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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

good news

Natural gas becomes cheaper. The Ttf natural gas futures is below $40 threshold. Far from the panic peak $306. Ttf is the most important gas price index for Europe.

The market predicts Russia’s gas export will crash by half this year.

Good news for sure - but it will take time to feed into the economy to beat inflation as gas importers will still be running down their stocks of gas at the higher prices first which consumers will have to pay for.

A step in the right direction for sure.
That is always a bet on the future. If you buy gas today for July delivery then you pay $38. If the price in July rises to let’s say $40 then you make $2 profit. The opposite also happens you make loss. Utility providers usually buy gas months ahead. Some bought gas when gas peaked $300 last summer. They give today these huge costs to households.

To ease the pain the European government jump in. In Germany the central government pays 80 percent of the increase. So I pay a price cap of 40 cent per KWh with 80 percent household cap.

Despite the "Help" from the EU governments, prices are still high. There have been mass protests as well with the cost of living crisis. To make things worse the governments are withdrawing their support soon. I guess they've run out of tax payers money as they've sent a large chunk of it to the clown of Kiev.
Close up of the SU57. Can see the turbine blades. Not so stealthy…

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Generally featurewise it is on par with other 5th gen. planes .It has some stealth feature flaws in some angles but certain modifications can be made to compensate for these issues. F15 also does not have S or Y intake shape but possibly uses engine blockers to improve its stealthiness in silent eagle model.

Similarly Russia can make modifications missionwise like for example high altitude missions like awacs, R77 amraam truck or long range bombing from high altitude engine blockers like grill mesh screen-angled sideways can be added on the front of inlets to reduce frontal rcs.It will fly slower but it doesnt need to fly fast in that scenario. It mostly needs frontal aspect stealth. For low altitude flight missons and interception it wont need engine blocker that much as inlets wont be exposed that much.
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Ukraine receives first batch of self-propelled French CAESAR howitzers from Denmark

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have received self-propelled artillery systems CAESAR from Denmark. The howitzers have already been put on combat duty.


Doing what they were designed to do. Better than spending the next 20 years doing target practise. If they destroy one russian target in Ukraine, it is money well spend.
Crimea is the target for the counter offensive for sure - at multiple levels it would undermine several of Russia's strategic objectives in one swoop.

The reckonining for Russia is coming ....

It isn't. Ukraine is Russian property now.

Doing what they were designed to do. Better than spending the next 20 years doing target practise. If they destroy one russian target in Ukraine, it is money well spend.

It is "well spent". Not "well spend".
Despite the "Help" from the EU governments, prices are still high. There have been mass protests as well with the cost of living crisis. To make things worse the governments are withdrawing their support soon. I guess they've run out of tax payers money as they've sent a large chunk of it to the clown of Kiev.
What you expect? Ukraine should surrender? Even if Zelinskki surrenders the gas price will stay high. The time of cheap energy price for Europe is over. The damage is beyond repair. Europe has cut off all links to Russia.
What you expect? Ukraine should surrender? Even if Zelinskki surrenders the gas price will stay high. The time of cheap energy price for Europe is over. The damage is beyond repair. Europe has cut off all links to Russia.
The EU have pledged 0,2% of the combined EU GDP to Ukraine. The pro russians like to spread the narrative that Ukraine is bancrupting the West, but in reality the donations are peanuts.
The EU have pledged 0,2% of the combined EU GDP to Ukraine. The pro russians like to spread the narrative that Ukraine is bancrupting the West, but in reality the donations are peanuts.
0.2 percent for Ukraine is ok. I see Germany will increase military spendings to 3 percent, same level as during Cold War confrontation. Russia will increase to 10 percent. Putin is the new messiah. He wants to kill Ukraine, EU, Nato, US. Let’s see who goes bankrupt first. The world is overpopulated. Global warming coming.
That is always a bet on the future. If you buy gas today for July delivery then you pay $38. If the price in July rises to let’s say $40 then you make $2 profit. The opposite also happens you make loss. Utility providers usually buy gas months ahead. Some bought gas when gas peaked $300 last summer. They give today these huge costs to households.

To ease the pain the European government jump in. In Germany the central government pays 80 percent of the increase. So I pay a price cap of 40 cent per KWh with 80 percent household cap.
Most people don't realise the inflation is ALWAYS going to come with or without the Ukrainian war. I mean we just comes out of 2 years worldwide lockdown, with logistic and manufacturer base closed during 2020-2021, it's mostly certain those sector will not be able to catch up with post COVID world, especially so for energy sector, when country world wide headed into lockdown, plants aren't working, the need of energy is low, I mean, if you drive, you will know during COVID we have one of the cheapest gas price since maybe 1980. And that should tell you something, because the market is awashed with energy product. And you know what will happen when this happened? They scale back gas production and oil drilling.

I remember reading an article written by either JPMorgan or Standard/Poor saying fuel will hit $130 a barrel, and that article is written before this war happened. The energy price are always going to boom when we come out of COVID, probably this is what Putin is betting on and choose to invade then, that things may complicate and oil will hit thru $150 + a barrel, which is what happened most of the time when a oil production country in war. That's increase the instability of supply and price goes up. Which is most likely what Putin is betting on, either the West did not interfere and oil price stay low, or they do, and then oil price shoot up and they are making a killing in Energy Sector.

