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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

It gives me so much joy to see this Western bloc sweat like a pig. Begging China to intervene as it has a moral obligation LOL Man, I am one happy soul to be alive and witness this epic sea change during my life time. What an incredible turn of events. The West is now getting a good taste of its own medicine. Thank God for China and Russia. We need these powers as a counterbalance.
Nobody is begging China you are seeing them try to act like a global power but only Putin will talk with them.
What an accomplishment 🙄
You don't even let your mouth lose. You couldn't defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan after 20 years. All you can do is blame others for your failures. You nurtered a bunch of warlords to fight your war against Pakistan. In the end they dropped their weapons and ran off.

The likes of Russia and China are way bigger challanges than the Taliban. Not in a million years are you going to win against these formidable powers.
Oh yes back to the taliban when confronted with the truth, so very predictable

Cry like a baby you fool. You are on the losing end. You produced Hitler for a reason. You belong to the most scum nation on the planet. Nothing even remotely comes close to your sins. You belong by default in hell.

Now stop begging for attention you right wing maniac. Breivik isn't coming to save you.
Calm down bro

Russia losing? Where? Last time I checked, Zaparojhe, Kherson, Lughansk, Donetsk and Crimea are all part of Russian Federation. What has Russia lost? Being the most economically sanctioned country on the planet has a positive projected growth by the "three stooges" i.e Fitch, S&P and Moody.

There ain't NOTHING the West can do that can stop the Russian juggernaut. Tried has they have, exhausted all means available to them, the West is being beaten to a pulp by its own weapons of economic warfare.

Conventionally, the West has nothing in comparison ON LAND, to fight against the Russians in Ukraine. The Russian defense industries are OUT PRODUCING the West, because the West has been sitting on its FAT A$$ over the last 30 years fighting weaker nations.

The West has nothing except nukes now and that's where it will get horrifyingly destructive as the West's economy is about to collapse. So in the absence of conventional warfighting capacity and an impending economic collapse .... in the wake of these two powerful blows to the West, chances of civil war in the West could lead to the bumbling buffoons sitting in Washington and London to nuclear first strikes against Russia under falseflag narrative.

Mark these words, there is not a DAMN THING the West can do to challenge and defeat Russia. Not even nukes will defeat Russia, and that is a FACT!!!
America has more stored weapons in the desert than Russia could hope to produce in 10 years.
Nobody’s worried.
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Lol more nuclear threats 😂
Russia can’t even take a 1/4 of Ukraine and you clowns think Russia has a chance against nato.
How’s the 3 day special military operation going?

Putin never thought this would happen. He thought it’s be like taking candy from a kid. It will be just like 2014 but he forget that nato / usa been training them Ukrainians

Putin increasingly worried about losing Crimea to Ukraine.

But does Ukraine actually even need to attack Russian troops in Crimea ? What if they just cut off Russian soldiers in Crimea from supplies?
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I destroyed nothing.
Taliban ruled Afghanistan was (before Murricans and some western helpers showed up) a sh*thole and still will be.
It's funny.
All NON-islamic countries which had their affairs with the US, no matter against/allied - Japan (including 2 nukes but more death because of firebombing), Germany, South Korea and hell, even Vietnam which will have mutations in Babies 25 further generations are standing better than every majority islamic country which was allied with/against the US.
Self-responsibility doesn't exist here it seems.
Chinese were opium addicts, they played their cards well, look where they are now?!
Whine, whine, whine.
Live off the countries/systems which you hate like the little leeches you really are. Only talk big, only cherry picking.
SAME hypocrites like the US political system which used some goat herders in Afghanistan and later fought them.
Don't like hypocrites who see only white/black, no greyzone.
Cry cry baby.
Cry cry... I enjoy your tears.
By the way why are you out of your crib?
And where is your feeder?
Dude, all in all - Poles, Russians, even Austrians are counted as "Foreigners" and all together are doing 20% of economy.
But with German passports about 50% of muslims live of social welfare.
It's a trend in every western country.
That's because too many low quality people got imported.
Not the good ones.
Europe should take advice from the UAE, they are doing it correctly.
One of the few good examples in the islamic world.

I dont know if the 50% are muslims, but the 50% are correct. Whereas some additional millions Migrants (also from Ukraine ect.) are getting money from a special "Asyl Law", dont count into official welfare, dont count into the "Bürgergeld". Over all i estimate that around 8+ million Migrants getting money from the state BRD for a living.
Embarrassing moment

Putin greets new ambassadors to Russia from far distance. He wants to be funny. He blames the US for initiating the war in Ukraine.
When he goes out, all ambassadors don’t say a word. All he gets is silence.

