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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

German MP "Sevim Dagdelin" in a speech in the German Parliament "Bundestag": "The American forces, after the passage of 78 years, must withdraw their forces from Germany and return to their country. All other allies left our country a long time ago."

As if a extreme left-wing party who's still constantly pro-Russia would speak for Germany! Come on and stop spreading that BS!
Fun fact , the missiles that the Russians had for SEAD ( and DEAD- Destruction of enemy air defences) were tuned to combat Nato radar and the Ukrainian radar worked on Russian frequencies. The crazy thing is that those missiles could only be recalibrated at the factory not in the field

And as far as I am aware , Amazon prime was not offering its services in Russia lol

One would think their high command would have sorted this out before launching the first strike.
An episode of the battle of the Russian Airborne Forces in Ukraine. An episode of the battle of the Russian airborne units of the Torunsky regiment in the forest near Kremennaya was published

The servicemen of the Russian Airborne Forces showed in detail how to use the 120-mm mortar 2B11 and talked about its use in Ukraine.

Footage of the work of the crew of the Russian 152-mm self-propelled howitzer 2S3 "Acacia" in Ukraine. The firing range of the Acacia self-propelled guns with a high-explosive fragmentation projectile is 18,500 meters, and an active-rocket projectile is 24,000 meters. Like many self-propelled guns of high power, the howitzer is loaded separately-sleeve, that is, a projectile is first sent into the bore, and then a sleeve with a propellant charge. Detailed characteristics of the ACS 2S3 "Acacia" are on the channel.

Experience of using a gun against PARS drones in Ukraine. A Russian soldier spoke about the experience of using guns against drones in Ukraine. The video shows a complex for the suppression of drones PARS

Russian servicemen showed captured Ukrainian mines DM22 PARM 2 made in Germany. The DM-22 anti-tank mine is equipped with an infrared sensor and has an autonomous power supply for 30 days, the mine is usually installed along the roads. When armored vehicles pass nearby, a cumulative missile with a warhead mass of 1.9 kg is activated in a DM22 mine and hits a target at a distance of up to 100 meters. The PARM 2 mine is manually deployed and has an arming delay of five minutes. The mine can also be activated via cable. The armor penetration of mines is 750 mm of armor.

From the telephone number scheme it could also be Canada. The poster do not explicit say if US or Canada.
Just admit you were gladly sharing fake news from russian propaganda instead of squirming like that.

Learn from your russian friends.
Dont bother defending previous lies, just move on to another whataboutism or another propaganda piece.
Dude, Russia has already what it wants. Now we are heading towards a spring/summer campaign and the Russians are going to intensify their efforts.
Nah…I don’t see the Russians hooligans are doing well. As minimum goal they wanted to take the entire Donbas with the winter offensive. 3 months later they are still stucked in Bakhmut.

They should hurry.

Ukraine counteroffensives coming.
When will Ukraine offensive coming? And will there be western tanks?
Coming weeks, it's a fucking war, why would they advertise the exact date? And as for western tanks, again nno clue because again it's a fucking war so why would the y advertise that shit?
Only sane leadership voice coming from the EU.

The Yewish Clown is marching the world towards WW3. If it starts, he'll Fcuk off to Tel Aviv with his looted billions whilst the world rots just like Ukraine is. Peace needs to be established ASAP with the acknowledgement that Donbass in now Russian. There is no other way unfortunately.
Nah…I don’t see the Russians hooligans are doing well. As minimum goal they wanted to take the entire Donbas with the winter offensive. 3 months later they are still stucked in Bakhmut.

They should hurry.

Ukraine counteroffensives coming.

It takes extensive training to learn how to operate tanks and infantry together as a well integrated team. After the fall of the Soviet Union the Russians went about 10 years without conducting comprehensive large scale trainings/exercises. This means an entire generation of officers have risen to positions of leadership that have never manoeuvred forces in the field on a consistent basis or for prolonged periods of time. The lack of training and bad logistics shows in combat , which is what we are seeing,
Coming weeks, it's a fucking war, why would they advertise the exact date? And as for western tanks, again nno clue because again it's a fucking war so why would the y advertise that shit?
So it is also possible "in the coming month" or "spring 2024" or "never"?
It takes extensive training to learn how to operate tanks and infantry together as a well integrated team. After the fall of the Soviet Union the Russians went about 10 years without conducting comprehensive large scale trainings/exercises. This means an entire generation of officers have risen to positions of leadership that have never manoeuvred forces in the field on a consistent basis or for prolonged periods of time. The lack of training and bad logistics shows in combat , which is what we are seeing,
Russia military is a disaster. All the money over 2 decades into the military since Putin taking over, seems all have gone into corruption and propaganda. Otherwise people can’t understand their poor performance in Ukraine. They do regular exercises with the PLA. What they do at such events? I don’t understand. Apparently they sit together eating chinese foods drinking Wodka.

The Russians cannot afford this war, unless they skip meals and go hungry to beds. They live on selling on oil, gas and minerals. Without those from Mother Earth they don’t have anything else sell. Ok they have grains, fertilizer, weapons, nuclear but without western technology and markets they won’t make far. Russia can’t even export grains because it has no tankers, no insurance, no banks.
If we compare Ukraine with Pakistan for Russian Aggression.
Pakistan has edge of Afghanistan, Pakistan stopped Russians in Afghanistan

But on other hand, Ukraine has border with Russia.

I think in the end Russia will be victorious.
If Ukraine won, it will be miracle.
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