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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Really? Indian Express isn't that bad. I have seen far worse in Hindustani media.

Bakhmut is symbolic. It will provide further impetus to march on. The point is that every piece of land Russia gains is extra territory. Who would say no to territory and that too from a neighbor that is hand and glove with foes? Sounds like a win deal for Russia.

There are nations on the planet that would give an arm and a leg for a piece of land... Just saying.

Losing half your armor and most of your professional army for a few cities in the donbass?
Throwing your economy back 20 years?
Losing your biggest gas customers?

Territory that is not recognized as yours by rest of the world and contested and at risk of being retaken by ukraine. Your brother nation that hates you now?
Losing allies and influence in former soviet states?

It only sounds like a win for simpletons with the IQ of a chimpanzee.
Russia is losing more than its gaining. Land is worthless if the cost outweighs the benefit of taking it.

Russia has lost too much to justify this invasion. Nothing less than taking over all of Ukraine (which is unlikely) would (barely) cover the costs.

Do you really think Putin hadn't thought this through? Territorial integrity and sovereignty are the two biggest aspects of any nation. When these are threatened powerful nations react. Weaker nations are defeated. Russia didn't attack Ukraine because it suddenly woke up one day and decided to go bonkers. This was planned years in advance. Russia knew the consequences, but chose for territorial integrity and sovereignty. Some might argue this is a foolish move. Some might argue that this is more than necessary. Fact remains that Russia had a solid reason to take care of a major problem brewing in it's immediate vicinity. Ukraine is a bulwark of Western meddling against Russia. For years the Americans and Europeans have been ganging up against Russia in Ukraine. Propping up pro-Western leaders. If Russia had allowed this to go on a monster would have grown in years to come. This is how Western nations operate. They create hurdles and lackies in neighborhoods where their foes reside.

If you think that Russia is going to lie down now and accept defeat in Ukraine you are very badly mistaken. Russia has come this far and will finish the job. Whether it takes a decade or less. Russia is determined.
Russia should launch a large scale attack from the North towards Karkiv. That would throw the Ukrainian offensive right off track and dilute any offensive attempt. Meanwhile keep sending waves from Bakhmut Westwards, and from Uglidar Northwards until the Dnipro is reached. Then watch NATO fanboys cry with agony trying to cope with copium :sarcastic:

Moshin. Please stop with the sensationalist headlines. It’s very tabloidish , and quite frankly , below you. Also how many times are you going to predict the city is falling ? There’s a difference between being beaten and strategic withdrawal (not retreat) with the intention of causing maximum damage while distracting the Russians.
Losing half your armor and most of your professional army for a few cities in the donbass?
Throwing your economy back 20 years?
Losing your biggest gas customers?

Territory that is not recognized as yours by rest of the world and contested and at risk of being retaken by ukraine. Your brother nation that hates you now?
Losing allies and influence in former soviet states?

It only sounds like a win for simpletons with the IQ of a chimpanzee.

You don't even let your mouth lose. You couldn't defeat the Taliban in Afghanistan after 20 years. All you can do is blame others for your failures. You nurtered a bunch of warlords to fight your war against Pakistan. In the end they dropped their weapons and ran off.

The likes of Russia and China are way bigger challanges than the Taliban. Not in a million years are you going to win against these formidable powers.
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Losing half your armor and most of your professional army for a few cities in the donbass?
Throwing your economy back 20 years?
Losing your biggest gas customers?

Territory that is not recognized as yours by rest of the world and contested and at risk of being retaken by ukraine. Your brother nation that hates you now?
Losing allies and influence in former soviet states?

It only sounds like a win for simpletons with the IQ of a chimpanzee.
Dutch should just relocate the money from social welfare which is spend on pro-russian non-Europeans into NATO and don't give any free money anymore.
We will see then.
Should happen in every Western country. :)
Dutch should just relocate the money from social welfare which is spend on pro-russian non-Europeans into NATO and don't give any free money anymore.
We will see then.
Should happen in every Western country. :)

LOL Immigrants in this country work hard for their money. They run businesses. Their sons and daughters are educated and occupy top positions in many companies. You are a villager who lives in the middle ages. You are unaware of the realities in your own country. In reality you are even losing in your own country. We know why you guys hold protests and burn Qurans in broad daylight. It is because many of your countrymen are realising the meaning of life. It isn't materialism or LGTBQ. Life has a purpose.
LOL Immigrants in this country work hard for their money. Today their sons and daughters occupy top positions in many companies. You are a villager who lives in the middle ages.

Dude, all in all - Poles, Russians, even Austrians are counted as "Foreigners" and all together are doing 20% of economy.
But with German passports about 50% of muslims live of social welfare.
It's a trend in every western country.
That's because too many low quality people got imported.
Not the good ones.
Europe should take advice from the UAE, they are doing it correctly.
One of the few good examples in the islamic world.
Dude, all in all - Poles, Russians, even Austrians are counted as "Foreigners" and all together are doing 20% of economy.
But with German passports about 50% of muslims live of social welfare.
It's a trend in every western country.
That's because too many low quality people got imported.
Not the good ones.
Europe should take advice from the UAE, they are doing it correctly.
One of the few good examples in the islamic world.

Did you find this information in a right wing manifesto? Dude, you guys have been exposed to the bone. You are just a frustrated right wing nut job who believes that immigrants are replacing the native populations LOL Don't you guys claim that native Western culture is about to die out? The white race is about to be exterminated.

