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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

So RuSSian propaganda went from "Madyar and his whole unit were pulverized" to "Madyar was injured" while a video shows him later in good conditions and speaking to the camera in his afterlife... 🤡
Well, both are vids. So who can tell. For me the vid in the trench looks real.

I am literally quoting zelenskyy.

Ah, then its all clear cause Cocainsky really "just say things".

Odessa is under fire. Ukraine counterattacks near Mar'inka. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.04

NATO. Wagner advances in Bakhmut. Easter ceasefire. Military Summary And Analysis 2023.04.04

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Polish MiG-29s Delivered

>> So did the sky fall down? Did the Russian's do anything or did they huff and puff as usual in response ?

they have been updated to carry Western weaponry. Well done Poland. The upgraded Mig 29s are decent planes and with western weaponry, will be more than a match for the SU27s.

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