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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia has failed to achieve any of its major objectives 1 year into the war. What makes you so sure they'll achieve them now, when the Ukranians are far more prepared.

Also, the west is providing almost everything the Ukranians want, and Ukrainian pilots are finally getting training on western jets. The Ukraikians have received offensive weapons, it's just taking time due to training soldiers to use them.
Its minor victory if not total. Look at the map a 20% of Ukraine is captured.
Its minor victory if not total. Look at the map a 20% of Ukraine is captured.
It's around 15/16 now, 20 is before Ukraine reclaim Kharkiv and part of Kherson. And 7/8 of those are from 2014 too. Just a reference, Kherson population alone is roughly the combine population of every town Russian takes after April 2022. So losing Kherson losing half the Ukrainian population Russian control.
when you look at the map of current front line it tells you a different story
The map actually proves my point. 1 year into the war, the Frontline is almost static, with Russia having tor entreat from huge swaths of land that it previously occupied.

There are now indications that the Ukrainians are going to launch a counter offensive in the Bakhmut area, and Russia has zero defensive lines prepared because they've been putting all their eggs into the Bakhmut offensive basket.

Its minor victory if not total. Look at the map a 20% of Ukraine is captured.
It's not a victory until the war ends, and I'm of the opinion that Russia won't be able to hold that land. They've already lost huge chunks of territory, and the infighting among the Russian forces is making the situation worse for Russia.
The map actually proves my point. 1 year into the war, the Frontline is almost static, with Russia having tor entreat from huge swaths of land that it previously occupied.

There are now indications that the Ukrainians are going to launch a counter offensive in the Bakhmut area, and Russia has zero defensive lines prepared because they've been putting all their eggs into the Bakhmut offensive basket.
against modern anti-tank weapons worth 116b $..not bad
may be another 1-4 years Russia will take the areas it annexed
against modern anti-tank weapons worth 116b $..not bad
may be another 1-4 years Russia will take the areas it annexed
In the next year I'm betting Russia loses more chunks of occupied territory. Within 2 years I'm betting that Russia gets pushed back to Crimea in the South, and the 2014 lines in the east. After that, Russia and Ukraine will be pushed towards talks, and we may see some sort of peace agreement.
Bakhmut losses for ukriane will only make sense if ukriane is getting something big i.e F16s and bidding some time.
Otherwises it's a tactical mistake as his generals are pointing out

That's not what Zelensky said... his generals recommended Ukraine keep defending Bakhmut and that more troops be sent. Why? Because Ukraine continues to kill Russian troops there - and this is the important bit: Wagner is now sending in its best troops, not convicts and they've been joined by elite VDV airborne troops. Ukraine is killing Russia' best infantry/assault troops off. Meanwhile Ukraine continues to destroy Russian tanks -
That's not what Zelensky said... his generals recommended Ukraine keep defending Bakhmut and that more troops be sent. Why? Because Ukraine continues to kill Russian troops there - and this is the important bit: Wagner is now sending in its best troops, not convicts and they've been joined by elite VDV airborne troops. Ukraine is killing Russia' best infantry/assault troops off. Meanwhile Ukraine continues to destroy Russian tanks -

Isn't Ukrainiun also being killed?

In the next year I'm betting Russia loses more chunks of occupied territory. Within 2 years I'm betting that Russia gets pushed back to Crimea in the South, and the 2014 lines in the east. After that, Russia and Ukraine will be pushed towards talks, and we may see some sort of peace agreement.

Why is the West not sending the best and latest equipment to Ukraine?

This is to note that Russia will never want to lose this war. They will start issuing the nuclear threat before it, and there will be more changes if Kyiv faces a disaster. Will NATO or the United States risk a nuclear war with Russia if this also occurs?

I do not support a nuclear war, but losing Russia means more chances of a nuclear use.

Again, the West and the US, will not lose anything; only the people of Ukraine will suffer.
I agreed...

From the beginning, Ukraine was not in a position to fight a war against Russia. Zelensky made big blunders by not going the political way.

Who will be a loser?

Russia -? No, they have natural resources, and once it is over, only the EU and the West will be in line to buy from Russia.

Ukraine, It ends with what? destruction of the country and the loss of a big part of Russia?

A lot of people have lost their lives, and both sides are equally responsible, including the US, NATO and the WEST.

