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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia is winning and even the Western intelligence is admitting it.
Baseless claim. In practice russia struggles 6 months to conquer a village.

We go from a situation where ukraine was a firm russian ally/puppet.

To where 80% ukraine is heavily supporting EU/Nato and majority hates russia.
Where russia lost half of its armor and some of its best troops.
Where russia ran a 25 billion deficit in january. Only getting worse…
Where russia saw a large brain drain of fleeing highly educated russians

In meantime Europe is tripling defence budgets. Finland and sweden will join Nato, and Ukraine is de-facto Nato alligned.

At a cost of single digit defence budget of military support and training.

Geopolitically russia is falling from near peer superpower status to a local power.
A submissive partner and gas station to China.
Baseless claim. In practice russia struggles 6 months to conquer a village.
It doesnt matter at what place you kill the enemy. I case of Bakhmut it is great place for Russia cause Ukrain send in meat over meat to get killed.

Putin invaded because
> NATO expansion
> Russia, not Ukraine, is fighting for existence
> Genocide in Ukraine
> Ukraine wants to speak its own language and eliminate the Russian language
> Ukraine is historic Russian land
> Ukrainian elites are corrupt, and Russia is trying to save the the Ukrainian people who are "hostages of the Kyiv regime that occupied Ukraine both economically and politically"
> Responsibility is on the West and the Ukrainian elite and government, which used Ukraine as a military base to fight Russia
> The West distorts Russian culture and constantly attack their values; pedophilia and LGBT are the norm in the West

By listing a laundry list of reasons to invade Ukraine, Putin has backfired. It looks like he's trying so hard to justify his actions and by throwing a list he hoped some reasons stick with people who are on the fence.

At first sight - and like me - in case of not reading your post properly, one could think here's another paid Russian propaganda troll?

But yes, a llot of lame excuses and all Russia supporters simply should read the Budapest Memorandum!
All, the USA and UK and Russia as well are guarantors of Ukraine's sovereignty.

So, Russia itself has NO right at all …
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It doesnt matter at what place you kill the enemy. I case of Bakhmut it is great place for Russia cause Ukrain send in meat over meat to get killed.

If they’re so hopeless as you contend , why have they managed to hold their homeland for just on a year against Russia

US Is Giving Ukraine a Long-Range GPS-Guided Bomb That Can Hit Targets Miles Away​

The US is providing Ukraine a long-range GPS-guided bomb made by Boeing Co. that’s capable of hitting targets 45 miles away, industry officials said.

The Pentagon hasn’t formally acknowledged it’s sending the modified version of Boeing’s Joint Direct Attack Munition, saying only it would send “precision aerial munitions” as part of a $1.85 billion package announced December 21. But two people familiar with the matter confirmed the weapon is the Extended-Range Jdam, known as the Jdam-ER. They asked not to be identified because the detail hasn’t been announced.

US to provide extended range JDAMS to Ukraine
Russia has lost in every way. They’ve lost over 50% of the territory they gained a year ago. Over 200K dead and wounded. Over 9,300 equipment losses. A global pariah, and economically bludgeoned. All for a net 10% gain in Ukrainian territory to date.
Yet Russian economy grew faster than UK and Germany. Still holds over 60% of Ukrainian land and Crimea and is slowly getting more. What Russia did was wrong, but lets not put lipstick on a pig.
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