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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

I am blown away at the one-sided posting on this forum. I think it does the Ukrainians a dis-service when people just cheerlead propaganda. Ukraine's losses are mind numbing. Dropping a grenade on an idle tank, with an open hatch is not a winning strategy. It is a simple propaganda meant to make people believe in a lie that somehow Ukraine is winning this war (in order to continue the flow of dollars and poor men to the front). Russian is grinding whatever is left of Ukrainian men. I have to give them (Ukrainians) my greatest respect on how they fight, it is truly commendable, but these men are being lost due to the corruption/racism/greed of some Elites within Ukraine and the West's rapacious desire to create trouble everywhere. The West is masterful in sowing hatred among brothers. No one should buy that Ukraine is winning. Russia is advancing and will reach a point in a few weeks where they will have the ability to break out onto the plains. The real question now is whether they can breakout before the thaw, and also how many innocents will be lead to slaughter by greed.

Tell that to Putin too who's sending Russians in waves in the slaughter and for what motives ?
I am blown away at the one-sided posting on this forum. I think it does the Ukrainians a dis-service when people just cheerlead propaganda. Ukraine's losses are mind numbing. Dropping a grenade on an idle tank, with an open hatch is not a winning strategy. It is a simple propaganda meant to make people believe in a lie that somehow Ukraine is winning this war (in order to continue the flow of dollars and poor men to the front). Russian is grinding whatever is left of Ukrainian men. I have to give them (Ukrainians) my greatest respect on how they fight, it is truly commendable, but these men are being lost due to the corruption/racism/greed of some Elites within Ukraine and the West's rapacious desire to create trouble everywhere. The West is masterful in sowing hatred among brothers. No one should buy that Ukraine is winning. Russia is advancing and will reach a point in a few weeks where they will have the ability to break out onto the plains. The real question now is whether they can breakout before the thaw, and also how many innocents will be lead to slaughter by greed.
Kind of strange pointing your finger claiming one-sidedness, and then basically parrot russian propaganda.

New $460M package
He doesnt wear suit and tie to make feel comfortable Ukrainian people, so they think, what a cool guy, he's like us.

But Ukrainian soldiers die and he lives, so it's not the same thing, even if he wear the same clothes.
What is your point? Do you think the ukrainians would benefit from the ukrainian leadership ending up as russian prisoners or dead?
What is your point? Do you think the ukrainians would benefit from the ukrainian leadership ending up as russian prisoners or dead?
My point is that he should wear suit and tie, and stop deceiving idiots.

He's a USA sponsored populist.

Like Venezuelan leaders, but with USA support.


Wear a fucking suit and dont wear like common people if you dont live like comon people, liar.
Kind of strange pointing your finger claiming one-sidedness, and then basically parrot russian propaganda.
So I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that men are being led to slaughter.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say Russia is grinding Ukrainian men and material. Yes Russia has massive losses too but has the capacity to withstand that over the longer run.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that the Minsk accord sabotaged by the a small group in the West was the way to settle this.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that NATO expansion is the cause belli for this war, and Russian security guarantees should have been considered.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say I am respectful of Ukrainian resolve and bravery, and that their deaths are tragic.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that Russian onslaught will be taking on a new level of seriousness and lethality that Ukraine has not seen since the beginning of the war.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that in the end this ends on a negotiating table, and whenever we think of loosing one more Ukrainian and Russian it is sad that they will die between now and then.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that infrastructurally Ukraine has been destroyed as a nation.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say only people to benefit in this war is the monied interests in the Military Industrial Complex.
USA, Russia, Europe, UK - no one benefits from this war. Only the select Military Industrial complex in Western capitals and China are beneficiaries of this.
If you want to jump off the cliff simply because of your own hubris, be my guest.
Here is a perfect example of false info.
If anyone understands the Bakhmut battle - Russia is not throwing everything at it. The active frontline is over 600 miles long and Russia is engaged all along. There are two areas where there is a concentration and Bakhmut is not one of them.

In Bakhmut the primary force from the Russian side is Wagner - not even the regular forces. Bkahmut has been a slog. The Russian's withdrew from this town and established firing lines. Then they waited for the Ukrainians to flood this area. At this point once Ukrainian concentration was established the Russian from their reasonably well defended positions and on the basis of an almost 4-1 artillery advantage, dueled it out. Ukraine suffered massive casualties perhaps nearly 4000 men. Russia did not do a frontal assault. They kept grinding Ukrainian asset in and around Bakhmut.

