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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Everyone knows that starting an offensive in winter is suicide. Ground frozen, and when it gets warmer, everything will be mud. No way forward with heave vehicles.
Second, Ukraine is getting lots of new western weapons. Soldiers need to be trained. Otherwise, it’s suicide to go in the offensive.

The offensive will come. When Ukraine is ready for it. It’s gonna be a hot summer for the Russian invadersz or Russian fascists. Nazis.

I doubt it. The Russians will pound the living days out of Nazi Ukrainian skinheads. The problem with US/NATO cheerleaders is that they think their weapons and training will somehow magically defeat Russia. You guys couldn't defeat Russia during the Cold War when you were in direct confrontation. You played your divide and conquer, but in the end Russia managed to crawl back. I think you need to manage your expectations. Russia won't be defeated. It is too big and powerful to be defeated in its own backyard.
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looks like the Russians have stopped the Ukrainian counteroffensive in its tracks

many of these Azov Units are racists and hate Muslims and support Israel and also they supported the US invasion of Iraq

when Israel and US grab land they are cheered by the West and when it happens to them they play victim

Russia does not strike the Western part of the country unless they know there is a high value target

and looking at the size of the mushroom clouds we can know it was a very high value target

Still, according to international treaties, you do not count as a mercenary if you are paid to fight for Your country. Even it is is in excess of normal pay.
You said it -- Your country. My country of moral and legal allegiance is the US. Regardless of pay amount, I could never be considered a mercenary once joined. The recruiter was not an agent of a corporate entity but a representative of the US government which is a direct extension of the people.

When the Wagner Group, or whatever their official corporate name, recruited Russian prisoners into its ranks, those prisoners became legal mercenaries because they are in the employed of a corporate entity -- the Wagner Group. The Wagner Group then can dispense its soldiers anywhere in the interests of anyone, least of all, for any cause, moral or else. Legally speaking, the Flying Tigers were mercenaries.
Russia is taking on pretty much the entire world in Ukraine, over 600 different types of weapons from over 80 countries are in Ukraine yet Bakhmut is Russian
Russia is not taking on the entire world. Russia is fighting only Ukraine, and is doing a shiddy job at it.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the US went anywhere we want. Yes, we met resistance in many places, but essentially, militarily speaking, we went anywhere we want. That is not happening in Ukraine for the Russian military. The VKS could not even fly anywhere it want. Weapons do not fight. People do. And the Ukrainians are doing an excellent job at it. Poutine could finally employ the entire might of the Russian military into Ukraine and could finally subjugate the Ukrainians, but that would break the Russian military.

I think that the main issue with a definition of mercenaries is that it is defined in treaties, and not all countries have ratified those treaties.
I agree with most your comments, but my interpretation is that a Russian citizen employed by Wagner cannot be considered a mercenary.
The definition I quote is According to Geneva Convention, Protocol I Article 47, which Russia is a party to that treaty, they try to get out of Protocol I in 2019, but I don't think they passed that bill before the invasion.
If US seeks to absorb a neighboring country by force, do you think any country can stop it? US will absorb a neighboring country in a few months at most.
The short answer is, if we invade any of our neighbor, like Russia did, there are no way anyone can stop us. People keep saying "What could US do when they can't even get rid of Taliban" First of all, US uses probably less than 1/10 of its military might in Afghanistan, the peak troop level in Afghanistan is 120,000 troop, that's less than 1/10 of the 1,280,000 strong US Army, and then I did not even factor all other branch into this equation. Not to mention, Afghanistan is 13,000 mile from US Mainland, and at least 4000 miles from the closest US military base, so that war is not even a conventional war, it's an expedition.

So it is extremely naive to think Afghanistan can be anything of a reflecting point of the true combat power to the United States Military, however, that said, there is one major factor that stop us from using all our might in battle, and that factor is not Russia, nor Chinese nor any military in the world, but the United States Congress.

There are only ever 1 time when US put all its military might in any war (Not counting War of Independence and Civil War), and that's World War 2. This is when the US went in 100%, the problem is not that we devoted every division, every fleet, and every squadron of fighter, bomber etcl, but the US went in and shred EVERYONE off their constitutional right, the media blackout, the interning of Japanese and Germany citizens or even American Citizens of Japanese and German heritage, the violation of due process clause, the violation of 1st Amendment right, the violation of 5th and 6 amendment right, all these happened during WW2. And that thus give the US Government the ultimate power to utilise the entire military might in a war over any civilian opposition, that was not heard of before and after.

In today term, I don't think US would ever again going to war like Ukraine does now, not until someone else decided to fancy a go at the US and attack US territories in country or overseas. But still, even at 1/10 or 1/5 (probably the ceiling amount we can do in any war now) would still a force to be reckon with.

