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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Set aside Political issue here, this sentence is trouble if I am a Russian Commander in charge of the field

You know the west are sending somewhere upward to 300 Tanks/IFV/APC to Ukraine, unless the West also sending crew to crew those vehicles with, Ukraine is going to need to send soldier to train to use them, and you don't send newbie noob and look for a long course to build up their base, you send your best, your regular, so they can quickly master those equipment and put into good use.

300 Tank/IFV is more or less a Armour Division worth of stuff, and then you also need to match the Armour Division with an Infantry Division (theoretically, you will need two, one to accompany the Armour Division and another to secure the objective once they were taken by the Armour Division), which mean Ukraine has at least pulled 2 experienced division, may be 3 off the line, and that is a big chunk of proper combat power, that's 20,000-30,000 men, they weren't in the frontline, they were in Germany, Poland and the UK learning how to use Leopard 2, Bradley IFV, Marauder and training on how combine arms doctrine.

Russia on paper should have been making a big (well, bigger) progress because of this rotation, the thing is, beside Bakhmut, that current Russian push is not making headway anywhere else, and Bakhmut is a small corner of the battlefield. And the window for Russian to push is closing soon when the snow turn to mud in Eastern Ukrainian Spring. And you know once it hit summer and the ground harden because of the heat, you are looking at the influx of that 3 division, or 9 Brigade, or 30,000 men in a counter offensive, you will need space/strategic depth to blunt the Ukrainian counter offensive. And if they can't break out from Bakhmut, you are looking at a reverse gain from the Ukrainian side. Unless Russia suddenly gain the momentum in the remaining 18 days of this month, because traditionally Ukraine see a lot of rain in April
Thank you..

I am very doubtful if Ukraine will be able to utilize those tanks properly. You need better air superiority when it comes to the tank battle.

Does Ukraine have better air defense to protect during offensive operations?

And, getting the fighter planes - again, still very doubtful against the Russian air superiority and Air defense systems.,

It is my personal opinion - I might be wrong, but I still believe that a defensive operation is fine, but an offensive operation would be a difficult job for Ukraine.
I'm not talking about "who's the boss" in that bromance, but "who's the boss" in Beijing.

It's been Xi's signature style to order something utterly stupid, and self-harmful, and then watch who didn't go along with the game.

Medieval Japanese lords had a favourite way of checking their retainers loyalty. They tell the samurai to kill his own family member with his own hands, and if the doesn't he is cut himself as disloyal.
Funny you said Xi is going to act illogical and irrational.......From what I see, there are only one party that act outside of logic as far as I concern, that's EU.

The best scenario for EU is that they simply ignore Russian aggression and pretend this never happens like they did back in 2014 and then leave Ukraine to the wolf. I mean, think about it, EU is literally giving up their energy security and to some degree financial security to poke their nose into this pile. I mean if EU politician is just looking at the digit, the worse thing for them to do is to get involved in this, sit on the side-lines and everything is business as usual, no more high gas prices, no more high petrol price, no more inflation (well, there are going to be some due to COVID)

But no. EU, for all I can say, is leading the charge for Ukraine, I mean they send 80- Western Tank compare to US 31, 60-100 SPG system compare to US 20. UK literally emptied their entire NLAW stockpile and send them to Ukraine, they aren't just sideline cheering US and Russia in this proxy fight, they were on the ringside seat......I don't think EU care about Ukraine that much.

And I am pretty sure Russia is banking on EU wouldn't do anything for them to make this move....

Compare to China, I thought they would have send some degree of help to Russia by now, the only thing the Chinese help is themselves iin this by buying cheap Russian oil and refine it and sell it high to the west and make a profit.....
So Russia is complaining that the US is giving aid to Ukraine, well here is what the US gave Russia during world war 2 400,000 jeeps & trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petrol products 4.5 million tons of food It's worth 180 billion in today's money, this is way more than the US has given Ukraine, yet the Russian bots fail to acknowledge history. Never have I seen a nation who is the aggressor constantly play the victim card as Russia

learn about the Cuban Missile incident.

Again, I am not supporting Russia, but the way people are justifying and supporting the USA and west, I am against it.

When the United States could do it, the Navy blocked the way and wanted to go to any length during the cold war and Cuban missile crises, against Cuba.

Now, I am not also ready to support the USA and west.

What the USA and West are doing in Ukraine, fueling more fire in Ukraine. To extend, if a nuclear bomb will be used, then those will be responsible as well.

USA and the west are more interested in damaging Russia by using Ukraine as a remote tool, They are now happier than Ukraine and Russia.
Thank you..

I am very doubtful if Ukraine will be able to utilize those tanks properly. You need better air superiority when it comes to the tank battle.

Does Ukraine have better air defense to protect during offensive operations?

