for a civil crime who then was recruited by Wagner, not the Russian government, to fight against Ukraine, that Russian citizen would fall under 1989 agreement section 2.

What distinguished the French Foreign Legion from the Wagner Group is that the Legion is an official branch of the French military. The Wagner Group is no such member in the Russian military.
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Russia’s revenues in freefall (Sturzflug)
In the first four months of 2023

oil and gas: -53 percent
corporate income tax: -19 percent

If the trend continues Russia will file bankruptcy next year when forex reserves run dry. Putin now trying to delay the bankruptcy by pressing more money out of state enterprises and banks. That’s unsustainable.

This is an old Russian EW weapon:

Put it on a HGV over the target, destroy the enemy electronics, then destroy the enemy with Cruise missiles once defenseless.

Can be used to disable ships, aircraft, missiles, ADS. This is more than jamming the signals, it is the disabling the entire system electronically via something that can be compared to an EW weapon version of an EMP. Systems are (perhaps temporarily) disabled. I would discuss these types of classified weapons on old forums over a dozen years ago. This is old, old tech. If Europe is relying on high tech to defend from Russia, expect Russian EW Tech to defeat European "high tech". Russia has EW weapons that disable personnel. Causes so much agony, you run from the Russians. USA has these weapons, Russia has these weapons. Israel has access to both Russian and USA weapons. Get artillery - mortar and howitzer. This EW stuff is no joke. Russia is saving these weapons for the war vs Europe. USA is saving these weapons for the war with China. And are not sharing them with partners.

This is why the baseline/starting position of EU armies must be dumb artillery, greater firepower than the amount Russia has. Then you move from there.

Make sure you design your precision and dumb ammo well that EW weapons cannot detonate/activate the fuse of the projectile fired from artillery, via sonic or electromagnetic waves.

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And Germany GDP per capita has been growing up every year outside of the 2 years in pandemic

Due to the inflation, what is very high at the moment, official around 7%. But if you already bought 46 Flatscreens and have no more room to put it, then these official "average" inflation do not count for you. They even changed the basket. "All tricks in!"
Wow - they hit a fuel dump - omg - omg - Ukraine should just "surrender" now ??

This is a war and both sides will get hit from time to time.

The thing is that Ukraine is doing a better job of hitting things that hurts Russia far more, than Russia can do to Ukraine. The trend line is in Ukraines favour - the occassional lucky strike by Russia is not going to change the strategic direction of the war.

The strategic direction, is, put simply - Russia is losing this war... badly...
Seriously dude, what are you smoking? Ukraine's whole gamble is on the counter strike and the outcome of the war will decided by this. NATO better pump more weapons and soldiers if Ukraine is to survive.
Once again, Russia using a single relatively unimportant event, overexaggerating it,
where exactly is RUssia doing this? Instead Ukraine and RUssia are fighting for control of Bakhmut/Bakhmut- related territory and you ignore and deny that then go onto manufacture this fake theory trhat Russia is using a single relatively unimportant event"- just prove Russia is doing that- mean while you cant explain why Ukraine has been fighting for Bakhmut for almost a year, lost 10s of thousands of soldiers, lost MOST of Bakhmut, and is still sending so many troops to die, just to capture a small area of Bakhmut back? LMAO.
in other to distract from the fact that Ukraine is taking back a shit ton of territory in the Bakhmut area,
be specific- what territory size qualifies as "a shit ton"? lmao- Ukraine probably doesnt have more than 10% control, up from 3%- why did Ukraine LOSE a shit ton of territory in Bakhmut in the first place if it was so valuable and obviously worth losing brigade after brigade after brigade of untrained and experienced military men? and all that equipment and ammunnition lost so badly that it made Ukrainian military need 2-4 months to be reequipped for an of fensive it doesnt have the ability to even push through confidently with?
and Russian/Wagner forces are retreated.
kjust a little- dont get distracted by small short term war gains- focus on the big picture.
Also distracting from thr fact that Russia's aviation just suffered major losses in a single day.
so? even a big US general testifoed to congrress that Russian airforce has lost 70/80 planes...out of over 1,000. he confirmed most of RUssia's military is still intact- space, infantry, cyber, rocket forces, nuclear forces- ALL INTACT- meanwhile Ukraine is on its 3rd and borrowed army, from NATO. NATO must get extinguished in Ukraine, because that's what it asked for- like the nazis asked to be extinguished and vanquished by the Soviet Union.
Shaping operations, do you not know what they are, Mr.Ukraine-never-take-back-Kherson?
no, but i think its bettter if you tell me what in the war these "shaping operations" have "shaped"?- you get one or 2 days of positive news outside of a year of hell for Ukrainian troops and you start deploying grammar thats irrelevant to the war's outcome or momentum.
You should stop predicting how things will go, you tend to be extremely wrong.
focus on the argument, make counter points- stop talking about people and how they behave- unless you have no real points to make.
Also, Ukraine is taking territory back in Bakhmut area,
yea sure....to say "taking territory" that's an indirect admission Ukraine already lost it- good luck getting it back! other than Kherson, and maybe a part of a few other smaller towns, Ukraine never gets towns back from Russia once Russia controls all of it, few exceptions exist, but exceptions dont define the rule.
so there goes your latest ideas.
you cant counter them, go buy NATO another life, it'll need it- literally died without getting killed on the battlefield - now NATO is saying it wont get involved in any conflict in the pacific- that makes sense, you cant fight new wars without ammunition.
Seriously dude, what are you smoking? Ukraine's whole gamble is on the counter strike and the outcome of the war will decided by this. NATO better pump more weapons and soldiers if Ukraine is to survive.
What gamble?

They have held back the entire russian winter offensive without the counter-attack forces who were being trained and equipped in the tens of thousands.

Even if the counter-attack fails the ukranian lines will hold.
This is an old Russian EW weapon:

Put it on a HGV over the target, destroy the enemy electronics, then destroy the enemy with Cruise missiles once defenseless.

Can be used to disable ships, aircraft, missiles, ADS. This is more than jamming the signals, it is the disabling the entire system electronically via something that can be compared to an EW weapon version of an EMP. Systems are (perhaps temporarily) disabled. I would discuss these types of classified weapons on old forums over a dozen years ago. This is old, old tech. If Europe is relying on high tech to defend from Russia, expect Russian EW Tech to defeat European "high tech". Russia has EW weapons that disable personnel. Causes so much agony, you run from the Russians. USA has these weapons, Russia has these weapons. Israel has access to both Russian and USA weapons. Get artillery - mortar and howitzer. This EW stuff is no joke. Russia is saving these weapons for the war vs Europe. USA is saving these weapons for the war with China. And are not sharing them with partners.

This is why the baseline/starting position of EU armies must be dumb artillery, greater firepower than the amount Russia has. Then you move from there.

Make sure you design your precision and dumb ammo well that EW weapons cannot detonate/activate the fuse of the projectile fired from artillery, via sonic or electromagnetic waves.

Donald Cook .. get real. You need to get out of the rabbit hole. This story is a classic russian fairy tail being recycled by pro russian bots.
Regarding Ukraine having the largest landforces in Europe - of cource they do. The country is mobilized. What do you think would happen if Germany, France, the UK or Italy mobilized? Any country with a population of 40 mio. would have a landforce of 1 million if mobilized.
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