I thought Russia was supposed to win this war in three days.

Did the babble-heads at WSJ and NYT tell you that Russia will win the war in three days? Because I can assure you that no one in the Russian Government made such a claim.

I thought Russia was a world power Whalen at best it’s a regional power. I thought Russias SAM’S were supposed to be some of the best , but Himars are striking at will.

If you refute Russia's dominance, then why are the Ukrainians begging for more weapons? What's the matter, can't produce enough HIMARs and give to the Ukrainians so that they win the war?

Reality is that American military industrial complex is only business of making profits. The 4 star generals are only "Yes Men" at the Pentagon and this is why they were going around scavenging for 155mm artillery shells.

I thought Russia was supposed a powerful air force, and yet it’s been nonexistent. I thought Russia’s navy was a world power, , but it’s incapable of controlling the seas against a country without a navy.

Firstly get your knowledge straightened out, Russia is a "Land Power" being the largest country on Planet Earth. Whereas America is a Maritime-Air Power, given the America is essentially an island flanked by the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean.

Best comparison of present day America and Russia would be the France and Britain of the early 1800s, where britain was a maritime power, whereas the French under Napoleon was a land power.

Also, Russia NEVER gave a time table or deadline that it has to win the SMO in Ukraine by a certain date.

I thought Russia army was considered one of the best, yet its troops have shown to be poorly trained and ill equipped. I thought Russia’ s tanks were impervious to being destroyed, yet they’re littering the landscape of Ukraine . In other words stop the BS, there’s nothing to be bragging about after seeing how poorly Russia has performed.

Facts on the "ground" are that Russia controls and has integrated Zaparodje, Kherson, Donetsk, Lughansk and Crimea. Another fact on the ground is that Atrimovsk (Bakhmut) has fallen and under the control of Russian Armed Forces.

You call that Russia performing poorly? This ain't a "Call of Duty" bud, this is real war and it is being won by Russia who has "Checkmated" the West.

You forgot to mention to russian Pakistani fanboys . Yes soviets (Russians) did help india in 1971defeat your east Pakistan

Again, you are talking outta your hat, bud. Why? Because you have not got the sense let alone the intellect to make any distinction between Soviet Union and Russia. Soviet Union was run by Bolshevik Atheist Jews, whereas today's Russia has returned to its Orthodox Christian heart. Today's Russia wants to establish good relationship with the Islamic Civilization.
Russia losing? Where? Last time I checked, Zaparojhe, Kherson, Lughansk, Donetsk and Crimea are all part of Russian Federation.
They do not fully control any of these claimed provinces.

What has Russia lost?
Well Cherson capital for one…
Being the most economically sanctioned country on the planet has a positive projected growth by the "three stooges" i.e Fitch, S&P and Moody.
Based on russian data. Effect sanctions will be felt in time.

There ain't NOTHING the West can do that can stop the Russian juggernaut.
The west demolished soviet union. Russia is a poorer/smaller remains of that.
Tried has they have, exhausted all means available to them, the West is being beaten to a pulp by its own weapons of economic warfare.
We scored better economically then russia?

Conventionally, the West has nothing in comparison ON LAND,

Russia lost half its armor.
America sent 31 abrams tanks from 6000 stock

What the **** are you talking about?
Russia is digging heavy into soviet stocks and wont even be a threat to poland soon.
to fight against the Russians in Ukraine. The Russian defense industries are OUT PRODUCING the West, because the West has been sitting on its FAT A$$ over the last 30 years fighting weaker nations.
Like the russian armata?

The West has nothing except nukes now and that's where it will get horrifyingly destructive as the West's economy is about to collapse. So in the absence of conventional warfighting capacity and an impending economic collapse .... in the wake of these two powerful blows to the West, chances of civil war in the West could lead to the bumbling buffoons sitting in Washington and London to nuclear first strikes against Russia under falseflag narrative.
Russia is the only one constantly threathening with nukes. A sign of weakness
Mark these words, there is not a DAMN THING the West can do to challenge and defeat Russia. Not even nukes will defeat Russia, and that is a FACT!!!
Wrong again.
Russia population and power is immensely concentrated to western russia. This makes it more vulnerable in nuclear exchange.

