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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2


Russia still making the same mistakes :disagree:
Summary on Putin state of the union address

In short he blames everything on the West, Ukraine is a slave, Russia is doing well.

Translation: Putin links his fate and the fate of Russia to the war in Ukraine. There is no way out. It’s not like USSR withdrawing from Afghanistan then everything would be ok. Even if he withdraws the army tomorrow Russia is ruined forever.
the aim of Ukraine and the West now is increasing more deaths, more wounded, more economic pains, more isolations to Russia to an unsustainable level. To a level that he gives up.

Summary on Putin state of the union address

In short he blames everything on the West, Ukraine is a slave, Russia is doing well.

Translation: Putin links his fate and the fate of Russia to the war in Ukraine. There is no way out. It’s not like USSR withdrawing from Afghanistan then everything would be ok. Even if he withdraws the army tomorrow Russia is ruined forever.
the aim of Ukraine and the West now is increasing more deaths, more wounded, more economic pains, more isolations to Russia to an unsustainable level. To a level that he gives up.

To level he gives up or uses nukes.
One would ask why would he use nukes?
Well why wouldn't he?
Ukriane doesn't has nukes
Unless Ukriane procures nuclear weapons nukes are on the table

If ukriane joins NATO or procures nukes then may be not
To level he gives up or uses nukes.
One would ask why would he use nukes?
Well why wouldn't he?
Ukriane doesn't has nukes
Unless Ukriane procures nuclear weapons nukes are on the table

If ukriane joins NATO or procures nukes then may be not
You put it perfectly -
if Ukraine didn't have nukes - use the advantage, also Russia has attacked Urk in right time just before Joining Nato.
If Ukraine had nukes Russia would use them anyway,
Catch 22 for Ukr to be honest. Nukles are perfectly placed on the table BUT MEDIA is buying time to AVOID THIS SCENERIO.
You put it perfectly -
if Ukraine didn't have nukes - use the advantage, also Russia has attacked Urk in right time just before Joining Nato.
If Ukraine had nukes Russia would use them anyway,
Catch 22 for Ukr to be honest. Nukles are perfectly placed on the table BUT MEDIA is buying time to AVOID THIS SCENERIO.
People think nukes use will destroy the planet or something.

Russia can easily deploy tactical nukes (low yield 1mt low radiation)if it loses and it will uses them on key locations causing.

USA can then attack proper Russia with NATO and Europe can get nukes in response or NATO will chicken out.

It's as simple as that.

USA has 50% chance to intercept Russian mobile blastic missiles Europe has less then 10%
Russia plans to take over Belarus.
Putin seems not to happy with Lukashenko. Lukashenko himself doesn’t trust Russia too much he orders the establishment of a voluntary territorial defense army of 100,000-150,000 men modeled after Ukraine territorial defense army.
Meanwhile China blames everyone everywhere but Russia for the escalation of the conflict.
China doesn’t say “war”.

Ukraine-Überblick: Ukrainische Soldaten bei einer Übung nahe der Grenze zu Belarus

Ukrainische Soldaten bei einer Übung nahe der Grenze zu Belarus © Sergei Supinksy/AFP/Getty Images
(Ukraine army at an exercise near Belarus border)

It would be funny if Russia occupies Belarus . Only friend Russia has left and they invade + occupy it.

Russia is in expansionist mood it seems. Wonder if a secret stash of Nazis will be found in Belarus aswell ?

Russia 'aims to "absorb" Belarus by 2030​

I am blown away at the one-sided posting on this forum. I think it does the Ukrainians a dis-service when people just cheerlead propaganda. Ukraine's losses are mind numbing. Dropping a grenade on an idle tank, with an open hatch is not a winning strategy. It is a simple propaganda meant to make people believe in a lie that somehow Ukraine is winning this war (in order to continue the flow of dollars and poor men to the front). Russian is grinding whatever is left of Ukrainian men. I have to give them (Ukrainians) my greatest respect on how they fight, it is truly commendable, but these men are being lost due to the corruption/racism/greed of some Elites within Ukraine and the West's rapacious desire to create trouble everywhere. The West is masterful in sowing hatred among brothers. No one should buy that Ukraine is winning. Russia is advancing and will reach a point in a few weeks where they will have the ability to break out onto the plains. The real question now is whether they can breakout before the thaw, and also how many innocents will be lead to slaughter by greed.

Hundreds and thousands Ukrainians have died since the beginning of this war ? The question is if Putin prevails how many millions of Ukrainians will be liquidated and how many more as a result of appeasing a Tyrant,
To level he gives up or uses nukes.
One would ask why would he use nukes?
Well why wouldn't he?
Ukriane doesn't has nukes
Unless Ukriane procures nuclear weapons nukes are on the table

If ukriane joins NATO or procures nukes then may be not
The possibility Putin resorts to Nuke is 50 percent. The only thing that can prevent him of using nukes are potential negative reactions of the US, West, NATO, China, India, Pakistan, NK and other when using nukes. Conventionally Russia already loses the war. Putin can avoid the immediate defeat by sacrificing more hundreds thousands of Russians. But he can’t avoid the defeat eventually.

The US, NATO have plans to respond to Soviet’s Nukes. They will use the same plans to respond to Russia nukes.
yes not shipping chemical weapon.

Ok, so you finally admitted that your initial claim was false.
just gave a device to saddam and give him agent A and Agent b and tell him put agent a and agent b in the device and the output would be something nasty.
And now comes another claim without facts.
You have not proven that Iraq got instructions how to create Mustard gas from anyone. This is old technology. You can probably download this on internet.

by the way Iran had all the proof , I'm sure mods here won't appreciate it if i start posting hundreds of photo of the children exposed to those agents
and according to the article i post here the hiding the shipping manifest was done by Dutch official not some random criminal so , no the Europe was very well aware of what they were doing . iraq chemical weapon factory was not designed by Iraqi themself it was built by Europeans engineer and technicians and was financed by Europeans banks
You should not have brought up the issue in the thread in the first place.

You forget mentioning that people were prosecuted and convicted for violating export restrictions.
A ”Dutch Official” is not ”Europe” and official can also break the law.
And hiding a manifest of what? Ethylene, Chlorine, whatever?
Just claims - no facts.

Can you explain why Denmark is responsible for someone in Netherlands violating the law? Why would they know about it in the first place.

The UK banks financed a factory to build Chlorine, not Mustard gas.
Just claims - no facts.
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