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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Where Will Ukraine Attack? - Russian Invasion DOCUMENTARY

What is Russia going to use against UK? Their whole land force is locked in Ukraine, NAVY has serious shortage of experts as many have been sent to Ukraine, Russian air force is missing in action, etc.
If UK has plans for war against Russia then Russia must have plans for war against UK. UK will use Europeans as a proxy against Russia no doubt or fuel the Ukraine war even more.

UK must be ready for war with Russia, says armed forces chief​

This article is more than 1 year old
Nick Carter says Russia has become bigger threat in eastern Europe, but he doesn’t think it wants ‘hot war’

Rowena Mason Deputy political editor
Sun 14 Nov 2021 12.06 GMT

The outgoing head of the UK’s armed forces has said the military will have to be ready for war with Russia after recent tensions in eastern Europe, but he does not believe Vladimir Putin really wants “hot war” with the west.
Gen Sir Nick Carter said Russia was now a greater threat in eastern Europe than it was when he started in the role eight years ago, as he gave a series of interviews before his departure as chief of the defence staff at the end of the month.

He said he “distinctly hoped” there would not be a war with Russia and he did not believe the country wanted a physical war, but Nato would have to be ready.

He spoke amid tensions on the border between Poland and Russia’s ally Belarus over refugees stranded in camps, as well as signs that Russian troops could be massing along the border with Ukraine.
Liz Truss, the UK foreign secretary, this weekend urged Putin to intervene in the “shameful manufactured migrant crisis” unfolding at the border. Western nations have accused Belarus of attracting people wanting to come to the EU to the border, while Poland has been rebuffing their efforts to enter.
The former MI6 officer Christopher Steele has said he believes Moscow thinks it is at war with the UK and its allies.
Asked about this view on Sky News’s Trevor Phillips on Sunday, Carter said: “Russia probably regards the global strategic context as a continuous struggle in which, I think, they would apply all the instruments of national power to achieve their objectives. But in so doing, [the Russians] don’t want to bring on a hot war.
“So, yes, in a way I think he’s right. The question, of course, is how you define war and I, as a soldier, would tend to define war as the actual act of combat and fighting, and I don’t think they want that.
“I think they want to try and achieve their objective in rather more nuanced ways.”
He later told BBC One’s The Andrew Marr Show that Russia was in a “hybrid playbook where you link disinformation to destabilisation and the idea of pushing migrants on to the European Union’s borders is a classic example of that sort of thing”.

He said it was most likely that the Belarus and Ukraine border situations were “classic distraction” by the Russian government of the type that had been going on “for years and years and years”.
Asked whether it could turn into a shooting war, Carter said: “I don’t know. I think we have to be on our guard and make sure deterrence prevails and critically we have to make sure there is unity in the Nato alliance and we don’t allow any gaps to occur in our collective position.”

Former major Rob Shenton  wearing medals
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Carter also acknowledged that the situation in Afghanistan was “not good”, after arguing at the time of the Taliban takeover in August that the group had changed and should be “given space” to form a government.
He said there had been “ghastly images … of a potential humanitarian crisis” and admitted the Taliban had “a lot of things that had got to change”. But he still insisted the Taliban were different from how they were in 2001 and claimed “the moderate lot are probably privately arguing to be a different sort of Taliban”.
Adm Sir Tony Radakin, 55, the head of the navy, is taking over as head of the armed forces, with Carter due to stand down at the end of the month.

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On topic.
Any analysis/idea on russias airforce sitting this out so much?

According to some defense analists. Airforce capability was almost unaffected.

However they must be running low on guided munitions..and why are they keeping it back so much?? You want a fast decisive conflict…not a drawn out one that grinds away all your armor and spetnaz troops.

is the risk of manpads/stingers/air defence too high and they feel they need to keep this force somewhat intact to deal with Nato?

Or are they a paper tiger on this aspect as well and they keep it back to hide this fact??
Unable of combined warfare.
Lacking the pilots. Maybe much less of the fleet actually correctly maintained/flight worthy?
On topic.
Any analysis/idea on russias airforce sitting this out so much?

