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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

He’s completely full of it. He couldn’t even respond when I challenged him about his university “story” and he proves it every time he posts.
The west is living rent free in his head.

Hey, did your friend @gambit fly F-111 with nukes? What about F-16s? Did @gambit fly these jets? LOL

Just 3 months...

This is beautiful. The king of Britain must be offended seeing his flag getting desecrated.

I told you I was a janitor. I cleaned hangars. So...Why are you so chickenshit about your assertion that the F-111 is not nuclear capable?

Did you fly the F-111 and F-16s?

LOL look at this:

Ukraine's 'Maa Kali' tweet sparks Hinduphobia allegations by Indian users

A now-deleted tweet by Ukraine defence ministry allegedly depicted Hindu goddess Kali over Russian blast fume in an awkward pose.

A morphed image of a female figure above blast smoke tweeted by the Ukrainian defence ministry on Sunday triggered outrage, with netizens accusing it of mimicking the Hindu deity Kali and labelling it disrespectful and "Hinduphobic."

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You have little to know knowledge of diplomacy. Thats what diplomats do. Thats why Russian foreign minister has been going up and down South America/Africa.
Its not just US/Europe.

I don’t where in your view the new bloc is emerging when only a handful of nations have supported Russia in the UN Openly….

And if this bloc really emerges, let’s see how many of the future immigrants from these countries will move to Russia and send remittances back to home. Yes ZERO. Nobody wants to go to Russia

Of course. You are the most knowledgeable person on PDF regarding diplomacy...

No shit sherlock. Why wouldn't the Russian foreign minister be looking for more customers elsewhere? Is that so odd that you had to mention it as some fact? This is what countries do all the time. They look for more export destinations.

Your Western embassies are throwing fits and writing letters in foreign countries to garner support for Ukraine. In Pakistan, you guys were involved in regime change. Hardly any country in the developing world has supported Ukraine. Almost all countries that support Ukraine cause are white Western nations.

There are nations willing to bypass the dollar and trade using their respective currencies. There is today more talk about bypassing the dollar. You guys need to step off the high horse. Your time is up because the world is today multipolar.

What are you going to talk about? 🤔 Your staunch ally India openly disobeys Western orders and regards Russia as a very important ally. You come here to lecture us how powerful and great you are. You can't even covince your own ally India to support you on Ukraine LOL

The joke is completely on you buddy.
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I’d also like to point out nobody is moving to the Brics nations. So add all the African and middle eastern countries to this new super group, their citizens will continue to risk their lives to move to the west.

I am sure they will. Nevertheless, you are arrogant and foolish to realise that many emerging economies are today looking for alternatives to bypass the dollar and Western sanctions/blackmail. We know why the Western countries throw fits regarding China LOL China is burdening developing countries with loans, but loans provided by Western countries are meant for assistance... Your governments can save this fairytale for themselves because no one in the developing world is buying this one-sided BS.
EXACTLY . It is a buyers remorse situation: $5BN on US weapons, around $7BN if Europe included in last decade and $25BN on Russia. Russian weapons were starting to be considered sub-par by India so its maritime patrol, transport, gunships all US. And after the issues with SU30, it chose Rafael to replace its Mig21s. But It has 3 decades worth of Russian arms investment that it cant eject out of. SO this move is more out of desperation to keep its army supplied (its AIr Force has already started to go in a different direction) and Navy somewhat in tact.

Not some brilliant new bloc formed. ITs the same block it always had.

But begging for Apple to set-up its manufacturing in India. Not exactly a new bloc being formed

Selling oil but making less money… doing it. Hardly a win for Russia. Ultimately no power is definite and sure the Europeans feel they won’t dominate as they did in the past. But Russia’s day of being a counterbalance to US are long gone with this regional conflict. Since you are involved in academic circles, you should know the bigger threat to the western democracies was how Putin had weaponized social media over the last decade and how Right wing Govts that were fringe almost got prominence. That was the bigger threat to the national security establishment.

By Russia Going full face confrontational, they are relieved as this battle is easier to fight than the one where countries were being divided politically And the trajectory was continuing

Newflash: F-16s have consistently shotdown inferior Russian equipment over the last 30 years across the world and continue to do so. Hardly a trash removal equivalent…..And F-16s are still in production

You guys were claiming not so long ago that Russian economy wouldn't be able to sustain the war for a few months. Russian economy was going to collapse. Russia wouldn't exist. A full year has passed and the whole world witnessed how these lies never came to fruition. Worse, the world including the Western economies suffered as a result of Russian gas/oil embargo. Oil prices went through the roof and the ordinary people at the gas station had to suffer.

You can't even spell Rafale correctly and you are arguing about how bad Russian equipment is. India openly claims that Russia is an important partner. Despite American and European pleas India has bluntly rejected your concerns to ditch Russia. You can try to downplay this, but the reality is that you are unable to convince your important ally. The whole world has witnessed this in broad daylight.

India did not beg Apple to setup a factory in India. Apple moved its factory to India.

The new bloc is a reality. The Western nations cannot help themselves to behave arrogantly. Developing countries are waking up and realising that the world is much larger than the Western bloc. Just have a good look at China as a mediator LOL Western countries like to play divide and conquer. China is playing the role of a peacemaker.
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End Is Near l Russians Are Attacking The Last Stand Of Ukranian Forces In Bakhmut l Citadel Area


Full Front Update. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.30

It’s amusing that Pro-Russians are excited and excited and happy about this

Chaps…it’s taken , what 9 months to take THIs?????

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