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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Ukraine is the Afghanistan of Europe , just too important strategically to let the Russians have their way. If Russia wins then Europe will be set back decades living under the Axe of of Russian occupation not knowing when the bear will turn up on their door step. A NATO defeat in Ukraine following on from the Afghan humiliation will be the final nail for NATO and member states will surely question its usefulness and viability. China and India will be emboldened, with India riding on the bandwagon of Euro panic and demanding goodies and making empty promises to confront China.
Afghanistan war was not important, just a way to train soldiers and waste expensive weapons to boost military industrial complex.

And Ukraine war is the same. It is the only truth of your post, Ukraine and Afghanistan is the same stupid useless nonsense.
Wow. The Americans have truly done the inevitable. Russia and China are today closer than ever before.
But europe has always heeded china in not sending arms to taiwan.

China sending military aid to russia in its war of agression on a european country, with east europe under direct russian risk…is basically china cutting ties with the EU.

Will China choose to break with the west (and all its trade) for russia? including sanctions and diplomatic repercussions? Taiwan will become a fortress island as a result as well.
Is this the time to join the sad club of international pariah states actively siding with russia? https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.tim...l-votes-overwhelmingly-to-condemn-russia/amp/
China needs more time (10-15 years?) to close the military gap and become less relient on western trade. I seriously doubt they will act now.
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But europe has always heeded china in not sending arms to taiwan.

China sending military aid to russia in its war of agression on a european country, with east europe under direct russian risk…is basically china cutting ties with the EU.
Wake up, there is no more "Europe", it's only USA and UK, the rest are unfortunately only vassals
Will China choose to break with the west (and all its trade) for russia? including sanctions and diplomatic repercussions? Taiwan will become a fortress island as a result as well.
Is this the time to join the sad club of international pariah states actively siding with russia? https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.timesofisrael.com/un-general-assembly-including-israel-votes-overwhelmingly-to-condemn-russia/amp

China needs more time (10-15 years?) to close the military gap and become less relient on western trade. I seriously doubt they will act now.
Ukrainian National Security Council:
Our soldiers are dying in defense of Poland and the Baltic states.. We must say this without fear and loudly #Urgent

White House:
Russian missile strikes on Ukraine today are "devastating"


Ukrainian sources announce the killing of the famous Dmitry Kotsiopailo in the Azov Brigades..
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But europe has always heeded china in not sending arms to taiwan.

China sending military aid to russia in its war of agression on a european country, with east europe under direct russian risk…is basically china cutting ties with the EU.

Will China choose to break with the west (and all its trade) for russia? including sanctions and diplomatic repercussions? Taiwan will become a fortress island as a result as well.
Is this the time to join the sad club of international pariah states actively siding with russia? https://www.google.nl/amp/s/www.tim...l-votes-overwhelmingly-to-condemn-russia/amp/
China needs more time (10-15 years?) to close the military gap and become less relient on western trade. I seriously doubt they will act now.
You talk like if Europe could afford break ties with China.

In about two minutes, renown Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson sums up all one needs to know about the unbelievable freak show that is the German government (extremely humorous and truthful at the same time!):

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Another thing to add to Russian woes , one the biggest hits was losing GPS targeting for their smart bombs and air strikes. Russia doesn’t have GPS satellites of their own for those bombs , so the west cutting them off meant their bombing runs were sent back in time to the Cold War. Their own system , sucks to the point of being useless if you add all this up you can see why Russian performance in Ukraine airforce has been so abysmal?

They have the Golnas navigation satellites, but, for some unfathomable reason, their smart ammo uses very old SIRFStar GPS only chips
It went from boasting about capturing entire regions, to capture a town, to capture a village, to capture a street, talk about copium and the desperate state russian fans are in. :lol:

BTW it's been weeks and months since "Ukrainian most experienced forces and armies have been destroyed" maybe anglo saxon satanic black magic is bringing them back to life.

The entire best trained Ukrainian forces were crippled in the Bakhmut offensive. So it seems you're all misreading the domino effect after Bakhmut falls. The Russian forces will finally conclude the liberation of the whole Donestk People's Republic.

Meanwhile, this is another development in Ukraine.

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