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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I still can't work out why the confused Pakistani left worship Pukin and his Russian imperialism. Moscow is one of India’s strongest ally ….
Again it could be the other way around...
There might be a confused Pakistani sitting in a Western country... I can understand the perks.
Moscow is one of India’s strongest ally
If this is your logic then don't you think it is flawed?
France (a Nato member) and Isra-hell (a major Non-Nato Ally) are also India's top allies and yet they are sitting in the opposite camp of Russia.
Pakistan has NO FRIENDS..... not even the USA who repeatedly used Pakistan and always backstabbed in hours of need. Not to mention the USA is also among India's new love affairs.
Bhai jaan! Don't be short-sighted. I have said it at least twice before that I don't give a dam about Russia's victory .... BUT I will welcome anything that makes the USA, NATO, and allies weak (no matter how small it may be). The longer this war goes, the longer it will drain resources from both sides.
If this war was not going on the USA and its allies should have been busy razing some other poor nation to the ground (most likely a Muslim nation).
This war gave some relief to other weak and oppressed nations and if Russia is able to inflict as many wounds as possible it is a win-win situation.
And if Russia wins it will not be the same... it will take decades to recover. Russia is no longer able to assist India any sooner, except by providing cheap oil. The most important program was upgrading some 270+ SU30 Mki to ''super sukhois'' and it all went down the drain due to the current scenario.
USA, France, and IsraHell will be the next major arms supplier of India.
P.S. I will ask you to refrain from calling anybody a ''troll'' who does not agree with you or does not match your idealogy. PDF is a great forum but the problem is after posting some 100 or so random comments people start thinking of themselves as ''analysts'', ''military experts'' etc. It is just a mental disease.
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A lot of heresay based on random twitter posts that Russia is about to take a worthless city after a year of battle.

Evidently the battle is going so well that Russia fires yet another General for the outstanding accomplishtments of Russian military. That makes about 7 fired military members. Truly the hallmark of a victorious army: fire your leadership exaclty when things are going your way.

Making drones?
Putin should invest time and money to make fridges, microwave, other useful household stuffs. If Russia can make it he doesn’t need invade other countries to steal.
They are being 'reprogrammed, in Rural Russia

Who exactly took these children? Were they handed off to Wagner Mercenaries somewhere in the process?? Russians now revile all things Ukrainian. These kids are in great danger and scattered far and wide throughout Russia. This is BAD
Hunger, starvation, deportation are of Stalin’s most favorite tools of terror. Putin is the resurrection of Stalin.
This is the way I am sure the Iranian commanders justified kidding kids into the Basij force to act as human wave attackers against Iraq in Operation Ramadan: liberating kids from all over Iran to go as human wave bullet absorbers so Iran could make some headway in Iraq only to end up in a stalement.
no they don't justify it , the kids were falsifying their age . otherwise you can't find any registration form with the age below legal limit
the country was under sanctions and were attacked by enemy , the enemy was supported by both west and east , and financed by some other persian gulf state .
it happened after iraq was preparing its army for 5 years and Iran was dismantling it for two years . there was a psychological atmosphere in iran at the time to protect the country from foreign enemy .

at the time not a single person who was under 18 conscripted into army, IRGC or Basij.
if you were above 18 , didn't conscripted yet and was not studying you were conscripted , that's how the lines were filled

No country recognized Afghanistan as Soviet territory for the short time the Soviets held Kabul. And yes of course that was an operation that nothing to do with imperial expansion since so many Russian ethnicities were being victimized in Afghanistan in the 1970s...
did soviet union ever claimed Afghanistan as soviet territory ?

Hunger, starvation, deportation are of Stalin’s most favorite tools of terror. Putin is the resurrection of Stalin.
that was also the favorite tool of British monarchs in dealing with countries around the world and their original people . i think you heard about artificial famine they produced
no they don't justify it , the kids were falsifying their age . otherwise you can't find any registration form with the age below legal limit
the country was under sanctions and were attacked by enemy , the enemy was supported by both west and east , and financed by some other persian gulf state .
it happened after iraq was preparing its army for 5 years and Iran was dismantling it for two years . there was a psychological atmosphere in iran at the time to protect the country from foreign enemy .

at the time not a single person who was under 18 conscripted into army, IRGC or Basij.
if you were above 18 , didn't conscripted yet and was not studying you were conscripted , that's how the lines were filled

did soviet union ever claimed Afghanistan as soviet territory ?

that was also the favorite tool of British monarchs in dealing with countries around the world and their original people . i think you heard about artificial famine they produced
War is always ugly. This war is no exception.
Using all excuses won’t make it to a beauty.

Russia in the person of the hooligans Putin, Lavrov, Peskow, Medwedew repeatedly say, unless Ukraine surrenders, fulfilling all Moscow’s demands, ceding territory, laying down all arms, no Nato, the war continues.

I can understand Ukraine, it sees no any basis for talks with Russia. Why talks? For what reason?
good news

Natural gas becomes cheaper. The Ttf natural gas futures is below $40 threshold. Far from the panic peak $306. Ttf is the most important gas price index for Europe.

The market predicts Russia’s gas export will crash by half this year.

in a certain country in eastern shore of Mediterranean sea it means the exact thing if you are from a certain religion and the other one is from another religion

as i said they were mostly orphans , now answer me who is guardian for them and responsible for their safety ?
That was a very appropriate slap. Bravo
good news

Natural gas becomes cheaper. The Ttf natural gas futures is below $40 threshold. Far from the panic peak $306. Ttf is the most important gas price index for Europe.

The market predicts Russia’s gas export will crash by half this year.

I wonder when they'll be passing these cheaper prices over to consumers because here in the west people are paying astronomical rates on their gas bills.
I wonder when they'll be passing these cheaper prices over to consumers because here in the west people are paying astronomical rates on their gas bills.
That is always a bet on the future. If you buy gas today for July delivery then you pay $38. If the price in July rises to let’s say $40 then you make $2 profit. The opposite also happens you make loss. Utility providers usually buy gas months ahead. Some bought gas when gas peaked $300 last summer. They give today these huge costs to households.

To ease the pain the European government jump in. In Germany the central government pays 80 percent of the increase. So I pay a price cap of 40 cent per KWh with 80 percent household cap.
They were 8 victims some of them were children.. there are other videos with the burned bodies inside the bus.. but not possible to post here.. Whatever was the munition it has destroyed and burned the bus and its occupants..

Could have happend, but I think this particular story is fake. Seems its meant to counter the news of +20 killed ukrainian civilians in Uman by russian “precision strikes”.

Explosions in the Crimea. Bakhmut Front Update. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.29

A very detailed report on the decisive battle of Hostomel

the most crucial 24h of the war

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