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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Problem is not t55 bit the egoistic mindset of west that t55 cannot be used. Actually t55 can be used as mobile close indirect support vehicle.

Not matter the fact the afghanis fought with 60s rifles, machineguns and rockets yet they kicked out whole nato.

This is drone war so sending in new tanks is uselss. You will see leopards will be sitting duck too.
Zulensky crying in his bunker. He needs more coke to cope with the constant blows....and of course your tax dollars to buy a few more villas before he flees to Tel Aviv.

This happened in Poland - 2nd tweet.

Many simply lie on the web.

Lying and deceiving is one of the worst deeds. Allah Almighty has cautioned against this fitna. Ever wonder why so many Islamic countries are in such a bad shape in modern times?

As for Zelensky fleeing, absolutely. Ukraine is holding ground in Bakhmut in spite of a significant Russian push in this sector.

Also, do check the nature of strikes that took place in Crimea with new types of weapons.

There is also evidence of HIMARS blowing up Russian EW assets in Ukraine. But Russians had taken out all HIMARS, right?

Let's see.

When Freezing Sperm Makes a Patriotic Statement​

Some Ukrainian soldiers are trying to ensure that even if they die in the war, their partners can still build families. They also want to send Russia a message of defiance.

Russians are doing the same thing.

What a waste this entire war is.
Not at the moment but it poses a challenge.

Insignificant impacts, bro.

Excitement of something new happening making headlines and propaganda pundits cashing on them.

Some of the biggest cheats are those who try to convince you to invest in gold through them. Happened to somebody I know.
This happened in Poland - 2nd tweet.

Yes we are aware, this happened during a training incident in Poland. The tweet is insinuating that a "Russian Agent" destroyed the tank during training, but I believe it was a genuine accident due to muddy conditions. Anyhow, I posted for a little humour.

Many simply lie on the web.

Lying and deceiving is one of the worst deeds. Allah Almighty has cautioned against this fitna. Ever wonder why so many Islamic countries are in such a bad shape in modern times?

100% Agree!

As for Zelensky fleeing, absolutely. Ukraine is holding ground in Bakhmut in spite of a significant Russian push in this sector.
Also, do check the nature of strikes that took place in Crimea with new types of weapons.
There is also evidence of HIMARS blowing up Russian EW assets in Ukraine. But Russians had taken out all HIMARS, right?
Let's see.

Well lets put it this way. The Russian strategy has been fairly tame in my opinion because from the outset they wanted this to be a SMO. Remember most of the work done so far has been achieved by a private military corporation. I believe if Putin wanted, he could go absolutely savage and decimate Ukraine but he won't do that until NATO crossed the red line and intervenes overtly. I'm seriously hoping for peace, but the Clown of Kiev has been ordered to fight on despite the odds and I'm afraid his policies will further the suffering of the everyday people of Ukraine. NATO upping the Anti is leading the world towards a dark place it's never been, so as you say, Let's see.
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A Blessing Before The Battle. Bakhmut Grinder Still Works. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.18


Even a blind man can see who is behind the unrest in Sudan. But you keep believing the Western side of the story just like the time they told you that Russia blew up Nord Stream or when they told you that Saddam had WMD's :sarcastic:

Where are the Russia Wagnar fighters Sudanese government hired or are they just there in Sudan to steal the gold

Paramilitaries are armed and equipped by the Russian government and trained as well….

But sure it’s ALWAYS The US’s fault

Even a blind man can see who is behind the unrest in Sudan. But you keep believing the Western side of the story just like the time they told you that Russia blew up Nord Stream or when they told you that Saddam had WMD's :sarcastic:

Just like Russia and China took care of US/EU designs in Venezuela it is time to do the same in Sudan. Absolutely kick Yankee arse.

It is too bad these Yanks and their gang ran off in Afghanistan. It would have been real fun to engage them in opiumland.
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