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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Give israeli merkava tanks to Ukraine may God bless Ukraine
i thought you are pro Ukraine?

Are you a tank expert ?

Here are some facts for you.:

The Merkava tank was built after the tank battles of 1967 and 1973 . Where crews sustained terrible injuries .It was decided by Israel , to built a tank that would priorities crew survival.

Because of that , the tank has some unique features :

The engine is placed in the front to protect the crew , the back of the tank has an escape hatch where the crew can escape from the back , if the tank under fire. Tank rounds are stored in individual fire-proof canisters so they don't explode. The new Merkava 4 are also equipped with the trophy system , that gives 100% protection from missiles.

Now I wonder what tank would you choose , if you actually had to sit in a tank during a battle , rather than writing wisecracks in s forum . . .


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The Ukrainians Are Digging In Kherson. Changes In Bakhmut. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.24

Hah!? NATO had tactical nukes exactly to neutralize the larger USSR forces. The mindset was of from the World War II or earlier times but that mindset is still valid and prevalent. Small nukes to destroy enemies' formations have been in the military doctrines since World War II. Pakistan also has that. So does Israel. So does NATO.

What is NATO going to do if/when Russia launches some tactical nukes on the Ukrainian military formations?? Don't you know that Russia had publicly moved its strategic nukes to some kind of next stage of launch against the West shortly after this war begain? It was not such a hidden warning. NATO can't do jack directly against Russia!!! The USSR maybe gone but Russia still has the technical knowhow, the satteite intelligence setup, and indeed the lethality to destroy NATO in a M.A.D war.
About China: There is now a consensus that China WILL supply Russia the required weaponry if it comes to that, otherwise China is next!! But the calculus for that has to materialize first. We can all learn a lot from Ray McGovern, who is a Washington insider, about the ongoing war. He has said so: China will supply Russia the weaponry if it comes to that.
That is because NATO don't advance like the Soviet, Soviet uses bulk attack, you can use a 40kt to deter a massive Tank Army, which even today Russian still carry, they operate between 200-500 tanks at the same time in the same general area.

It won't matter in Ukraine because this isn't how NATO fight, which is what the Ukrainian is using right now., The biggest deployment unit for Ukraine is a Brigade, and there are no more than 3 or 4 Brigade groupping in a single area. You can take out probably 2 Brigade if you are lucky with a tactical nuke, but it won't affect much of the frontline offensive.

You need to go back and study how Ukraine pushes Russia off Kharkiv that easily, they didn't mass their force instead they jump off individually as an independent unit, and they probe the line and attack individual weak point as they operate, that is why Russian advance is piecemeal and small gain, but Ukrainian take out chuck of Russian held territories in one go.

On the other hand, you don't really understood what nuke is for, the best way to use nuke is not to use it, because you can threaten people with it, once you used it, that's no longer a threat, that's an action, which mean if I were on the other side, the question of "Whether you will use it" does not exist anymore, it's moot, because you had already use it, then you will move on to the second questions, how do you limit your loss if they use it again, which means in NATO term, an Alpha Strike, because you can no longer accept "MAD" is just a possibility, it's an reality, because nuke had already been used. Which mean if Russia did use nuke, under NATO playbook, it will be the time to destroy as many Russian asset as you can, and a.) Either they will take it and go home or B.) If they attack, they can only do limited damage on you. And that is what NATO WILL do before they escalate, they will try to go after just about anything and everything Russia had, and try to limit the damage, because the other side of that coin is you do nothing and hope they don't use again, knowing they already used it.

This is how russian “liberation” looks like.

after the smoke clears the 15% pro-russians will come crawling back and russia will migrate more russians in.

That they just ethnically cleansed the area of all ukranians is only a bonus for russia.

It's nothing compared to battle of Monte Cassino in Italy in WW2.

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Ukraine is Totally Freaking Out- don't blame them

Ukrainian Kamikaze drone laden with 17kg explosives crashes near Moscow​

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