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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

The entire best trained Ukrainian forces were crippled in the Bakhmut offensive. So it seems you're all misreading the domino effect after Bakhmut falls. The Russian forces will finally conclude the liberation of the whole Donestk People's Republic.

Meanwhile, this is another development in Ukraine.

My next prediction has already been that the Europeans and Americans are going to force the comedian to the negotiating table. Just wait and see. All of this bloodshed has been for nothing. At the end of the day, the Europeans and Americans always knew the final outcome. Russia on top and Ukraine on the backfoot. Zelensky was their favorite scapegoat.
My next prediction has already been that the Europeans and Americans are going to force the comedian to the negotiating table. Just wait and see. All of this bloodshed has been for nothing. At the end of the day, the Europeans and Americans always knew the final outcome. Russia on top and Ukraine on the backfoot. Zelensky was their favorite scapegoat.

American interests are a endless bloodshed.
But europe has always heeded china in not sending arms to taiwan.

China sending military aid to russia in its war of agression on a european country, with east europe under direct russian risk…is basically china cutting ties with the EU.

Will China choose to break with the west (and all its trade) for russia? including sanctions and diplomatic repercussions? Taiwan will become a fortress island as a result as well.
Is this the time to join the sad club of international pariah states actively siding with russia? https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.tim...l-votes-overwhelmingly-to-condemn-russia/amp/
China needs more time (10-15 years?) to close the military gap and become less relient on western trade. I seriously doubt they will act now.
Seems like China wants to maintain the new world multipolar order with Europe, US and Russia and China holding the balance of power.
My next prediction has already been that the Europeans and Americans are going to force the comedian to the negotiating table. Just wait and see. All of this bloodshed has been for nothing. At the end of the day, the Europeans and Americans always knew the final outcome. Russia on top and Ukraine on the backfoot. Zelensky was their favorite scapegoat.
Don't think it has been all for nothing. Ukraine has been downsized , crippled with debt, hundreds of thousands dead and crippled, infrastructure bombed back to the stone age, millions of refugees forced into cheap labor in to Western Europe and a Ukraine deeply dependent on Europe and US for economic and military survivability. Hatred between the Ukrainians and Russians has been cemented for generations and the latest East and West weapons have been tested in real battle. White folks have taken more leaps in weapons technology to use against weaker brown, black and yellow nations later.
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The entire best trained Ukrainian forces were crippled in the Bakhmut offensive. So it seems you're all misreading the domino effect after Bakhmut falls. The Russian forces will finally conclude the liberation of the whole Donestk People's Republic.

Meanwhile, this is another development in Ukraine.

domino effects are common, i would say sometime stupid leadership destroy their armed forces for purpose of ego

the same happened with Armenian forces, they tried too long to hold major symbolic cities like Shusha and lost too many men that led to complete surrender

a better approach would have been to listen to your commanders and do tactical withdrawals and conserve your men, instead of just relying on absurd propaganda that some how only Russians zombies are dying

russia has fire control in the region, i believe any offensive weapons come under artillery fire as soon as they detected


seems ivanivske is also fallen per recent geo photos, bakhmut will be cut off phsycially(already under fire control) when chasiv yar falls which is being approached from two sides

Ukraine desperately needs f16s thats the only thing that will turn the tide
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See this is the problem with you Americans
Your eyes only want to see what you want
careless of facts on the ground realities to truth that hurts in your hearts
You don't just go to your local library & dig up some old WWII book and say yeah Russians didn't do Jack
You gotta see the big picture of WWII from Russian angle & German angle & then the allies angle
And you will understand what I just said.
Whatever, I and people around the world know the Russians were involved in the war and helped lead to victory and my local library or sometimes I go to a different one in another city nearby shouldn't have allowed those books on shelves if it was really banned. So if there were bans on books on Russian victory, I and those around the world didn't see it.
what people dont get is that area in between cities isnt defended, the fall back positions have been mostly in large town or cities as open field given free way for arterlley fire
if bakhmut falls, that will be huge

even worse if 10,000 troops surrender or killed

no wonder why Ukraine generals have pleaded a organized withdrawal but zelensky is saying no..i think his thought process is that a victory here might make Americans rethink and abandonee them but i dont think that would happen so he is making grave mistake


Pretty clever by Ukrainians on using and adapting cluster munitions bomblets as stand alone drone dropping weapon designed for vehicles.

There’s speculation these are some of the first Switchblade 600 strikes
Its definitely Switchblade 600. I recognize the tracking reticle of the 300 series. And the explosives are lot bigger designed for vehicles.
My next prediction has already been that the Europeans and Americans are going to force the comedian to the negotiating table. Just wait and see. All of this bloodshed has been for nothing. At the end of the day, the Europeans and Americans always knew the final outcome. Russia on top and Ukraine on the backfoot. Zelensky was their favorite scapegoat.
My prediction is forcing Putin to the negotiating table. All this bloodshed for nothing when you have a hostile neighbor for many decades to come and have to keep a very large army on static defense and thousands of Russians dead each month. Be like Afghanistan again but worse for the Russians during the 1980s.