And we have such a liberal congress and president most likely because US is the sole Superpower at this point, and there are no need for a hawkish stance, but it would be another story, if this US led International Order is being altered. You can bet we will look less toward civil liberty and more hawkish if that is the case here.
looks like the Russians have stopped the Ukrainian counteroffensive in its tracks

many of these Azov Units are racists and hate Muslims and support Israel and also they supported the US invasion of Iraq

when Israel and US grab land they are cheered by the West and when it happens to them they play victim

Russia does not strike the Western part of the country unless they know there is a high value target

and looking at the size of the mushroom clouds we can know it was a very high value target

Sir twitter is not open in our country can u tell us how counter offensive has stopped.
looks like the Russians have stopped the Ukrainian counteroffensive in its tracks

many of these Azov Units are racists and hate Muslims and support Israel and also they supported the US invasion of Iraq

when Israel and US grab land they are cheered by the West and when it happens to them they play victim

Russia does not strike the Western part of the country unless they know there is a high value target

and looking at the size of the mushroom clouds we can know it was a very high value target

Could be an ammo storage compound.

It is premature to assume that Russian forces have stopped Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Your point about Ukraine supporting US in its war with Iraq is correct. More like Ukraine was not a fan of Saddam regime.

Ukraine has supported Pakistan as well. Ukraine has provided arms to Pakistan and respected Pakistan's position on Kashmir. This is why I respect Ukraine. Every Pakistani should keep this in mind.

If Pakistani cannot respect and support friendly countries in their dark times, who will respect and support Pakistan in its dark times?

Some people have short memories.

Could be an ammo storage compound.

It is premature to assume that Russian forces have stopped Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Your point about Ukraine supporting US in its war with Iraq is correct. More like Ukraine was not a fan of Saddam regime.

Ukraine has supported Pakistan as well. Ukraine has provided arms to Pakistan and respected Pakistan's position on Kashmir. This is why I respect Ukraine. Every Pakistani should keep this in mind.

If Pakistani cannot respect and support friendly countries in their dark times, who will respect and support Pakistan in its dark times?

Some people have short memories.
It's not even ammo storage, maybe fuel storage.

Notice this is a VERY BIG mushroom cloud, that can only be caused by fuel detonation, either the bomb itself is Fuel air Explosive, or it hit fuel. Ammunition is explosive based, which mean if it exploded, it would not give you a big cloud, it will just explode and create shrapnel everywhere.

Also, it lack the cook off and I would say it didn't even have a secondary det. I doubt this is a ammo storage, maybe a fuel depot, or they simply using Fuel Air Explosive on target.
It's not even ammo storage, maybe fuel storage.

Notice this is a VERY BIG mushroom cloud, that can only be caused by fuel detonation, either the bomb itself is Fuel air Explosive, or it hit fuel. Ammunition is explosive based, which mean if it exploded, it would not give you a big cloud, it will just explode and create shrapnel everywhere.
This explosion is almost like what I imagine if the Russians used FOAB, the difference is that FOAB can generate 10 times more destructive power.

It is a strategic weapon to completely change the game
This explosion is almost like what I imagine if the Russians used FOAB, the difference is that FOAB can generate 10 times more destructive power.

It is a strategic weapon to completely change the game
Well, open-source intel said the target is one of those old soviet ICBM booster rocket storage site.

And again, this is a flash fire explosion, it has to related to fuel. FOAB don't do Flash explosion

Russia is not taking on the entire world. Russia is fighting only Ukraine, and is doing a shiddy job at it.

In Iraq and Afghanistan, the US went anywhere we want. Yes, we met resistance in many places, but essentially, militarily speaking, we went anywhere we want. That is not happening in Ukraine for the Russian military. The VKS could not even fly anywhere it want. Weapons do not fight. People do. And the Ukrainians are doing an excellent job at it. Poutine could finally employ the entire might of the Russian military into Ukraine and could finally subjugate the Ukrainians, but that would break the Russian military.

let me guess you also support Israels "right to self defence"

you also support a "democratic" Iraq where over 1 million Iraqis were killed

US also killed 3 million Vietnamese and eventually the "evil North won" and just look at Hanoi today, booming economy with the World's largest brands, North ended up being right

black man only got right to vote, slavery and extermination of native Americans, US seems to think it can take the moral high ground in everything and anything and be correct

Ukraine had no right inviting NATO into Kiev for a military parade 2 years ago

Sir twitter is not open in our country can u tell us how counter offensive has stopped.

this war is more transparent than the last one every street is Geo-located in Bakhmut

the city is Russian and 20% of the entire Ukrainian land mass belongs to Russia

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