And, getting the fighter planes - again, still very doubtful against the Russian air superiority and Air defense systems.,

It is my personal opinion - I might be wrong, but I still believe that a defensive operation is fine, but an offensive operation would be a difficult job for Ukraine.
You don't need Air Superiority to use tank, especially when the other side (Russia) also do not have air superiority either.

The traditional Air Power were used to cover Attack Chopper in the Western Doctrine, it negated out when Russia don't have Air Superiority themselves, which mean they can't use their own gunship to begin with.

The remaining usage for Air Power is to provide surgical strike ahead of your phase line, like taking out command element, logistic hub and so on, if you don't expand over the range of long-range rocket artillery range, you can replace Air Power with HIMARS or MLRS strike.

The problem for Russian Air Force is, they can't penetrate Ukrainian air defence since they don't have EW capability, no Shrike, no HARM and no stealth aircraft to penetrates air defence would mean Ukrainian are going to make mincemeat out of those Russian Aircraft, Ukrainian Air Space are very AA heavy, and Russian Air Force already suffered considerable loss (some 60 aircraft IIRC) when there were no Patriot, minimal IRIS-T and NASAM in service, now Ukraine have dozen of NASAM (12 set or 2 Batteries) litter everywhere in Ukraine, with 3 Patriot system (1 from US, Germany and Netherland each) couple with S-300 and Buk, this is going to be a very hard airspace to crack.

As for whether or not Ukraine would be able to effectively use those Western Armour? I don't know, only time will tell, but what I know is that the Ukrainian is getting the full treatment, this is not a shortened course, they went thru what I myself as a tanker went thru, 20 weeks of driver and commander training. That's the only thing I can say at this moment.
That's not what Zelensky said... his generals recommended Ukraine keep defending Bakhmut and that more troops be sent. Why? Because Ukraine continues to kill Russian troops there - and this is the important bit: Wagner is now sending in its best troops, not convicts and they've been joined by elite VDV airborne troops. Ukraine is killing Russia' best infantry/assault troops off. Meanwhile Ukraine continues to destroy Russian tanks -
Isn't Ukrainiun also being killed?

Why is the West not sending the best and latest equipment to Ukraine?

This is to note that Russia will never want to lose this war. They will start issuing the nuclear threat before it, and there will be more changes if Kyiv faces a disaster. Will NATO or the United States risk a nuclear war with Russia if this also occurs?

I do not support a nuclear war, but losing Russia means more chances of a nuclear use.

Again, the West and the US, will not lose anything; only the people of Ukraine will suffer.
No the massive arterilleRY fire from Russians (which ukrianians say outnumber them) has no effect on ukrianians as they are made of steel.
Just lik super man.
That is not proof that the Chinese learned from Europe.
Furthermore, to call a massace of a few dozen people a war is questionable.

View attachment 919934

Incidently humans have been using spears for at least 400,000 years.
There is proof that humans have been killed by spears for at least 100,000 years.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prehistoric_warfare shows that people were killed by arrows in Sudan 13,000 years ago.

Lack of documentation is not proof that something did not happen.
The fact is that noone knows the history of warfare, but Chinese have been fighting wars since the beginning of history, so they have nothing to brag about.
war , is war . the population were less dense at the time . so that was a big war and it was killing of defenseless people , the china war you linked there were war between two armed group.
about human using spear for 400000 years let just say that what resembling to the thing we call human now adays just happened to become a thing 300000 year ago and modern human is even younger

by the way a page from your book .
you failed to show evidence in china there is a massacre earlier than what happened in Europe from your source

somewhere in Europe 10,000 years ago your work just become harder
learn about the Cuban Missile incident.

Again, I am not supporting Russia, but the way people are justifying and supporting the USA and west, I am against it.

When the United States could do it, the Navy blocked the way and wanted to go to any length during the cold war and Cuban missile crises, against Cuba.

Now, I am not also ready to support the USA and west.

What the USA and West are doing in Ukraine, fueling more fire in Ukraine. To extend, if a nuclear bomb will be used, then those will be responsible as well.

USA and the west are more interested in damaging Russia by using Ukraine as a remote tool, They are now happier than Ukraine and Russia.

You are bonkers.... there is only one man that can end this.....! He invaded, he can withdraw!

And this isn't Cuban missile crisis in reverse. During the Cuban missile crisis, Kennedy did not proclaim Cuba an artificial state with no right to exist, and Cuban people a fake people, who must be thoroughly americanized and eradicated.
Russian millblogers are panicking about Ukraine starting counter offensives along the whole frontline and brought in "fresh reserves". Of course as always not exluding "foreign NATO and Polish mercenaries".
Indeed there are foreign "Volunteers" aka Nato-soldiers who left their armies to fight for money in Ukraine. And yes, a lot of them are polish. But me think that they arent such much as at the beginning of the war. Whereas me also think that Ukraine sure will try to unblock Bakhmut, but i cant see this "10 brigades". Me think there will be around 25k not fully trained with to less armored and arty support - sacrificed to the meat grinder.
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