First use of JDAM bombs by Ukraine.. Patriot has already arrived but not active yet..AMRAAM is being prepared on MIGs 27 and 29 of Ukraine..

The RF eliminates many AFU commandos who were trying to make behind the lines infiltrations and Flank attacks:
I was surprised how quick JDAMs were sent and implemented so quickly.
My prediction is forcing Putin to the negotiating table. All this bloodshed for nothing when you have a hostile neighbor for many decades to come and have to keep a very large army on static defense and thousands of Russians dead each month. Be like Afghanistan again but worse for the Russians during the 1980s.

I was surprised how quick JDAMs were sent and implemented so quickly.

Hi oldie, you are repeating what you often repeat. It isn't happening man. This time around Russia means business. You created Putin after unleashing the Mujahideen and disintegrating Russia. You remember that oldie, don't you? What you are witnessing today is a little payback.

Afghanistan happened because you had some ISI lackeys on our side to assist you in creating Jihadi fighters. How are you going to have an Afghanistan without Jihadi fighters? Ukrainians are softies in comparison.

You are on the backfoot buddy. Just soak it in.
what people dont get is that area in between cities isnt defended, the fall back positions have been mostly in large town or cities as open field given free way for arterlley fire
if bakhmut falls, that will be huge

even worse if 10,000 troops surrender or killed

no wonder why Ukraine generals have pleaded a organized withdrawal but zelensky is saying no..i think his thought process is that a victory here might make Americans rethink and abandonee them but i dont think that would happen so he is making grave mistake
Abandoned them because they lost a city? Doubtful. Ukraine lost many cities early in the war before taking large tracts of land back. Even took Kherson City back. Just have to be patient.

Hi oldie, you are repeating what you often repeat. It isn't happening man. This time around Russia means business. You created Putin after unleashing the Mujahideen and disintegrating Russia. You remember that oldie, don't you? What you are witnessing today is a little payback.
No, the Mujahadeen was in retaliation for the Vietnam war. I remember back then. Think of that as payback. And think about whats going to happen this time.
Abandoned them because they lost a city? Doubtful. Ukraine lost many cities early in the war before taking large tracts of land back. Even took Kherson City back. Just have to be patient.

No, the Mujahadeen was in retaliation for the Vietnam war. I remember back then. Think of that as payback. And think about whats going to happen this time.

Mujahideen in retaliation for Vietnam? LOL Oldie bud, you having some sort of memory malfunction? That must be some joke.

I know exactly what is going to happen too. Russia will win a lot of territory and Europe will be terrified. You being the savior of Europe will only spectate. There is so little you can do in this instance. Your current inaction speaks volume.

PS. No ISI around this time to build you a little Jihadi army to fight the Russians, oldie.
what people dont get is that area in between cities isnt defended, the fall back positions have been mostly in large town or cities as open field given free way for arterlley fire
if bakhmut falls, that will be huge

even worse if 10,000 troops surrender or killed

no wonder why Ukraine generals have pleaded a organized withdrawal but zelensky is saying no..i think his thought process is that a victory here might make Americans rethink and abandonee them but i dont think that would happen so he is making grave mistake
If the Ukrainians put up the same type of resistance as at Bakhmut at other small towns and cities the Russians may lose the will to fight on. Also if the Ukrainians carry out a counter attack the Russian offensive could turn into a rout. Let's see what NATO have planned, the ball is in their court. Air power is the need of the day for the Ukrainians but does NATO have the will to cross another Russian red line?
If the Ukrainians put up the same type of resistance as at Bakhmut at other small towns and cities the Russians may lose the will to fight on. Also if the Ukrainians carry out a counter attack the Russian offensive could turn into a rout. Let's see what NATO have planned, the ball is in their court. Air power is the need of the day for the Ukrainians but does NATO have the will to cross another Russian red line?

What about Uncle Sam? Shouldn't Uncle Sam get a herioc role in liberating Ukraine?

You really think the Ukrainians can win by resisting in Bakhmut? The Russians have yesterday shown that they can use brute force without a second thought. The Russians used a whole barrage of deadly missiles including hypersonic missiles. Russia isn't backing off. Backing off means defeat. Putin isn't crazy. This was a calculated move by Putin. He went into Ukraine and captured territory. He knew what the consequences were going to be. He weighed the pros and cons. This wasn't a kamikaze action. Russia is determined to get what it seeks at any cost. This isn't Afghanistan where the Americans used others to do their bidding. This is Ukraine i.e. Russian backyard. Today Western hands are tied because no one except the Ukrainians are doing the fighting. I dare US/NATO to send their forces if they really want to make Russia pay. That won't happen.
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