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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yes we are aware, this happened turning a training incident in Poland. The tweet is insinuating that a "Russian Agent" destroyed the tank during training, but I believe it was a genuine accident due to muddy conditions. Anyhow, I posted for a little humour.

100% Agree!

Well lets put it this way. The Russian strategy has been fairly tame in my opinion because from the outset they wanted this to be a SMO. Remember most of the work done so far has been achieved by a private military corporation. I believe if Putin wanted, he could go absolutely savage and decimate Ukraine but he won't do that until NATO crossed the red line and intervenes overtly. I'm seriously hoping for peace, but the Clown of Kiev has been ordered to fight on despite the odds and I'm afraid his policies will further the suffering of the everyday people of Ukraine. NATO upping the Anti is leading to world towards a dark place it's never been, so as you say, Let's see.
You could argue Russia was trying an SMO because that was all they were capable of. It would be madness invading a country the size of Ukraine with 200.000 soldiers. Chances are Putin was misinformed or his megalomania lead him to believe Ukraine was just a bunch of russians waiting for him to liberate them. But I think Putin is a rational opportunist. He thought the ukrainians were on their own and that they would crumble under preassure. He was horrible wrong and is now caught in a mess.

In all honesty, do you really believe Putin could go anymore savage on Ukraine if NATO intervenes? Putin himself have said several times that Russia doesnt stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. Russia cant do anything to Ukraine that the West cant help Ukraine revenge.
Russias enemy of choice has been the US, UK and NATO, in that order. Simply because it used to be free of charge - the West ignored Russia. But not anymore. The comming reality is the West drawing lines Russia is going to think twice about crossing.
You could argue Russia was trying an SMO because that was all they were capable of. It would be madness invading a country the size of Ukraine with 200.000 soldiers. Chances are Putin was misinformed or his megalomania lead him to believe Ukraine was just a bunch of russians waiting for him to liberate them. But I think Putin is a rational opportunist. He thought the ukrainians were on their own and that they would crumble under preassure. He was horrible wrong and is now caught in a mess.

In all honesty, do you really believe Putin could go anymore savage on Ukraine if NATO intervenes? Putin himself have said several times that Russia doesnt stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. Russia cant do anything to Ukraine that the West cant help Ukraine revenge.
Russias enemy of choice has been the US, UK and NATO, in that order. Simply because it used to be free of charge - the West ignored Russia. But not anymore. The comming reality is the West drawing lines Russia is going to think twice about crossing.

Valid points MeFishToo.

"Putin himself have said several times that Russia doesnt stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. "

Precisely! So are we willing to test Russia nuclear threshold? Would it really be worth it for Ukraine?
If Russia gets to a point where it feels the tide is turning dangerously against them to the point they feel threatened, I have no doubts, Putin will nuke Ukraine into a wasteland no side can enter; effectively making it a buffer zone.
In this particular scenario, if NATO retaliates then we're all fcuked because that will be WW3 which will kill 99% of fighting nations.
So my argument is, is it really worth it? The West and the Clown of Kiev seems to think so. I personally think it isn't worth it.
The best outcome now is for the West to accept that Crimea & the Donbass are now Russian territory. Sign new peace agreement Ensuring the integrity of the remaining part of Ukraine. Hold new elections in Ukraine. Ukraine De-militarises and becomes a neutral state.
I know that's wishful thinking as we are far gone from that point, but one can at least hope for peace.
Valid points MeFishToo.

