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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

There are an incredible spectrum of possible scenarios that could play out. Some are likely some are not. The one I said is firmly in the latter category.

Once the Nukes start flying , they will all fly . it’s MAD
So u r saying that USA will go full nuclear if Russia use tactical nukes in ukriane?

So why not simply put ukriane in NATO?

Slowly but surely the Russians are delivering the death blow as predicted by many. Judging by your posts nowadays I can sense pessimism in your tone. I hope you are not down and out...

There are an incredible spectrum of possible scenarios that could play out. Some are likely some are not. The one I said is firmly in the latter category.

Once the Nukes start flying , they will all fly . it’s MAD

You know what the irony is? The Western powers used to drool at the prospect of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Just look at them now. The prospect of a nuclear war on Western shores is today not only a possibility, but a tragic reality.
Those of you arguing that Russians are winning and everything else is a western conspiracy, tell me. Which direction has the map of control been moving the past few months? Which side regained nearly 50% of their territory the past few months? Which country is exhausting more resources and what are they gaining in exchange?
Slowly but surely the Russians are delivering the death blow as predicted by many. Judging by your posts nowadays I can sense pessimism in your tone. I hope you are not down and out...

You know what the irony is? The Western powers used to drool at the prospect of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan. Just look at them now. The prospect of a nuclear war on Western shores is today not only a possibility, but a tragic reality.
What “tone”?
His usual posts are mostly videos of russians being blown up. Lately a lot of them
So u r saying that USA will go full nuclear if Russia use tactical nukes in ukriane?

So why not simply put ukriane in NATO?

That is not the case in practice. Read the Budapest Memorandum. USA and UK (as well as Russia) are guarantors of Ukraine's sovereignty including in the face of a threat from a nuclear power
That is not the case in practice. Read the Budapest Memorandum. USA and UK (as well as Russia) are guarantors of Ukraine's sovereignty including in the face of a threat from a nuclear power
Budapest agreement is same as NATO assurance it wouldn't move an inch further

Had Budapest agreement been followed neither NATO would have expanded not ukriane would have been attacked

Biden set to speak in Poland

What is grandpa going to say?

Tell that to the 2 million soldiers , that had to freeze this winter , in WW1 style trenches.

You reckon they will be convinced ?


I have never seen you this stressed out. Just let it go and relax.
Budapest agreement is same as NATO assurance it wouldn't move an inch further

Had Budapest agreement been followed neither NATO would have expanded not ukriane would have been attacked
A memorandum or memo is a written message, an intent to do something. it’s not an obligation, in short a worthless piece of paper. You can’t compare a memo to a membership in the NATO. I can make a memo I want to buy a Rolex, but let’s see f I will win in lottery. That’s why Putin ignored the memo. Putin is someone who doesn’t respect weakness. He makes judo he is proud that he broke someone’s arm when he was young.
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