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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Even the Soviet Union didn’t talk about their nukes when they were stuck in Afghanistan, that Putin has to mention his nukes tells you how pathetic his war has been , he didn’t calculate the totality of the backlash against what he is doing, he thought maybe some sanctions and that’s it , he would easily take over Ukraine and act all big and tough on the back of a horse. He didn’t considerRussia would turn into an international pariah.
Nukes are a warning to NATO and definition of the red line that NATO must respect. Ignore it at your own peril.

Putin's men 'capture 90%' Bakhmut; Russia's Wagner tears into Ukrainian resistance​

China's neighbors are off limits. China has 40 times the population of Ukraine. Even though Ukrainians are fine warriors, they are too out numbered to win against China. Even the US had its nose bloodied by China when the US invaded North Korea in 1950.
And also not forget what happened in Vietnam
China using its peasants class soldiers to assist in Nam.

Ukraine lost its 1st Leapord 2 Tank yesterday :
Leapord 1st lost.jpg

Now Odessa comes under heavy Russian attack :
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Nukes are a warning to NATO and definition of the red line that NATO must respect. Ignore it at your own peril.

If Russia draws a red line, we (Europe and the USA) must step over it without hesitation. Russia must understand that the invasion of Ukraine was/is unacceptable and there is no other option but to lose that war. They must understand this , as quickly as possible, not least for the sake of the Russian soldiers who will otherwise lose their lives.
If Russia draws a red line, we (Europe and the USA) must step over it without hesitation. Russia must understand that the invasion of Ukraine was/is unacceptable and there is no other option but to lose that war. They must understand this , as quickly as possible, not least for the sake of the Russian soldiers who will otherwise lose their lives.
There are many who support denazification of Ukraine and Europe in whatever disguise they appear. Is your life that miserable that you want to end it with a nuclear holocaust?
Get off your high horse. You are in no position to dictate anything. The bitter facts are that Russia has simply absorbed a large chunk of Ukrainian territory. Guess what... Ukraine is never getting these regions back. As things stand, Russia won't stop absorbing more territory in the coming months. Macron knows the score and that cunning frog made the trip to China for a reason.

The Western powers have no choice, but to initiate talks through Chinese intervention. The status quo will have to be accepted as a final solution. You can count yourself lucky if Russia sits at the table because right now they have the upperhand. Russia has no reason to sit with Western powers because Russia is moving ahead in Ukraine.
You said the same earlier. Right before russia lost 50% of the conquered territory.

Hell they did get a region back (kharkiv) and a regional capitol (cherson).

So Lets see how the counter offensive pans out. And ultimately it is up to the ukranians to decide if certain territory is worth fighting over. Russia might be looking at decades of low intensity conflict and needing to fund an occupation army.
There are many who support denazification of Ukraine and Europe in whatever disguise they appear. Is your life that miserable that you want to end it with a nuclear holocaust?
The question is if Putin’s life is that miserable that he wants to end it with a nuclear war.
This is a matter of principle. Only people with a sense of honour would understand.
You as a Nazi supporter, definitely not.
The question is if Putin’s life is that miserable that he wants to end it with a nuclear war.
This is a matter of principle. Only people with a sense of honour would understand.
You as a Nazi supporter, definitely not.
Is that why at the moment it was going bad for battle of Britain that Winston Churchill had packed his bags and was ready to flee to Canada? I am Proud to fight Nazis wherever they show their dirty heads and whatever their guise.
russia is clearly winning in ukraine. Victory in ukraine will lead to russian invasion in poland, romania and other small european countries which have much less capable militaries as compared to ukraine. Europe has dark future and will face destruction and wars in coming years
Poland is as strong as ukraine. Turning in quite the powerhouse in military material. And a population very motivated to defend themselves.

Russia will also be in no state to do another similar invasion. Its conventional army is being decimated.

Furthermore, these nations are under Nato umbrella. That will be suicide for russia. (Trump abolishing nato was their only chance)

At most russia can try is take baltics/moldavia. And continue with its tactic of funding anti-government/eu/nato parties and politicians to divide and weaken opposition.
The best outcome now is for the West to accept that Crimea & the Donbass are now Russian territory.
Russia also annexed and claims cherson and zhaporizhia regions. That it hardly controls.

Also it is up for the ukranians to decide if its worth fighting on.
Sign new peace agreement Ensuring the integrity of the remaining part of Ukraine.
Russia already vowed to protect ukraine territory in exchange of it getting rid of its nuclear stockpile.

Russias peace agreements mean less then toilet paper.

Hold new elections in Ukraine.
russia is the dictatorship.it should try real elections for a change. Instead of murdering opposition politicians.

When next election will come zelenski will likely win by a landslide according to all polls.
Ukraine De-militarises and becomes a neutral state.
Any country that is demilitarised faces invasion or risk of invasion by russia. There is a reason eastern Europe RAN towards nato.

Ukraine was demilitarised before crimea.
Ukraine posed zero threath to russia itself.

This demand is just insane.

Also Majority ukranians hate russia now…how can it be “neutral”
I know that's wishful thinking as we are far gone from that point, but one can at least hope for peace.

Only if the Ukrainian counter attack is a complete failure…do i see it might exchange crimea and nato admission for peace.

Russia demands way too much however. Especially considering their far from overpowering position in the ongoing war.
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Ukraine lost its 1st Leapord 2 Tank yesterday :
View attachment 925342

In Poland - in a traffic accident, LMAO.
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