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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Pompeo years ago:

Mike Pompeo Blows Up at NPR Reporter: ‘Do You Think Americans Care About Ukraine?’​

The secretary of state reportedly cursed and shouted at NPR host Mary Louise Kelly after she was asked to turn off her recorder following a heated interview.

At that point, Pompeo reportedly challenged Kelly to find Ukraine on an unmarked map and asked, “Do you think Americans care about Ukraine?” He reportedly wrapped up the meeting by declaring that “people will hear about this.”

Pompeo and Trump Team:

So for those morons that believe destroying Mariupol makes Langley, Virginia cry. The cia does not care about Ukraine. Pompeo did not expect Americans to care about Ukraine, nor wanted Americans to care about Ukraine. Nor do these individuals care if Riga and Warsaw share the same fate as Mariupol.

cia Pompeo on Putin in early 2022: Mike Pompeo has lauded the Russian strongman over the past month as a “talented,” “savvy,” “capable statesman,” offering his praise during a slew of interviews after his political action committee spent $30,000 on improving his performance in media appearances. “He is a very talented statesman. He has lots of gifts,” Pompeo told Fox News in January. “He was a KGB agent, for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that.”

MAGA, America First and Brexit UK Nationalists share support for Russia "conservatism" and Putin. Share a view that Europe is controlled by Soros and other tinfoil hat stuff, and therefore needs to occupied by "moral" leader Putin. The more conspiracy theories are spread, the more the cia deepstate benefits from those 5th columnists destroying foes of the Republican cia.


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Yes. Absolutely. Whilst living and being born in the West. Makes it even more delicious.

Shock and awe.


New research reveals drones used by Russia in Ukraine war are powered by engine based on German tech that was illicitly acquired by Iran

Western officials are also concerned that Russia may share Western-made weapons and equipment recovered on the Ukrainian battlefield with the Iranians.

These Iranian drones are wreaking havoc. Cheap and easily produced in great numbers. The Ukrainians are using expensive anti-aircraft missiles to shoot down small inexpensive drones.
ALl these missiles and they kill 13 people? Thats the average kill rate of a random psycho shooter in the US. This is what the Russian might has come to?
Well, in the year 2700 maybe, if they can take this long, tell me when and if this actually happened,

The war is in stalemate, there are no way Russia can take any more land, the reality now shifts to if Ukraine can break this stalemate and regain land, otherwise there are no movement from the Russian side unless they mobilise again.

Again, you are talking about a golden chance, a chance better than the time they open the war, because Russia has a serious influx of manpower of at least 200,000, maybe 300,000, and Ukraine have to preserve their own power for their counter offensive, and yet, the Russian can't even take one city they have started since last August. You don't need a war expert to tell you Russia is culminated.

Seems like your spot on. Russia made major blunders when starting the war, first they reached next to the capital and had to retreat which cost them alot of lives and weaponry, then Belarus attacked from the North but quickly retreated back to their border.

Russia didn't plan the war properly, if it was the USA/nato they would at first use their superior airpower to destroy anything that moves on the ground and then send the army, Russia on the other hand completely failed and pushed their army within a short time near the capital and got ambushed, they never used their advance Air to ground weapons. Where are their weapons? Drones? Russia claimed to be a military super power but they cannot destroy the Ukrainian tanks, communications, radars, Himaars etc. Why not send drones and clear the battlefield of tanks, himaars etc and then send in the army.

Am I missing something?

Ukrainians on the other hand are doing very well, they're getting weapons, intelligence and training from nato and its working. They have stopped the Russian advancement.

The Tragedy In Uman & Donetsk. Wagner Captured The College. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.28

Seems like your spot on. Russia made major blunders when starting the war, first they reached next to the capital and had to retreat which cost them alot of lives and weaponry, then Belarus attacked from the North but quickly retreated back to their border.

Russia didn't plan the war properly, if it was the USA/nato they would at first use their superior airpower to destroy anything that moves on the ground and then send the army, Russia on the other hand completely failed and pushed their army within a short time near the capital and got ambushed, they never used their advance Air to ground weapons. Where are their weapons? Drones? Russia claimed to be a military super power but they cannot destroy the Ukrainian tanks, communications, radars, Himaars etc. Why not send drones and clear the battlefield of tanks, himaars etc and then send in the army.

Am I missing something?

Ukrainians on the other hand are doing very well, they're getting weapons, intelligence and training from nato and its working. They have stopped the Russian advancement.

For me, the war basically ended here with this video on 27 Feb 2022. 3 days after the Russian invaded

This video tells me a lot of stuff that sort of hidden between the line.

1.) The Russian don't know what they are doing. - That's the biggest indication of them all and the biggest reason why Russia failed in this particular adventure. People are following other people into a war, and you don't have a clear objective of what you are going to do, running out of fuel and just waiting on the side of the road like you are on a road trip. I mean if I drive interstate and run out of fuel this is what I would do, sitting by the side of the road waiting on roadside assistance, not in a war zone, and then the chit chat with the local Ukrainian, that show you they don't see this as a war, and if so, what are they doing?

2.) They run out of fuel. I mean, that's 3 days into the war (most likely earlier than 3 days when they shoot this video) Name me a country who goes to war only carry 3 days' worth of fuel with them? Even the ill-fated Adrenne Offensive when Germany is low of fuel, they still wait until they have around 2 weeks of fuel before they launch the offensive, Russia is a major fuel production country, and they can't carry more than 3 days' worth of fuel into battle? That means either their support structure is corrupted, that they had the fuel, but they traded those fuel they had for something else, or the high command weren't really planning for this operation, and to be honest, I don't know what's worse.

3.) They weren't on a steep learning curve, remember those people you see on this video is the first people that went into the war, by definition, they should be the most well prepared and the most capable, because that is what you want to put in battle when you go over the line in the beginning, you use the crack troop to crack the enemy defence and then uses the less experienced troop to take and hold location. Because you learn when the war drag on, so where you were at the beginning is extremely important, if you are invading and you are at tourist level, you are going to get a hard time learning the reality of war, whereas the Ukrainian which already put their mindset on war will always be 2 or 3 step ahead of those people, and when those people got replaced, rotated or died, you will need to start again, and by then you would be a generation behind.

I have written an article on a military technology site talking about how or why Russia failed their war and becoming whatever we are seeing now. While I will not repost that article here (as it will have my true identity on it) but I can tell you it started right here.
that was not deportation , that was transporting them to safer area when the area was going to be overrun and that was as i recall a voluntary move . they didn't capture them and sent them to other places

no , the duty is to occupying force to or government to provide the safety for them not UNICEF or UN and the orphanages are governmental controlled facility , how they can operate without support of the government . also can they provide safety against shelling , missiles and bombs ?
This is the way I am sure the Iranian commanders justified kidding kids into the Basij force to act as human wave attackers against Iraq in Operation Ramadan: liberating kids from all over Iran to go as human wave bullet absorbers so Iran could make some headway in Iraq only to end up in a stalement.

So you are not Pakistani?

Xi may be next after Putin.

You watch, if Russia takes Ukraine then a lot of spineless countries will recognise Ukraine as part of Russia.
Russia could not take Afghanistan in the 1980s: a 3rd rate power with limited support from Pakistan and the US. Somehow in your world it takes over Ukraine with full NATO support and the everybody recognizes it?

No country recognized Afghanistan as Soviet territory for the short time the Soviets held Kabul. And yes of course that was an operation that nothing to do with imperial expansion since so many Russian ethnicities were being victimized in Afghanistan in the 1970s...
Close up of the SU57. Can see the turbine blades. Not so stealthy…

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