So basically your entire post is full of shit argumentation and lies….gtfo
I dont know if the 50% are muslims, but the 50% are correct. Whereas some additional millions Migrants (also from Ukraine ect.) are getting money from a special "Asyl Law", dont count into official welfare, dont count into the "Bürgergeld". Over all i estimate that around 8+ million Migrants getting money from the state BRD for a living.
It's like "Germans" (foreigners, especially the real foreigners with contrary social-culture) who are in these statistics.
A friend of mine (Levantine, Muslim) and me who punched so called "refugees" for being cheeky were both counted in "right wing" statistics, hell even if a black African with German passport is hitting another African, right wing stats. :D
There was a story with a TURK who had German Empire Flag during football event 2010, ETHNIC GERMAN Antifa attacked him bc of that.

So a (really PRO GERMAN) Turk with German passport got attacked for being a "right winger" and the LEFTIST did a right wing crime too. 2 "right wing" crimes ... LOL
Statistics espcially with a political touch take everything what is useful for them. :D
They do not fully control any of these claimed provinces.

Majority of the individual regions, are controlled by Russia and they are incrementally gaining ground and moving forwards, not backwards.

The way war winning is measured is by the losses inflicted upon the enemy, Ukraine has fielded three reconstituted armies, the first two were obliterated by Russia. The Ukrainians are losing 8-10 soldiers per one Russian soldier. That is a huge margin and by any count, that puts Russia in a commanding position.

Well Cherson capital for one…

Oh yeah, Kherson, the old scooter that every pro-Western yuppie brings up whenever they want to prove that Ukraine is winning. Well if Ukraine is winning so much, why has it not taken the whole of Kherson Region yet? What's stopping you from accomplishing this task?

Based on russian data. Effect sanctions will be felt in time.

So Moody, Fitch and Standard & Poors must have wrong then!! Good to know :rofl:

The west demolished soviet union. Russia is a poorer/smaller remains of that.

You need to go back to university and study political science all over again. Because if you think the West defeated the Soviet Union on its own, then you're a bigger fool than I thought.

If the West did not have the support from the rest of the world, this was not possible no matter how hard you tried. The rest of the world believed that America was on the side of Good, seeing how it along with the Soviet Union, defeat Nazi Germany.

Today, the world has woken up to the lies, the wars, the plunder of other nations' wealth and the duplicitous attitude of the West. It took two world wars and 30 years of dominance reach the point the West stands today. And today the world is watching how there are alternatives to the West with the rise of Russia, China, Brazil, Iran, India and South Africa.

We scored better economically then russia?

Given your call sign "ZeGerman," Germans are reeling from the economic sanctions of Russia with all the protests going in Berlin, Frankfurt, Hanover and Dresden. Still think you are scoring better than Russia?

If you're living in the West, you would know that things are getting more and more expensive there. London has lost its status as the Financial Capital of the World, Housing Prices in London are set to fall by 10% as reported by British Media. In America the cost of fuel and food is continually rising, where more and more Americans are going to Food Banks set up Churches. Heck in Chicago, we see Americans lining up at Ramadan Iftar Camps for food as Muslims fast in the Holy Month of Ramadan.

But hey, if you still want to wear the cloak of superiority, then by all means go ahead. But it won't change the rapid sense of realization around the world that the West is collapsing and rightly deserves it due its naked aggression against weaker nations.

Russia lost half its armor.

Where is your evidence? Prove it!!?

America sent 31 abrams tanks from 6000 stock

Again, back tour claims with evidence.

What the **** are you talking about?
Russia is digging heavy into soviet stocks and wont even be a threat to poland soon.

Show me your evidence to prove your point? And watch your damn mouth. We are here to discuss, if you want to stoop to the of being an illiterate, then I will NOT respond to your posts.

Like the russian armata?

Russia is the only one constantly threathening with nukes. A sign of weakness

If today, China was supplying weapons to Mexico in order to fight rebels supported by America, I'm damn sure Washington will be threatening with nukes as well.

And its not a sign of weakness, its a BLUNT WARNING, and if the West does not take it seriously. Then the consequences of which lay squarely on the West's shoulders.

Wrong again.
Russia population and power is immensely concentrated to western russia. This makes it more vulnerable in nuclear exchange.

Sorry when was it that America deployed in "Active Combat Duty" hypersonic weapons?? ..... Errr ... has NOT to Date!!!!!

So basically your entire post is full of shit argumentation and lies….gtfo

You know its the go to line for each and every pro-Western motard, when they are given a reality check. So keep yapping bud, your arguments are predictable, the lies are exposed, the hypocrisy is for all to witness and it is GAME OVER for the West.

So keep flapping about, Mr. Keyboard Warrior. You're doing a great job!!!
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