"Putin himself have said several times that Russia doesnt stand a chance against NATO in a conventional war. "

Precisely! So are we willing to test Russia nuclear threshold? Would it really be worth it for Ukraine?
If Russia gets to a point where it feels the tide is turning dangerously against them to the point they feel threatened, I have no doubts, Putin will nuke Ukraine into a wasteland no side can enter; effectively making it a buffer zone.
In this particular scenario, if NATO retaliates then we're all fcuked because that will be WW3 which will kill 99% of fighting nations.
So my argument is, is it really worth it? The West and the Clown of Kiev seems to think so. I personally think it isn't worth it.
The best outcome now is for the West to accept that Crimea & the Donbass are now Russian territory. Sign new peace agreement Ensuring the integrity of the remaining part of Ukraine. Hold new elections in Ukraine. Ukraine De-militarises and becomes a neutral state.
I know that's wishful thinking as we are far gone from that point, but one can at least hope for peace.
Why not ask ourself if Russia is willing to test NATO? Any doomsday scenario with Russia taking the lead could aswell be NATO taking the lead, or any nation holding nuclear weapons for that matter. We all just know it is not going to happen, so no need to pretend Russia is going to pull the trigger over Ukraine. Its all bluff - Russia is pretending to be a mad dog, but they are not. Ukraine is zero threat to russian territory, member of NATO or not.
Making sure Russia is losing in Ukraine is well worth it. We shouldve done it back in 2014.
Why not ask ourself if Russia is willing to test NATO? Any doomsday scenario with Russia taking the lead could aswell be NATO taking the lead, or any nation holding nuclear weapons for that matter. We all just know it is not going to happen, so no need to pretend Russia is going to pull the trigger over Ukraine. Its all bluff - Russia is pretending to be a mad dog, but they are not. Ukraine is zero threat to russian territory, member of NATO or not.
Making sure Russia is losing in Ukraine is well worth it. We shouldve done it back in 2014.

I don't think so. I believe Russia is damn serious. IMO, it is NATO that has creeped up to the Russian border, not the other way around. Therefore, I think Russia is willing to test NATO by using tactical nukes to start with should the need arise.
With regards to Ukraine being Zero threat to Russia - gain I doubt this very much. For the past decade through Western interference and in collaboration with the clown of Kiev, the Ukrainian posture has been increasingly hostile towards Russians, starting with the oppression of the Donbass leading to over 15000 innocent people killed. No one bat an eyelid.
Furthermore, as we have all witnessed, Ukraine was engaging in talks with the help of deceptive Merkel with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand being armed to the teeth. Russia has the right to feel threatened just like the US did in the Cuba missile crisis. We can't dictate what Russia feels or does not feel. We have had an aggressive posture towards them for decades and now the chickens are coming home to roost. The stakes are too high, so let us hope for peace sooner rather than later. Donbass (A territory bombarded by Ukraine) is now Russia and Russia will have it no other way. The alternative is Ukraine getting decimated.

Why not ask ourself if Russia is willing to test NATO? Any doomsday scenario with Russia taking the lead could aswell be NATO taking the lead, or any nation holding nuclear weapons for that matter. We all just know it is not going to happen, so no need to pretend Russia is going to pull the trigger over Ukraine. Its all bluff - Russia is pretending to be a mad dog, but they are not. Ukraine is zero threat to russian territory, member of NATO or not.
Making sure Russia is losing in Ukraine is well worth it. We shouldve done it back in 2014.