In a way, this war help the West with regard to this, a lot of stuff they normally wouldn't do but they did because of this war, the oil price cap, the embargo of Russian oil and gas product, the increase of alternative supply, all those would have been the same if this war had not happened when the world walks into $130 a barrel. But then they did, that's why oil price keep at the low end of $100 and that's probably one of the most oversight coming from Putin.
What you expect? Ukraine should surrender? Even if Zelinskki surrenders the gas price will stay high. The time of cheap energy price for Europe is over. The damage is beyond repair. Europe has cut off all links to Russia.

Precisely, you've just demonstrated the point I'm making. The EU has no independent policy and is singing to uncle Sam's hymn sheet.
It is the globalist agenda to bring down the EU and unfortunately our leaders are blindly leading the EU on a downward trajectory for the sake of the whims of a clown sitting in Kiev. Anyone who thinks that Russia had ill designs towards Europe are deluded. Yes things may be different now that we've postured so aggressively towards Russia.
Russias only quelm was a hostile Ukraine and nothing else.
I'm of the opinion that the sanctions have done nothing but backfire of the West, and its the everyday citizen paying the heavy price for it. I'm of the opinion that it really isn't worth backing one of the most corrupt regimes in the world at the expense of the livelihoods of Citizens in the west. It's the clowns fight, not ours.
Anyhow, like I keep stating, Ukraine will slowly but surely be eaten up by Russia until the clown of Kiev decides to end hostilities and come to the negotiation table. Until then, it will be continuous misery for all parties involved.
Precisely, you've just demonstrated the point I'm making. The EU has no independent policy and is singing to uncle Sam's hymn sheet.
It is the globalist agenda to bring down the EU and unfortunately our leaders are blindly leading the EU on a downward trajectory for the sake of the whims of a clown sitting in Kiev. Anyone who thinks that Russia had ill designs towards Europe are deluded. Yes things may be different now that we've postured so aggressively towards Russia.
Russias only quelm was a hostile Ukraine and nothing else.
I'm of the opinion that the sanctions have done nothing but backfire of the West, and its the everyday citizen paying the heavy price for it. I'm of the opinion that it really isn't worth backing one of the most corrupt regimes in the world at the expense of the livelihoods of Citizens in the west. It's the clowns fight, not ours.
Anyhow, like I keep stating, Ukraine will slowly but surely be eaten up by Russia until the clown of Kiev decides to end hostilities and come to the negotiation table. Until then, it will be continuous misery for all parties involved.
You don’t understand.

If Russia just targets Ukraine then the people in Finland, Sweden will not rush into the NATO. Russia targets Europe. That’s the point.

About cheap pipeline gas from Russia, it’s a myth. Before the war Germany buys majority of Russia gas because it wants to help Russia into Europe. But no more.
LOL Who says after Putin it is the end of Russia? Russia isn't based on one man. What you are witnessing today is a firm ideology and belief. There is an army of Russians who believe and support the Russian ideology. Putin is just one guy. You cannot wipe out an ideology by removing one guy. Also remember that Russia is seeking vengeance for many transgressions. It was the US/NATO that started the Cold War against Russia. An attempt to balkanize Russia has already been made during the Cold War. If anything, Russia is well within it's right to seek compensation through one or the other way. Ukrainian territory is only a start.

You say this as if Pakistan is a great ally of the West. The last time I checked, the Western powers abused, accused and dumped Pakistan despite terming it a non-NATO ally. Even our so-called adversary Russia hasn't done such a horrible thing. Also remember that the Western nations along with Pakistani generals are exactly the reason why Russia is today closer to India. Had our greedy generals chosen a more balanced approach, which they often refer to, we would have had better relations with Russia. Instead our generals decided to polish US/NATO boots. Look where that got us. A bankrupt nation who is a non-NATO ally of of the West LOL Such incredible benefit for Pakistan being a major non-NATO ally of the West. I am just flabbergasted. The Pakistani generals and political leaders are pleading on their knees for a mere billion dollars to avoid defaulting. Where are the Western allies of Pakistan?

This is according to you. But according to America and international media Indian army is nothing without Russia 60 percent depends on Russia. And show me a deal of weapons between Pakistan and America. And Pakistan helps out Ukraine a country who helped Pakistan back in the day. Pakistan knows that Russia will always side with india. So pakistan looks after it’s true friends
The Europeans and Americans are having their moment of reckoning. China is moving ahead with lightning pace. Russia is staring them in the eyes. Developing blocs like African and Asian nations also had enough of white arrogance. A multipolar world is a reality.

I can understand why the Europeans/Americans are confused and angry. They are working overtime to convince the rest of the world how only they're the viable option.

This is according to you. But according to America and international media Indian army is nothing without Russia 60 percent depends on Russia. And show me a deal of weapons between Pakistan and America. And Pakistan helps out Ukraine a country who helped Pakistan back in the day. Pakistan knows that Russia will always side with india. So pakistan looks after it’s true friends

You say that Pakistan has helped Ukraine. Yet your FO says something else.

Who should I believe? You or the FO? The FO claims that Pakistan is neutral and doesn't help Ukraine.

Secondly, these Ukrainian Nazis are on Indian side. Despite India being firmly on Russian side. Ukrainians are begging for Indian support on international platforms.

Why should Pakistan support Ukraine? Just because Ukraine sold some tank parts in the past? Ukraine is not a friend of Pakistan LOL It is business. Nations don't make decisions bases on emotions. Convince me. I am all ears.
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