It is too late for your pathetic antics now. You are at great loss. Look around and face the reality. The demographics in Western nations has already changed permanently.
Did you find this information in a right wing manifesto?
That is just the reality but who am I to talk to somebody with brain farts who thinks the Taliban "won" against America.
Just be glad, that Americans aren't that brutal anymore as they were in the past.
Otherwise people like you could fill the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula with your tears.
That is just the reality but who am I to talk to somebody with brain farts who thinks the Taliban "won" against America.
Just be glad, that Americans aren't that brutal anymore as they were in the past.
Otherwise people like you could fill the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula with your tears.

Who is ruling in Afghanistan right now you right wing muppet? It is not your pedophile Northern Alliance or is it? They didn't even want to fight for your cause LOL You are unable to answer this. You fed your Afghan warlords for 20 years yet they abandoned your cause in a matter of days. There is nothing you can say in this regard. Now these same Afghans are residing in your countries and all you can do is fume.

The Americans cannot do crap. China and Russia are staring your kind right in the face. We know why your kind cries riverd about China and Russia 24/7. Now cry how Pakistan supported the Taliban and how you guys lost because of this LOL

We know why you come to this forum to beg for support. You won't get any though. More power to Russia. Russia will crush your puppets in Ukraine. This is only the beginning.
Who is ruling in Afghanistan right now you right wing muppet? It is not your pedophile Northern Alliance or is it? They didn't even want to fight for your cause LOL You are unable to answer this. You fed your Afghan warlords for 20 years yet they abandoned your cause in a matter of days. There is nothing you can say in this regard. Now these same Afghans are residing in your countries and all you can do is fume.

The Americans cannot do crap. China and Russia are staring your kind right in the face. We know why your kind cries riverd about China and Russia 24/7. Now cry how Pakistan supported the Taliban and how you guys lost because of this LOL

We know why you come to this forum to beg for support. You won't get any though. More power to Russia. Russia will crush your puppets in Ukraine. This is only the beginning.
First, not "you".
I personally don't care if the rulers are Islamofacist-boy touchers and 9 yrs old girl wife enjoyers or drug addicted corrupted sellouts.
I like China as a counterweight to America.
There is always need of a 2nd power, to balance things out.
I don't cry about a 3rd world country which supported Taliban because of Realipolitik, same with Western hypocrits.
What I don't like are people who are fleeing their wonderful country and then many of these people live in other countries (which they hate) as social welfare recipants and marrying their cousins and causing damage to the health care system because of their barbaric inbreeding praxis.
Are your parents closely related?
Would explain the one or another brain fart.
First, not "you".
I personally don't care if the rulers are Islamofacist-boy touchers and 9 yrs old girl wife enjoyers or drug addicted corrupted sellouts.
I like China as a counterweight to America.
There is always need of a 2nd power, to balance things out.
I don't cry about a 3rd world country which supported Taliban because of Realipolitik, same with Western hypocrits.
What I don't like are people who are fleeing their wonderful country and then many of these people live in other countries (which they hate) as social welfare recipants and marrying their cousins and causing damage to the health care system because of their barbaric inbreeding praxis.
Are your parents closely related?
Would explain the one or another brain fart.

Cry like a baby you fool. You are on the losing end. You produced Hitler for a reason. You belong to the most scum nation on the planet. Nothing even remotely comes close to your sins. You belong by default in hell.

Now stop begging for attention you right wing maniac. Breivik isn't coming to save you.
That is just the reality but who am I to talk to somebody with brain farts who thinks the Taliban "won" against America.
Just be glad, that Americans aren't that brutal anymore as they were in the past.
Otherwise people like you could fill the deserts of the Arabian Peninsula with your tears.
Cry, cry.... Cry even more.
But it does not solve your problems.

First, not "you".
I personally don't care if the rulers are Islamofacist-boy touchers and 9 yrs old girl wife enjoyers or drug addicted corrupted sellouts.
I like China as a counterweight to America.
There is always need of a 2nd power, to balance things out.
I don't cry about a 3rd world country which supported Taliban because of Realipolitik, same with Western hypocrits.
What I don't like are people who are fleeing their wonderful country and then many of these people live in other countries (which they hate) as social welfare recipants and marrying their cousins and causing damage to the health care system because of their barbaric inbreeding praxis.
Are your parents closely related?
Would explain the one or another brain fart.
If you want to stop immigrants in your country then first stop invading and destroying their native countries.
Now back to your coils in the miserable hole, you low life double faced creature.
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Cry, cry.... Cry even more.
But it does not solve your problems.

If you want to stop immigrants in your country then first stop invading and destroying their native countries.
No back to your coils in the miserable hole, you low life double faced creature.

I destroyed nothing.
Taliban ruled Afghanistan was (before Murricans and some western helpers showed up) a sh*thole and still will be.
It's funny.
All NON-islamic countries which had their affairs with the US, no matter against/allied - Japan (including 2 nukes but more death because of firebombing), Germany, South Korea and hell, even Vietnam which will have mutations in Babies 25 further generations are standing better than every majority islamic country which was allied with/against the US.
Self-responsibility doesn't exist here it seems.
Chinese were opium addicts, they played their cards well, look where they are now?!
Whine, whine, whine.
Live off the countries/systems which you hate like the little leeches you really are. Only talk big, only cherry picking.
SAME hypocrites like the US political system which used some goat herders in Afghanistan and later fought them.
Don't like hypocrites who see only white/black, no greyzone.
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