At this point they have more or less surrounded Bakhmut from 3 sides, leaving one killing zone open to allow for more resources in, which the Ukrainians obliged for some time. At some point Ukrainians realized this failure of tactic, after horrendous losses and have now more or less moved out. Russia is in no rush to move in. They are trying to develop kill zones like Bakhmut all along the frontline.

This is the type of mind-numbing propaganda that is killing the poor Ukrainians.
So I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that men are being led to slaughter.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say Russia is grinding Ukrainian men and material. Yes Russia has massive losses too but has the capacity to withstand that over the longer run.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that the Minsk accord sabotaged by the a small group in the West was the way to settle this.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that NATO expansion is the cause belli for this war, and Russian security guarantees should have been considered.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say I am respectful of Ukrainian resolve and bravery, and that their deaths are tragic.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that Russian onslaught will be taking on a new level of seriousness and lethality that Ukraine has not seen since the beginning of the war.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that in the end this ends on a negotiating table, and whenever we think of loosing one more Ukrainian and Russian it is sad that they will die between now and then.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say that infrastructurally Ukraine has been destroyed as a nation.
I am parroting Russian propaganda when I say only people to benefit in this war is the monied interests in the Military Industrial Complex.
USA, Russia, Europe, UK - no one benefits from this war. Only the select Military Industrial complex in Western capitals and China are beneficiaries of this.
If you want to jump off the cliff simply because of your own hubris, be my guest.
You forgot this “I have to give them (Ukrainians) my greatest respect on how they fight, it is truly commendable, but these men are being lost due to the corruption/racism/greed of some Elites within Ukraine and the West's rapacious desire to create trouble everywhere. The West is masterful in sowing hatred among brothers.” .. Which basically was the entire agenda of your post - blame the West, eventhough its obvious Russia is the only reason Ukraine is facing hardship. Russia has been preparing for this for decades, destabilizing Ukraine, feeding corruption, instigating unrest, supporting “seperatists” with russian soldiers, spoonfeeding the russian population with anti ukrainian and anti western retoric and the rewriting of history in order to justifying an invasion.

And people like you simply bought it because: my enemys enemy is my friend. The West doesnt like it, lets pretend we believe this russian narrative.
France has been consistent in that it was soft on russia, and from the start wanted to offer Putin an “out”.

This falls in the same line.
Tbh - frankly speaking after the US ditched France - Australia Submarine $90 Billion deal to FAIL - France lost 400k jobs in its local market over this deal. Obviously France was going to be soft with Russia.
Here is a perfect example of false info.
If anyone understands the Bakhmut battle - Russia is not throwing everything at it. The active frontline is over 600 miles long and Russia is engaged all along. There are two areas where there is a concentration and Bakhmut is not one of them.

In Bakhmut the primary force from the Russian side is Wagner - not even the regular forces. Bkahmut has been a slog. The Russian's withdrew from this town and established firing lines. Then they waited for the Ukrainians to flood this area. At this point once Ukrainian concentration was established the Russian from their reasonably well defended positions and on the basis of an almost 4-1 artillery advantage, dueled it out. Ukraine suffered massive casualties perhaps nearly 4000 men. Russia did not do a frontal assault. They kept grinding Ukrainian asset in and around Bakhmut.

At this point they have more or less surrounded Bakhmut from 3 sides, leaving one killing zone open to allow for more resources in, which the Ukrainians obliged for some time. At some point Ukrainians realized this failure of tactic, after horrendous losses and have now more or less moved out. Russia is in no rush to move in. They are trying to develop kill zones like Bakhmut all along the frontline.

This is the type of mind-numbing propaganda that is killing the poor Ukrainians.
The Wagner group made progress, however minor, because they werent following sovjet doctrines like the russian army, where no one does anything unless given specific orders. Wagner achieved this progress at the cost of very heavy casualties. The ukrainians defending from fortified position against platoon sized infantry assaults, and you claim ukrainians are the ones taking losses? And how did the Russians even withdrew from a town they never set foot in?
Lets see for how long the russian regular army can sustain losses like the Wagner group could sending human trash against fortified trenches.
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