According to some defense analists. Airforce capability was almost unaffected.

However they must be running low on guided munitions..and why are they keeping it back so much?? You want a fast decisive conflict…not a drawn out one that grinds away all your armor and spetnaz troops.

is the risk of manpads/stingers/air defence too high and they feel they need to keep this force somewhat intact to deal with Nato?

Or are they a paper tiger on this aspect as well and they keep it back to hide this fact??
Unable of combined warfare.
Lacking the pilots. Maybe much less of the fleet actually correctly maintained/flight worthy?

The war won't be over this century. They gotta pace it.
There is already a discussion to take away these "negativ ratings" and bring up a "unlike" button for all free to use. The same thing as it is with the "like" button, but "unlike", useable by everyone. But maybe the code for this "negativ rating" is the same as it is of the "positive rating". And taking away the "positive rating" only for not to have "negative rating" is not that good imo.

Yeah possibly, this is something for the site owner and senior moderators to know for sure. If what you say is the case, then surely it will be easy to allow everyone to be able to negative rate each other because from what I see the clique members who have been negative rating others are themselves guilty of throwing insults, trolling and personally attacking other members with impunity. Also they hypocritically ignore their friends, who hold the same ideological views as them, when they literally throw racist insults whilst trolling the Iranian section. They then spam the negative rating on us for replying. Happens a lot in the Iranian section. They even admit they do this which is an abuse of power and is causing cronyism.
On topic.
Any analysis/idea on russias airforce sitting this out so much?

According to some defense analists. Airforce capability was almost unaffected.

However they must be running low on guided munitions..and why are they keeping it back so much?? You want a fast decisive conflict…not a drawn out one that grinds away all your armor and spetnaz troops.

is the risk of manpads/stingers/air defence too high and they feel they need to keep this force somewhat intact to deal with Nato?

Or are they a paper tiger on this aspect as well and they keep it back to hide this fact??
Unable of combined warfare.
Lacking the pilots. Maybe much less of the fleet actually correctly maintained/flight worthy?

The Russian Air Force is MIA and a complete failure in this war. They have a significant number of aircraft remaining, but against NATO they’d fair as well as their armor has.
@waz @WebMaster

@waz You seriously look into this matter. This negative rating keeps going unchecked.

Source? Hitler? But again he was probably your ancestor, not ours?

That is a typical reply for a zio lover. Does that justify it? Yet again I forget you are a western.

I've attached a file and quoted the message where @TopGun786 wrote a very typical message that doesnt really break any rules, and he gets a negative rating. Yet, as you know, there are members here who say a lot worse than this who's reputation stays intact because nobody can negative rate them and they can act with impunity. Some of these members also happen to have this privilege of negatively rating others.

All I'm asking is that either we all get to negatively rate each other, or nobody does except for senior mods and site owner obviously. It seems only pro-western reddit trolls get this pass to impact reputation of those whom they are incapable of refuting in an argument and/or who have differing views to them.


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President Putin says 'real war' being waged against Russia in fiery Victory Day speech

Watch again: Putin speaks as Russia stages annual WWII Victory Day parade on Moscow's Red Square

Typical rants by Putin

The evil west waged war on Russia. did he say war?

Russia is like a virgin girl that does not anything wrong.

Russia civilization is at stake.

Russia’s motherland is at the hands of Russia army.

Putin is smart. He did not say Russia’s fate is dependent on the success or failure of the wagners zombies. Otherwise Russia populace would be shocked.
Typical rants by Putin

The evil west waged war on Russia. did he say war?

Russia is like a virgin girl that does not anything wrong.

I made a thread about it.

I made a thread about it.

that’s worthless propaganda. Putin can say such lies hundreds times or thousands time. He can tell stories about Nazi. But at some point people in Russia will realize Putin is the king without cloth. Russians need some foods not daily Nazi stories. Russia will crash like USSR crashing on failed invasion of Afghanistan. Putin finished Russia. The Russians have the choice, becoming a slave to Chinese or Indians.

Welcome to the future

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