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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Yet Russian economy grew faster than UK and Germany. Still holds over 60% of Ukrainian land and Crimea and is slowly getting more. What Russia did was wrong, but lets not put lipstick on a pig.

Russia controls about 17-18% of Ukrainian territory total, with 8% of that from 2014. After Russia retreated from Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson Russia only controls an additional 10%.

Russia is nowhere close to 60% :lol:
All these clown don't realise that the longer the range of weapons the West supplies, The deeper the Russians will go into Ukraine.


The US is the greatest Nation in the world!

Deeper? Russian has lost over 50% of the territory they gained in March 2022. :lol:

The goal is the Donbas which they've nearly achieved. Should long range weapons be supplied and used against Russia, then mark my words that the Clown of Kiev will receive a rude awakening and the next target will be Kiev followed by Lviv. Make no mistake about it.
the initial claim was the same as it was already , european built a factory to build chemical weapon for iraq , gave them the precoursor for running the factory and hide the manifest while pretty well knew what iraq is doing

you literally built the factory fore them

but i didn't brought it up first , the issue brought up by you and another guy here , just go back in chain of the posts and you 'll see

just 3 people and I'm sure they later pardoned , just like American soldiers for killing and raping Iraq citizen , they always get acquitted in USA court , the only time they sentenced in a USA court every one acquitted just one sentenced and the guy released in less than 1 year because he just raped and then killed a family of Iraqi.

Dutch government is

while uk government knew iraq is using mustard gas and every one knew why iraq want that factory , by the way who care about denmark when , british , france germany , dutch, and .....were in it
No, the initial claim was that Europeans shipped Chemical Weapons to Iraq.
Claim not supported by facts,

Now the claim is that Europeans built a Chemical Weapons factory
It is known that some banks funded a factory to produce Chlorine.
Chlorine is not a Chemical Weapon.
Claim not supported by facts.

A precursor is not a Chemical Weapon.
Chlorine and Ethylen are precursors to Mustard Gas. It means nothing.
Claim not supported by facts.

You claim that ”everyone knew”.
Claim not supported by facts,

You claim that ”Europe” is responsible for what individuals do.
That makes you equivalent to those that blame all Muslims for terrorist acts.
That kind of thinking also makes You responsible for those terrorist acts.
Not surprising from someone that thinks killing civilians is ”fun”.
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Russia controls about 17-18% of Ukrainian territory total, with 8% of that from 2014. After Russia retreated from Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson Russia only controls an additional 10%.

Russia is nowhere close to 60% :lol:
They hold maybe 60% of what they announced they annexed - LOL.
The goal is the Donbas which they've nearly achieved. Should long range weapons be supplied and used against Russia, then mark my words that the Clown of Kiev will receive a rude awakening and the next target will be Kiev followed by Lviv. Make no mistake about it.
Putin wouldve died of old age decades before the russians would reach Kiev let alone Lviv.

Was it a mistake by Putin suspending the nucle arms control? Doesnt that give the US an advantage legally allowing them to produce new types of nuclear weapons and widen the nuclear sharing policy?
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Russia controls about 17-18% of Ukrainian territory total, with 8% of that from 2014. After Russia retreated from Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Kherson Russia only controls an additional 10%.

Russia is nowhere close to 60% :lol:
When I said 60% I was referring to 60% of what they originally took. Ukraine in its counter offensive pushed Russia back. Sorry if I wasn't too clear and caused confusion.

Putin: It is impossible to outpace Russia on the battlefield.

Putin: The more ranged weapons they get, the more we will have to push their limits back.
Putin: The values of honor and trust are not for the West.
Putin: The wars waged by the West under the banner of democracy have displaced hundreds of millions.

Putin: The West waged a hot war against us, an information war, a propaganda war, an economic war, a comprehensive war, but we will win and we will defeat them.

Putin: It is impossible to outpace Russia on the battlefield.

Putin: The more ranged weapons they get, the more we will have to push their limits back.
Putin: The values of honor and trust are not for the West.
Putin: The wars waged by the West under the banner of democracy have displaced hundreds of millions.

Putin: The West waged a hot war against us, an information war, a propaganda war, an economic war, a comprehensive war, but we will win and we will defeat them.
It was somewhat strange watching a head figure of an autocracy claiming moral high ground while defending the world against evil. I highly doubt it resonates beyond the pro russian twitterverse.

Chairman of the Russian Defense Committee Kartapolov 🇷🇺:
Now that we have suspended our participation in the Nuclear Weapons Reduction Treaty with the United States of America, we can increase the number of nuclear warheads at any time.

These news do not bode well
Today, the US ambassador to Russia was summoned, and she was asked to urge America and NATO to withdraw their forces from Ukraine.. They told her that the American forces in Ukraine and the weapons were legitimate targets..

Russia: Starting today, the generals, officers and personnel of the US and NATO forces and their equipment, who are on Ukrainian soil, are legitimate targets for the Russian Armed Forces.

Putin asks the Ministry of Defense to prepare for nuclear tests

Medvedev: America cannot wage war against Russia and then demand strategic stability

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