Ukraine has not invaded Russia. Russia has invaded Ukraine twice in the last ten years. If Russia wants peace all they have to do is stop killing their neighbours and move their forces back home.

Yep always everybody else's fault , u putin apologists
Ukraine has not invaded Russia. Russia has invaded Ukraine twice in the last ten years. If Russia wants peace all they have to do is stop killing their neighbours and move their forces back home.

Yep always everybody else's fault , u putin apologists

I am not supporting Russia, here. It is my personal opinion that:

But being more practical, Ukraine was not in a position to directly fight a war with Russia.

Zelensky made mistakes and could have taken the political route before the war was started, as Russia offered to negotiate.

What kind of fight is happening when Zelensky is waiting for equipment from other countries and training is happening when the war is already on?

Any day & night, Russia bombs strategic locations across the country when they want. The Russian Air Force remains largely intact, and Ukraine's ability to seize control remains highly doubtful.
Xi don't need to show Putin who's the boss, Xi already am the boss of Putin.

I'm not talking about "who's the boss" in that bromance, but "who's the boss" in Beijing.

It's been Xi's signature style to order something utterly stupid, and self-harmful, and then watch who didn't go along with the game.

Medieval Japanese lords had a favourite way of checking their retainers loyalty. They tell the samurai to kill his own family member with his own hands, and if the doesn't he is cut himself as disloyal.
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What kind of fight is happening when Zelensky is waiting for equipment from other countries and training is happening when the war is already on?

Set aside Political issue here, this sentence is trouble if I am a Russian Commander in charge of the field

You know the west are sending somewhere upward to 300 Tanks/IFV/APC to Ukraine, unless the West also sending crew to crew those vehicles with, Ukraine is going to need to send soldier to train to use them, and you don't send newbie noob and look for a long course to build up their base, you send your best, your regular, so they can quickly master those equipment and put into good use.

300 Tank/IFV is more or less a Armour Division worth of stuff, and then you also need to match the Armour Division with an Infantry Division (theoretically, you will need two, one to accompany the Armour Division and another to secure the objective once they were taken by the Armour Division), which mean Ukraine has at least pulled 2 experienced division, may be 3 off the line, and that is a big chunk of proper combat power, that's 20,000-30,000 men, they weren't in the frontline, they were in Germany, Poland and the UK learning how to use Leopard 2, Bradley IFV, Marauder and training on how combine arms doctrine.

Russia on paper should have been making a big (well, bigger) progress because of this rotation, the thing is, beside Bakhmut, that current Russian push is not making headway anywhere else, and Bakhmut is a small corner of the battlefield. And the window for Russian to push is closing soon when the snow turn to mud in Eastern Ukrainian Spring. And you know once it hit summer and the ground harden because of the heat, you are looking at the influx of that 3 division, or 9 Brigade, or 30,000 men in a counter offensive, you will need space/strategic depth to blunt the Ukrainian counter offensive. And if they can't break out from Bakhmut, you are looking at a reverse gain from the Ukrainian side. Unless Russia suddenly gain the momentum in the remaining 18 days of this month, because traditionally Ukraine see a lot of rain in April
I am not supporting Russia, here. It is my personal opinion that:

But being more practical, Ukraine was not in a position to directly fight a war with Russia.

Zelensky made mistakes and could have taken the political route before the war was started, as Russia offered to negotiate.

What kind of fight is happening when Zelensky is waiting for equipment from other countries and training is happening when the war is already on?

Any day & night, Russia bombs strategic locations across the country when they want. The Russian Air Force remains largely intact, and Ukraine's ability to seize control remains highly doubtful.

So Russia is complaining that the US is giving aid to Ukraine, well here is what the US gave Russia during world war 2 400,000 jeeps & trucks 14,000 airplanes 8,000 tractors 13,000 tanks 1.5 million blankets 15 million pairs of army boots 107,000 tons of cotton 2.7 million tons of petrol products 4.5 million tons of food It's worth 180 billion in today's money, this is way more than the US has given Ukraine, yet the Russian bots fail to acknowledge history. Never have I seen a nation who is the aggressor constantly play the victim card as Russia
It's indeed doomed but never the less it will achieve it's objectives and no one in west is daring to provide anything offensive to ukriane
Achieving with what? I heard of that hundreds of times. But nobody tells how. Putin can send million Russians naked more but doubtful they can scare off anyone. Russia’s territory gains is temporary, worthless, unless Russia can defeat Ukraine army. The war will continue forever.
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