Nobody wants an expanded war. If Russia is attacked by NATO, China gets involved. China's neighbors are off limits. In 1950 when NATO invaded North Korea China got into the war and it cost lots of lives on both sides.
I don't think so. I believe Russia is damn serious. IMO, it is NATO that has creeped up to the Russian border, not the other way around. Therefore, I think Russia is willing to test NATO by using tactical nukes to start with should the need arise.
With regards to Ukraine being Zero threat to Russia - gain I doubt this very much. For the past decade through Western interference and in collaboration with the clown of Kiev, the Ukrainian posture has been increasingly hostile towards Russians, starting with the oppression of the Donbass leading to over 15000 innocent people killed. No one bat an eyelid.
Furthermore, as we have all witnessed, Ukraine was engaging in talks with the help of deceptive Merkel with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand being armed to the teeth. Russia has the right to feel threatened just like the US did in the Cuba missile crisis. We can't dictate what Russia feels or does not feel. We have had an aggressive posture towards them for decades and now the chickens are coming home to roost. The stakes are too high, so let us hope for peace sooner rather than later. Donbass (A territory bombarded by Ukraine) is now Russia and Russia will have it no other way. The alternative is Ukraine getting decimated.
If you have followed russian propaganda on state TV and online media outlets the past 20 years, its rather obvious the russian narrative has been that war was inevitable. The russian population has been spoon feed this idea that Ukraine is Russia, and the West wants to destroy Russia, all while the West totally ignored this failed state called Russia.
Ukraine was forced to turn towards the west for protection, just like all the eastern european states formerly being vasals of Russia.
The idea that western interference lead to this is wrong. Russia has been interferring in Ukraine for decades, just like they have done using western politicians and domestic medling pursuing a zero sum game against a much more powerfull opponent. They got away with it because the West naively ignored this russian revisionism. But now Russia has shown its true colors by basically smacking the europeans in the face. There is no turning back. Russia is now facing what they have been preaching against a united West just getting started - and all they have left is this ridiculous nuclear saber rattling. .. Nobody believes Russia is going to use nukes in Ukraine. And even if they did, it wouldnt change a thing.
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I don't think so. I believe Russia is damn serious. IMO, it is NATO that has creeped up to the Russian border, not the other way around. Therefore, I think Russia is willing to test NATO by using tactical nukes to start with should the need arise.
With regards to Ukraine being Zero threat to Russia - gain I doubt this very much. For the past decade through Western interference and in collaboration with the clown of Kiev, the Ukrainian posture has been increasingly hostile towards Russians, starting with the oppression of the Donbass leading to over 15000 innocent people killed. No one bat an eyelid.
Furthermore, as we have all witnessed, Ukraine was engaging in talks with the help of deceptive Merkel with Russia on one hand, and on the other hand being armed to the teeth. Russia has the right to feel threatened just like the US did in the Cuba missile crisis. We can't dictate what Russia feels or does not feel. We have had an aggressive posture towards them for decades and now the chickens are coming home to roost. The stakes are too high, so let us hope for peace sooner rather than later. Donbass (A territory bombarded by Ukraine) is now Russia and Russia will have it no other way. The alternative is Ukraine getting decimated.

Even the Soviet Union didn’t talk about their nukes when they were stuck in Afghanistan, that Putin has to mention his nukes tells you how pathetic his war has been , he didn’t calculate the totality of the backlash against what he is doing, he thought maybe some sanctions and that’s it , he would easily take over Ukraine and act all big and tough on the back of a horse. He didn’t considerRussia would turn into an international pariah.

Even the Soviet Union didn’t talk about their nukes when they were stuck in Afghanistan, that Putin has to mention his nukes tells you how pathetic his war has been , he didn’t calculate the totality of the backlash against what he is doing, he thought maybe some sanctions and that’s it , he would easily take over Ukraine and act all big and tough on the back of a horse. He didn’t considerRussia would turn into an international pariah.

Nuclear weapon is deterrent. In the past Russia didn't have deterrent and consequently Western Europeans led by Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia and bullied Russia. Now Russia has nuclear weapon, Russia will not hesitate to use it if Russia is invaded by Western Europeans again.

Nobody wants an expanded war. If Russia is attacked by NATO, China gets involved. China's neighbors are off limits. In 1950 when NATO invaded North Korea China got into the war and it cost lots of lives on both sides.

I was thinking of china’s territorial enemies, notably india and how they would influence the war. Even if they didn’t enter the fight against China proper , their very presence would still mean that China would have to bolster their boarders” just in case”
I was thinking of china’s territorial enemies, notably india and how they would influence the war. Even if they didn’t enter the fight against China proper , their very presence would still mean that China would have to bolster their boarders” just in case”

India is no threat to China. India is so hot people cannot work. Beijing is cold. Cold people are brutal. Light skin.

I was thinking of china’s territorial enemies, notably india and how they would influence the war. Even if they didn’t enter the fight against China proper , their very presence would still mean that China would have to bolster their boarders” just in case”

Also, China will give the inhospitable Aksai Chin back to India when the time is right. India does not inherently hate China. India is one of the first countries to recognize China and break relation with Taiwan.
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